New Linux nVidia drivers
Posted: 2004-07-08 05:34am
I thought 2.6 support was in the drivers ages ago. Must have been a distro patch then. The ACPI support might help, since my ACPI only works on standby and not mem currently, not that I use it, since it's usually always busy doing something. Most of the other improvements are not relavant for a TNT2.
NVIDIA Today NVIDIA has released new drivers for both IA32/x86 and AMD64/x86_64. This is not no puny release either. NVIDIA has gone out of their way to give us the good stuff here:
* Added support for 2.6 kernels
* Added support for GeForce 6800 series of GPUs
* Added support for PCI-Express
* Added support for GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language).
* Added support for GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object.
* Added support for running 32-bit OpenGL applications on 64-bit AMD64 Linux installations.
* Added support for ACPI
* Added support for 4kstack kernels.
* Added configuration utility "nvidia-settings". For details, see the user guide
* Added a shell script "" that gathers system configuration information into a log file; the resulting log file (nvidia-bug-report.log) should be included when reporting bugs to NVIDIA.
* Added a new Xv adaptor on GeForce4 and GeForce FX which uses the 3D engine to do Xv PutImage requests.
If you're a Gentoo user, take a look at the ebuild we've been working on over in Gentoo's Bugzilla. We'll be using this new driver in out up-coming reviews.