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2nd HOI2 Screenie - Diplomacy!
Posted: 2004-06-23 12:12am
by MKSheppard
Posted: 2004-06-23 12:23am
by PrinceofLowLight
Interesting. I wonder how they'll implement the EU-style Sliders.
Posted: 2004-06-23 12:24am
by SirNitram
I have to say, that's enough options even to interest me, and I don't dig the period that much.
Posted: 2004-06-23 12:24am
by Captain tycho
Excellent, slider bars.

My favorite diplomatic tool...
Posted: 2004-06-23 12:27am
by MKSheppard
Ugh, I see they kept the stupid "Allies/Axis/Comintern" bullshit. Why
can't we have the open ended diplomatic alliances from Victoria?
Posted: 2004-06-23 12:33am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
And here I was thinking that diplomacy in this game would be in the form of armoured regiments massing at their borders on your part and tearful offerings of women and gold in exhange for non-aggression on theirs...
Posted: 2004-06-24 12:30am
by Super-Gagme
MKSheppard wrote:Ugh, I see they kept the stupid "Allies/Axis/Comintern" bullshit. Why
can't we have the open ended diplomatic alliances from Victoria?
You gather this from the screenshot how?
Posted: 2004-06-24 12:36am
by PrinceofLowLight
See the window with tabs on the left side of the screen?
Posted: 2004-06-24 12:42am
by Super-Gagme
Ahh, didn't see that. Well it doesn't matter since I rely on what Johan said on the forums.
Seriously though... I won't tell you everything now... but yes... There will be alliances... Think a combo of vicky and eu2 somehow
Posted: 2004-06-24 01:36am
by HemlockGrey
Did they ax the stupid diplomacy settings from HOI and implement a version of Victoria's? The worst part about HOI was only having White Peace or complete annexation as peace options, which made fighting Russia virtually impossible as any nation other than Germany due to the damn "Bitter Peace" event.