STGOD History/Dramatis Personae

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STGOD History/Dramatis Personae

Post by Thirdfain »

I missed a lot, in particular in the characters section. If there's any events you want me to add, chronology you want me to change, or any characters (Characters who've gotten more than just a post or two of mention, please!) you'd like put in, then PM me with it. I don't know much about some empires, (Baeloreans, Gladsheim, Asgard, in particular) so please feel free to correct me.

This is far from complete, and I'll need your help to make it right.

STGOD Quik History

Month 1:

-Covenant of God invades Nashtar, is defeated
-Hajr invades NPC nation Jormungandr, succeeds
-Multi-nation Task Force of Krytos, Nashtar, Arcanists, and Hajr mercenary forces counterattack Covenant, complete victory in days. Covenant divied -up between all participants
-Hajr invades Jardan, succeeds but does not occupy. Jardan undergoes political coup and receeds from international politics

Month 2:

-Quintuple Alliance between the Republic of Nashtar, the United Protectorates, the Arcane Empire, the Psilon Imperium, and the Krytos Star Empire is formed. Dominant power bloc in Galaxy.
-Relations between Grand Empire of Gladsheim and the Veithan Empire improve.
-First Contact with the Baeloreans.
-First Contact with the Ravenlock Consortium
-Revolts break out against the Nashtar and Arcane occupation forces on the Covenant Homeworld. These revolts are incited and funded by the Hajr in secret.
-First Contact with the Krynor Star Empire, a Goa'ould nation.
-Pirate Attacks in Arcane Empire and Covenant of God, funded in secret by the Hajr puppet, the Basque Industrial Corporation
-Treaty of Catalonia between Asgard Empire and Hajr returns Jormungandr to local rule, but the Hajr still controls the system.
-Krynor forces attack and conquer NPC systems Camaro and Vivel-4.
-Veithans bring 2 NPC nations under their control, Manasa and Myheri.

Month 3:

-First Contact with Rh'lorran Empire, almost turns into war when Rh'lorrans begin mining worlds claimed by the Hajr. Situation defused.
-Krynor begins covert ops in Covenant, clumsy and quickly discovered.
-Veithan Empire opens up relations with Ravenlock Consortium, laying the groundwork for the Veithan Sphere alliance.
-Rh'lorran/Krynor alliance forms.
-Quintuple Alliance attacks Krynor Star Empire, forces them out of Known Space. Krynor maintain bases under Rhlorran protection in a variety of systems, notably the heavily industrialised system of Sparta.
-First Contact with the Overseer, aka. Mechanoids, Siliconoids, or simply Machines. Machine embassay established in Arcane home system.
-Civil Wart erupts in Asgard Empire, external communication all but cut off.
-Floater Clusters in Arcane Empire leave in protest of brutal Arcanist methods in putting down Ix'agal riots. They steal some Arcane magic books, which leads to a major incident as Arcane troops board a Floater Cluster in the Sol System, breaching the Peace of Terra and almost starting a war between Monacora and the Arcane Empire. Magic books end up in the hands of Monacora and the Hajr.

Month 4:

-Protectorate Troops arrive on Ix'agal, and quash Covenant resistance with extreme prejudice. Hajr agents go underground, their network remains in place.
-Alpha Prime diplomatic meet between major powers, the Machines, and the Krynor. The Krynor agree to give up some of their naval strength in exchange for pece with the Alliance. Machines ask to build mining outposts in other nation's territory, and are refused.
-Grand Ball on Monacora brings together high officials and Presidents from across Known Space.
-During Grand Ball, Krynori-funded rebels in the new Republic of Jardan attack loyal forces. Hajr warships rally loyalists, Krynor fleet takes flight.
-Hajr Power Play following Krynor rebellion in Jardan. Hajr forces strike to retake Camaro, Hajr/Krell mercenary/Monacoran task force strikes at Sparta. Quintuple Alliance fights main Krynor fleet over Camaro and wins despite heavy casualties. Krynor Empire effectively destroyed, it's leaders all slain.
-Vampire Casimir the Demon takes over the Realm of the Blood King, bringing the Vampires more into public politics.
-Krynor Empire split up between the Krell, the Hajr, and the Monacorans. Some systems taken by the Arcanists, who begin massacreing Goa'ould.
-At the end of the Grand Ball, major fleet of Machine ships attacks Earth. Various forces tied up in combat with the Krynor are unable to arrive in time, Earth is devastated and a number of officials and high officers are killed. Machine fleet destroyed in Earth's atmosphere, showering the planet with toxic debris.
-Most Nations meet on Terra. An anti-machine Alliance, called the Unification, is formed, with Monacora as the main member. Krell hired to hunt the Machines down.
-Vampires open up diplomatic relations with Hajr. Hajr shipyard equipment sold to Vampires in exchange for magical research assistance.
-First Contact with Shi Combine and Atlantean Empire. Both fight the Machines. Atlanteans open friendly negotiations with the Quintuple Alliance.

