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Why do gamers want every game to be the same??

Posted: 2004-06-11 10:23pm
by Stark
So I'm downloading all the new UT2k4 mods that recently came out; alot of them are still in alpha. So I mosey on into the forums, to see what their status is, what their plans are etc. And what do I see?

Everyone posting wants every game to be CS or BF. If its inventory based, they want classes. They want each side to be different, even if its military. They want medics and engineers, even in games focussed on small-unit tactics. They all want vehicles, even in interior infantry mods. They want RPG-style upgrade systems, even in round-based games. They wand everything to have a countermeasure, and if there's no shotgun they say they need one, even if its frickin cyborg combat.

Oh, and they all want sniper rifles. Even in frickin ALIEN SWARM, which is TOP DOWN. Gah.

So what is it? Are they all just 14 years old? Do people really not have the capacity to accept different games? Do they not want to learn how a new game works? Its maddening; I'm glad now that dev teams ignore all this rubbish, or no mod would have any character at all.

Posted: 2004-06-11 10:30pm
by Utsanomiko
A large, loud, and possibly entirely pre-pubescent mass of gamers out there are simply greedy little ignorant tits. They want every feature they can image in a game no matter how useless or counterproductive it is to the desired gameplay. It'd help if they didn't have the creativity of a walnut; they could at least devise original ideas that don't improve or add to a mod. It amazes me somedays how kids who spend so much time playing games can be so oblivious to how they function on even the most basic stimuli->reaction->reward principle.

Posted: 2004-06-11 11:32pm
by Uraniun235
Because they want it all. God forbid they have to go without their precious tanks for a moment while they play a different game.

Posted: 2004-06-12 03:30am
by Slartibartfast
I wanted a rocket launcher in Counter Strike.

Posted: 2004-06-12 05:50am
by Spyder
Make them play "The Longest Journey".

Posted: 2004-06-12 07:12am
by Bob McDob
Or better yet, Zork.

Posted: 2004-06-12 12:34pm
by RedImperator
You want morons requesting ridiculous features? Try any Sim City message board. The threads usually go like this:
Little Retard wrote:I think it would be cool if you could go to war with other cities. And you cuild build defenses for your cities, and tanks and soldiers to attack. And it would all be in real time.
Someone with a brain wrote:They released that game already. It's called Command and Conquer, numbskull.
Just kidding. Nobody ever says that second thing.

Posted: 2004-06-12 01:15pm
by White Haven
See, there's your first mistake. The words 'UT2K4 message board' should send anyone who doesn't /want/ to speak and read fluent 1337 running for the hulls. Where gaming communities are concerned, I take a map of the internet (okay, okay, not really, but a good metaphor in this case!) and draw a big X through the popular first-person-shooter forums and sites. Not that I don't play some of those /games/, but I'm not quite enough of a digital masochist to put myself through their immaturity. That's the great thing about games that get panned for being too complex, little kiddies take one look, shudder, and walk away. Y'see many people acting that way on the I-War 2 forums? Homeworld? Y'always get some, but mosta the immature feature-whinin crowd doesn't really want to have to work their brains for their leisure time. Hence...why they ask for features without thinking, yes?

Posted: 2004-06-12 01:59pm
by Vendetta
If they'd wanted innovation, they'd have bought a Nintendo system, now wouldn't they...

People don't but endless FPS games which are all nearly the same anyway because they're looking for the next Viewtiful Joe, after all.

Posted: 2004-06-12 11:25pm
by White Haven
Ah, yes, innovation, from the same company that brought you too many bloody Mario games to count, and then even more games that offer the same gameplay but a different label. Not to say they don't have a few gems here and there, probability theory dictates that one or two slip through despite all they do to stop it.

Posted: 2004-06-12 11:32pm
by Uraniun235
Vendetta wrote:If they'd wanted innovation, they'd have bought a Nintendo system, now wouldn't they...

People don't but endless FPS games which are all nearly the same anyway because they're looking for the next Viewtiful Joe, after all.
I really don't see what the problem is with enjoying a different approach to the same concept - or do you see no difference between Verdi and Mozart's respective compositions of the Requiem?

Actually, a more accurate comparison would be "do you see no difference between two different choirs' performances of Mozart's Requiem?", but I think you get my point.

Posted: 2004-06-12 11:59pm
by AnimeJet
Just look at the new Zelda game.. Oh noes, nintendo just had to give in to those damned fanboys that started Zelda with OoT.

And if anyone plays animal crossing.. can you imagine.. there are people out there that want you to have meters measuring your hunger, sleepiness, etc. Hello, The Sims?!

Posted: 2004-06-13 01:56am
by Howedar
RedImperator wrote:You want morons requesting ridiculous features? Try any Sim City message board. The threads usually go like this:
Little Retard wrote:I think it would be cool if you could go to war with other cities. And you cuild build defenses for your cities, and tanks and soldiers to attack. And it would all be in real time.
Someone with a brain wrote:They released that game already. It's called Command and Conquer, numbskull.
Just kidding. Nobody ever says that second thing.
You're joking.

Posted: 2004-06-13 02:02am
by DPDarkPrimus
Why do gamers want every game to be the same??
Because they touch themselves at night.

Also, because they are morons who don't realize that differences are what makes game good.

Posted: 2004-06-13 02:26am
by Bugsby
I think you are correct in your guess that they dont want to learn a new game. IF someone can master ONE FPS, then they think that makes them espcecially qualified to be good at ALL FPSs. If someone always plays Sniper in TFC and gets very good at that, then they will want all of their games to have a sniper with the same dynamic as the TFC sniper, because they are already good with that. When simple minds are presented with something new, they get scared. They want the good old easy class that they were born with. And if they cant get it, they get scared. So very scared.

Posted: 2004-06-13 02:56am
by phongn
Howedar wrote:You're joking.
He's not.

Posted: 2004-06-13 05:37am
It's like a drug, dude. If you get addicted to smack, you want smack, smack, smack, gimme smack, gotta shoot up, need my fix, smacky smack smack.

Not coke.