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Online Roleplayers
Posted: 2004-06-21 02:45pm
by CrimsonRaine
I was wondering this. Do we have any online roleplayers out there? I'm not talking about EQ, SWG or D&D MUDs. While they are good for passing time, I'm talking about RPing MU*s. I mean, I'm addicted to playing V:tM games that are highly roleplaying intensive, and well, it really passes time at work and satisfies my creative geekiness.
Posted: 2004-06-21 02:50pm
by SirNitram
That'd be me.
Though I'm getting kinda irked. I burned out of SW games a little while ago.. I just can't get into the theme these days.. But I haven't found any new games that really arrest my interest. For now I hang out at the originally themed 'Beyond The Fire', a Sci-fi MUSH.
Posted: 2004-06-21 02:55pm
by Rogue 9
*Raises hand.* I don't do Vampire myself, but for some suggestions:
Astel D&D 3.0 game, some 3.5 material used.
Quentriandal Freeform roleplaying. I am a moderator there, handle's Renegade.
Terra-Noga Freeform roleplaying, similar to Quentriandal. I'm a junior admin at this place. Its a little slow at present, but there are some members there already. None are active, but I set up a forum for TGODding there. Its still open if anyone cares to come.
Tallen Formerly jsut a D&D discussion board, the owner decided to start having an online D&D 3.5 game at the forum a couple weeks ago. Members needed, feel free to join.
That's about it off the top of my head. If you want, I could dig and come up with a few more. All are message board format.
Posted: 2004-06-21 03:01pm
by speaker-to-trolls
Does MirC count?, because there's a chatroom on that I frequent (mainly because it's the only one I know of and I'm too lazy to find anywhere better).
BTW, Rogue 9, do you have to be a member to see the TGODing forum on that terra-noga messageboard?.
Posted: 2004-06-21 03:02pm
by Rogue 9
Yes, you do. More than that, I have to admit you to the TGOD/STGOD usergroup for you to see it. If you want and you've signed up, I'll take care of that right now. It never really got off the ground because only a few people came, but what do you do?
Posted: 2004-06-21 03:47pm
by PeZook
I've been GMing online for something like five years now. Mostly in Polish, though I always welcome an opportunity to practice my English.
I'm not part of any MUDs of MUSHes, though. Mostly we're doing a sort of GMed STGOD, without any sort of game mechanics, but with a heavy emphasis on roleplaying and creativity.
I usually hang out on #sesja-pl on the Polish networks (,, and servers)
Is that enough information?

Posted: 2004-06-22 12:48pm
by Rogue 9
Note: As of about ten seconds from the time I post this, the STGOD and TGOD forums on Terra-Noga will no longer be open. The board owner doesn't want to support them if they won't be used.
Posted: 2004-06-22 01:04pm
by General Zod
*raises hand* i tend to get my gaming fix on white-wolf's official chats myself. though since they recently ended their modern moderated chat i've been sticking to their dark ages venue. playing mainly Vampire and Werewolf.
Posted: 2004-06-22 01:35pm
by darthdavid
Sometimes i'll play a little larkinor over at fly or die but it kinda sucks. Lately, I've been playing
TDZK alot. I geuss that it would be a MMORPG but there aren't really that many people that really rp it. Most (me included) just level up and kill stuff.

Posted: 2004-06-22 01:36pm
by Tasoth
Freeformer over at what's was Wildman's Cantina. It's organized chaos with a bit of dynasty warriors-esque fighting throw in.
Posted: 2004-06-22 01:52pm
by Chardok
*raises hand*
Drooling over EQ2 (Being a longtime EQ player) and currently CoH.
Posted: 2004-06-22 07:10pm
by The Dark
Used to be on MysticalMUD, as Aeric Deathstalker (originally a Draconian DarKnight, remorted into a Golem).
Still occasionally visit a couple of the chat-room based RPGs (Fantasy Castle's the only one I can remember without being on my computer).
Posted: 2004-06-22 07:20pm
by SirNitram
I should add, I'm perpetually in a state of 'wanting to make a MUSH', but can never secure a server and get stuff working.
Posted: 2004-06-22 08:36pm
by Slartibartfast
Glad you asked. I've just recently become hopelessly addicted to Discworld MUD. It's got fast leveling and I think lots of roleplaying opportunities (of course a lot of people just powergame), and it's fun overall.
Wizards rule, they do all kind of wacky spells by shouting at stones and pulling stuff from the Flower Dimension