Month 5:

-Shi Combine battles Machines in it's systems, wins via usage of orbital bombardment.
-Arcanist Diplomat killed by Monacoran guards when he teleports into Monacoran military base unnanounced. Incident defused.
-Small revolt on Arcane homeworld, the ruling council's shadow members decide to reveal their names to the people, ending the revolt. The Arcane Council of Seven is no longer protected by anonmimity.
-Alliance between Ravenlock, Veitha, and Gladsheim solidifies.
-Raistlin Majere, major Arcane leader, heads to Terra to discuss with Monacoran Political Prince. There, he is shot and killed by Hajr snipers posing as Free Ix'agal resistance fighters. Raistlin's body guard kills the sniper and a civilian, and is interned in a monacoran jail for the civilian's murder.
-Machine embassy discovered in Arcane Territory, implicating the Arcanists in the Rape of Terra. Krell Combine, as per it's contract, sends fleet to Arcanist homeworld where, along with others, it succeeds in defeating the Arcane navy. Arcanists leave Known Space, branded as traitors to life. Machines almost certainly planted evidence, but the fact the arcanists hid the embassy is considered damning.
-Ousters, Vampires, Veithans, Ravenlock, Monacora and Gladsheim split up Arcane Empire, despite heavy opposition by the Quintuple Alliance (which now lacks the psilons and the Arcanists, but has gained the Atlanteans.) War almost breaks out between the Hajr and the Protectorate over this. Protectorate backs down, and the Treaty of Temesvar legitimizes the conquests.
-Hajr and Monacorans agree to jointly patrol and control Krynor worlds formerly held by the Arcanists. Transfer of power goes smoothly.
-Hajr opens up it's Arcane territories to Floater refugees.
-Rebels on Covenant worlds formerly held by the Arcanists win their freedom. Weapons, bought by the Hajr in secret, are shipped in bulk to the newly freed Covenant worlds.
-Reconstruction of Terra continues, with major sources of help being the Baeloreans and the Hajr.
-Machine fleets attack Rh'lorran home ringworld, destroying almost all life, while Rh'lorran forces are engaged in battle with Arcanists.
- Location of the Hajr's home systems, Elysium, is discovered and becomes public knowledge.

Month 6:

-First Contact, Confederacy of Itsil
-First Contact, The Union
-Asgard re-open communications after crushing revolt. Treaty between Asgard and Monacora quickly forms.
-Monacora brings Jardan under it's control as a client state. Jardan Fleet comes under Monacoran Command, making Monacora a major naval power.
-Krytos agents bomb some Hajr occupied worlds, killing a handful of troops. One agent slain.
-Krytos-based Floaters from Shiva open trade with Civilian Ouster clusters, under the Hajr's watchful eye.
-Hajr Launches 4th War Cluster, funded by it's vast conquests. Now the largest naval and territorial power in Known Space.
-Protectorate moves to re-occupy freed Covenant worlds with Atlantean support. Decides to give the worlds to the Monacorans instead.
-First Contact with Draconis Empire, which quickly joins the Quintuple Alliance.
-Machine Assets attacked by Unification forces, Nashtar Republic, and Krell Combine. Machine bases destroyed, chances of Machine reconstruction diminish. Hajr shipyards found as part of Machine bases, dismissed as Machine plot.
-Union opens up friendly relations with Quintuple Alliance.
-Draconis Empire runs play "Springtime for Hitler," considered in horrific taste considering the recent attack on Earth. Many nations insulted.
-Karsus, Leader of the Arcanists, is turned over to Monacoran forces for questioning and trial as a collaborator with the Machines.
-Karsus assassinated in prison. Only clue found is a bloody handprint on the wall.
-Last Arcanist in Known Space is Raistlin's bodyguard in a Monacoran prison for the murder of a civilian.
- Asgard Police Action against NPC People's Interplanetary Republic successful, area annexed.

Month 7:

-White Sun Confederation makes first contact, opens up secret talks with the Protectorate concerning the Hajr.
-Ships bearing the flag of the Oceania Union make contact with the Asgard Star Empire. Their source is unknown.
-Star Kingdom of Manticore makes First contact with Moncoran Empire.
-Rh'llorans leave Known Space after having homeworld destroyed by the Machines. A third of their ships come under Monacoran control, further increasing that nation's strength.
-Krell Combine attacks Machine Empire in force, destroys Overseer. All machines shut down. Victory of the organics against the Machines.
-Krell Combine no longer bound by contract to the Monacorans.
-Ravenlock trade-meet begins in Arcane Empire's former territory.
-Lying Darkness intel op at Trademeet fails. Accord fleet gives chase.
-Hajr withdraws warships to Eketrina for reasons unknown.
- Shi conquer independent world of Pardah through black ops.
- Confederacy of Itsil passes bill liberating human populace, to public adulation.
- UPA expands rapidly, with the Draconis Republic, the Union, and the White Sun all seeking full membership.
- Shi join UP through marriage of convenience. UPA is now a rising star in the wake of the Hajr withdrawals.
- Accord fleet corners and smashes Lying Darkness, removing them from efffective play.
- UPA fleets invade assortment of worlds. UP attacks Fascist state Amarr, Draconis attack pirate world New Tortuga.

Month 8

- Amarr falls to United Protectorate invasion.
- Baelorean arcologies completed on Earth, marking the beginning of new large-scale habitation post-Rape.
- Tortugan situation becomes more chaotic. Draconis take heavy casualties in landing, and Tortugan fleet escapes.
- Chancellor Spyder cleans up Minmatar Freehold government after protracted shadow war against Hajr agents and spies. Spyder assassinated, Red Hand symbol left at the site. Spyder returns from dead, for reasons unknown. Opens up diplomatic relations with UPA and other powers including the Hajr.
- Monacora offers ultimatum to Draconis Republic to cease their invasion of Tortuga, with the backing of many major powers. Threats of war are issued.
- Draconis back off. War is averted, and some social unrest occurs in the Draconis Republic as a result. Asgard forces commence re-building Tortuga.
- Etern proclaim project to protect and support two dozen low-tech systems to protect against foreign agression. International support or derision declared, with Asgard Empire and UP aligned nations supporting, Monacora, Hajr, and other Unification powers supporting.

Month 9

- Bomb goes off on Draconis homeworld, killing some senators.
- Treaty written up between Etern and assorted powers, allowing international surveys of the Etern expansion, stopping any possible exploitation.
- Fall on Hudson occurs, part of Ouster plot.
- Hajr blame White Suns Confederacy, but stay their hand for a Veithan Accord force to psi-sweep the White Suns leadership.
- Veithan Report inconclusive, but blames attack on the Lying Darkness. Blood Lords discount this, claiming they have tracked the Lying Darkness and found none of their taint.
- Hajr invades White Suns Confederacy on the cusp of Month 10.

Dramatis Personae

Krytos Star Empire
Emperor Reinhassu- Leader of the Krytos Star Empire, survivor of the Rape of Terra
Victor Davion- Leader of the Krytos-loyal Floater Cluster of Shiva. Krytosian spy.

Republic of Nashtar
President Major- Leader of the Republic of Nashtar, survivor of the Rape of Terra
Admiral Fisher- Distinguished veteran of the Machine Wars.

United Protectorates
Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews -Young leader of the United Protectorates. Survivor of the Rape of Terra, diplomat who has succeeded in knitting the powerful Quintuple Alliance.
Sir Brain Mattews- Cousin to the Lord Protector and heir, has well has chief diplomat
Fleet Admiral Andersen- Uncle to the Lord Protector and Navy Operation Chief.

Arcane Empire
Dalamar - Dark Elf, Raistlin's bodygaurd and protege. Powerful assassin and wizard, incarcerated by the Monacorans. Last Arcanist in Known Space, so this entry in the Dramatis Personae is also the complete OOB of the Arcane Empire.

Monacoran Empire
The Princes- Political and Military, the two Monacoran Princes are important leaders, both in combat and diplomatically.
General Fedayn- Commander of the Monacoran Special Forces, and commander of the Monacoran Intelligence branch, close advisor to the Military Prince.
Admiral Santiago- Semi-crazy leader of the Monacoran Fleet. Hero of the Machine Wars.

The Realm of the Blood King
King Casimir the Demon- Vampire King of the Realm of the Blood King
Basil the Red Handed- Powerful and ancient Vampire, close to Casimir. Weaver of webs, slayer of men and wizards, and Elanie's mentor in the ways of the Vampire.
Count Alexander Vaisilievich- Son of Basil the Red-Handed. Powerful blood-wizard, tasked with closing the Arcane portals and training Elanie.

The Hajr
Elanie su Madrighala- Ouster, Hajr Blackeyes Assassin trained in killing mages. Horribly crippled in the Rape of Terra, became a Vampire under Basil. Current shadow-queen of the Hajr.
Aleksandra su Jhalar- Ouster, Hajr Ambassador to the Vampires. Voice of the Hajr. Cold and imperious.
Speaker of the Hajr Celicia su Elysium-Ouster, Former leader of the Hajr. Now a puppet of Elanie's.
Risha su Miitgar- Ouster, Blackeyes Agent. Major force in the covert Hajr support of the Ix'agal revolts. Skillful, powerful, and well imbedded in the local resistance. Known as Sister Sarah.
Admiral Jerac su Fassar- Ouster admiral, hero of the 1st and 2cnd Jardan campaigns, the Krynor campaign, and Hajr representitive to the Unifcation. Now Elanie's puppet.

Ravenlock Consortium
Director Jon Cameron- Major power behind the Ravenlock Consortium. Died in the Rape of Terra, but was regrown in a clone body.
Admiral Radim- Hard bitten Ravenlock admiral. Representative to the Unification.
The Black Pigs- Special Forces SENTINEL team of the Ravenlock. Excellent soldiers.

The Krell Combine
Adar Krell- Leader of the Mercenary Krell Combine. Genius scientist said to have discovered immortality. A few screws are loose, following the death of his friend Emir in the Rape of Terra.
Faran Tor- Salesman and representative for the Krell Combine. A boisterous gentleman who got drunk at the Grand Ball. A little darker following the Rape of Terra.
Yrt Ztal- Krell assassin and special agent. Implanted with psi-enhancing devices before embarking on a mission to Manasa. Nearly insane due to psychic overflow, going to recieve training from the Veithan
Leego Diama- Newly Appointed head of the Krell navy. Subservient to Adar.

Veithan Empire
President Duvolle- Leader of the Veithans, diplomatic force in the Veithan/Ravenlock/Gladsheim sphere.
Black Tower- Powerful group of Telepaths who have limited precognition and see the future for the Empire.
Lillandra- Most powerful Telepath in the Black Tower. The anchor which allows them to do what they do.
Avery Cook- Veithan agent and assassin. Telepathic, extremely skillful. Defeated, but did not kill, Yrt Ztal on Manasa.
Jon Cameron- Veithan who oddly enough has the same name as a major Ravenlock leader. Powerful Prime telepath and leader of Veithan intelligence.

Grand Empire of Gladsheim
Empress Elena(?)- Leader of the Grand Empire.
Crown Prince Jorm- Enigmatic figure, diplomatic face for the Empress . Inveterate party-boy.
Liv Tjoerhorm- Admiral in charge of Gladsheim forces in the former Arcane Empire.

Asgard Empire
Emperor Andreas Gustav III - Leader of the Asgard Empire and prolong recipient. Somewhat dated viewpoint.
Princess-Heir Kristana Gustav -The oldest of the Imperial Family, she currently oversees much of the Imperial administration of the home system. She has a more contemperary outlook than her father but no less determined with regards to rebuilding Asgard influence and power. Is trying to catch the eye of Duke Von Bek.
Prime Minister Jeanette Moncrief, the Duchess Ravenwood - The long time leader of the Conservative Party. She's a formindable stateswoman appointed to the Prime Minister's seat recently.
Admiral Sir Alastair Von Bek, Duke Von Bek: An ambitious career officer. He was the man to lead the Asgard conqest of the PIR and was appointed Duke of the New Beijing, though he wants far more. Has caught the eye of the Princess-Heir.

The Overseer
The Overseer- Insane computer, force behind the Machine attacks on Known Space. Dead.

Minmatar Freehold
Chancellor Spyder- Enigmatic new leader of the Minmatar Freehold. Seemingly able to come back form the dead. A genius politician responsible for rebuilding the Freeholds.

Oni Supernatural assassin who set off a bomb, destroying a part of the Draconis senate building and killing some high government officials. Unknown origin, extremely powerful.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-09-09 08:06pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Post by Thirdfain »

-Added Asgard Empire to Dramatis Personae

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Vrell Krishsa: Captain of Varathrax's Spikeball team. I plan on using him a lot.

You also may want to add in General Products and Zenith Defense Systems.
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Post by Thirdfain »

The spikeball team captain hasn't yet done enough to warrant a place in the DP. I'm basing this on face-time, and he has had perhaps a half-dozen 2-3 sentence posts devoted to him so far, and has done nothing at all in-game.

PD is for national leaders, generals, assassins, politicians, rebel leaders, and diplomats. If the spikeball player attends some diplomatic functions and helps forge alliances, or pilots a few starfigheters in PvP battles, he'llm be put up.

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Thirdfain wrote:The spikeball team captain hasn't yet done enough to warrant a place in the DP. I'm basing this on face-time, and he has had perhaps a half-dozen 2-3 sentence posts devoted to him so far, and has done nothing at all in-game.

PD is for national leaders, generals, assassins, politicians, rebel leaders, and diplomats. If the spikeball player attends some diplomatic functions and helps forge alliances, or pilots a few starfigheters in PvP battles, he'llm be put up.
Very well... just wait until he enlists...
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Post by Thirdfain »

Fair enough, there is certainly a place in the DP for brave Buck Rogers-type heroes, pilots, and soldiers :)

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:Fair enough, there is certainly a place in the DP for brave Buck Rogers-type heroes, pilots, and soldiers :)
Yeah, but when you try to do that type of person in STGOD without superpowers or outrageous custom power-armor, someone would undoubtedly take great pleasure in killing him before he got enough face time. :P
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Post by Thirdfain »

Well, that's life, innit?

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Not exactly. More like, that's STGOD. :wink:
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Post by speaker-to-trolls »

Is this in-game time, because if it is then :shock: , it's barely half way through the year and already more has happened than you normally get in a century!.
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Post by Thirdfain »

It's in-game time, and this is not the most active STGOD ever.

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Post by InnocentBystander »

The galaxy is a dynamic place. Besides, things have been pretty dull for the past century after the Genocide Wars, things are just heating up again.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Hey! WTF does Speaker to trolls have "A Brief Life Burns Brightly" in his sig? :x

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Post by Straha »

Just one person right now, more to come later (maybe)

General Fedayn- Commander of the Monacoran Special Forces, and commander of the Monacoran Intelligence branch, close advisor to the Military Prince.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Added Fedayn, shouldn't have forgotten the fella :(

I've been doing all this from memory, and if I'm missing some stuff, please cut me some slack and inform me!

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Post by Bugsby »

Im very pleased with the DP, Thirdfain. Would appreciate a blurb on Trilla Nor. "Formal-to-a-fault head Krell scientist. Injured in Rape, saved by Faran." She has gotten some face time and will be featured more later.
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Post by Darksider »

Um, Thirdfain?

Hanse Davion died in the Rape Of Terra.

His Son Victor (Who is a Krytosian spy) now leads shiva.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Right. That's why I had the ? mark.

Bye now!

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Post by speaker-to-trolls »

Thirdfain wrote:Hey! WTF does Speaker to trolls have "A Brief Life Burns Brightly" in his sig? :x
I just like it, it's a good phrase. I'll get rid of it if you object.
Post Number 1066 achieved Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:19 pm(board time, 8:19GMT)
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Post by frigidmagi »

Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews, is the full name. There is also Sir Brain Mattews, cousin to the Lord Protector and heir, has well has chief diplomat and Fleet Admiral Andersen, uncle to the Lord Protector and Navy Operation Chief.

I also have Admiral Tzu head of 3rd fleet, who almost started a fight in the Arcane sector.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Added some folk to the Nyllorian OOB you might want to put up.
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Post by Thirdfain »

-Edited to include the rest of Month 7 and the beginning of Month 8, and the Minmatar Dramatis Personae was added.-

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:-Edited to include the rest of Month 7 and the beginning of Month 8, and the Minmatar Dramatis Personae was added.-
*Reads* No it isn't.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Rogue 9 wrote:*Reads* No it isn't.
Wait for it...
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Post by Thirdfain »

I was editing, A-hat!

-edit- actually, I'll need to read over the last few months to get a really good post done, so I'll just do the Minmatar DP and do the rest tomorrow, don't feel like researching any more tonight :P

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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