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Star Wars Galaxies
Posted: 2004-07-13 08:13pm
by Son of the Suns
Ok I'm thinking about getting into the game now that they have fixed many of the bugs and the starship mod is on the way. Two of my roommates are playing as I type. Does anyone here play, who are you, and would you like to team with one mid level guy and a newb ( who is very experienced at Ultima etc.)
Also, I know they are making the Jedi take massive exp loss when they die, how else did they nerf them?
Posted: 2004-07-13 09:12pm
by Cal Wright
First off, I've played since launch. Im on the Tarquinas server name is Califerous Wright.
Right now it's just sort of going. No they did NOT nerf the Jedi. They get an xp loss now instead of perma death. Which is utter bull shit because the terms floating around is the Jedi just use overt players as xp cattle.
Beside that, they have a 14 day trial, and it sounds like you already have people around you that play. I guess it's sort of an acquired taste. I've held out for the Jump To Lightspeed Expansion for a few years now (it's been in development and the earliest E3 trailer is two years old now) so I can wait a little longer. I have high hopes and a lot of people that have lost faith in Galaxies are really supporting the JTL.
Posted: 2004-07-13 11:24pm
by Son of the Suns
Cal Wright wrote:First off, I've played since launch. Im on the Tarquinas server name is Califerous Wright.
Right now it's just sort of going. No they did NOT nerf the Jedi. They get an xp loss now instead of perma death. Which is utter bull shit because the terms floating around is the Jedi just use overt players as xp cattle.
Beside that, they have a 14 day trial, and it sounds like you already have people around you that play. I guess it's sort of an acquired taste. I've held out for the Jump To Lightspeed Expansion for a few years now (it's been in development and the earliest E3 trailer is two years old now) so I can wait a little longer. I have high hopes and a lot of people that have lost faith in Galaxies are really supporting the JTL.
Hmmmm my roommate was a beta tester for the game, and he's been telling me that he played alot for the first few months. At the time there were only 3 Jedi in the entire game. He said that they had to do something to the Jedi because they were ganging up on overts later on, and judging by the updates on the website most of the updates have to do with the Jedi. PM about where you are and what you are right now. As soon as I can upgrade my graphics card I'm going to start playing.
Fuckin SD.Net guild with a Stardestroyer baby

Posted: 2004-07-14 01:53am
by Cal Wright
The Dark Guard has the city of Ostia on Rori. I'm Master Carbineer with 0300BH, Novice Brawler 2200 right now.
Posted: 2004-07-14 02:26am
by Mr Bean
I'm on with some folks at my workplace On Gorath, I'm free floating between guilds at the moment as this is my first month playing though I'm on my way to becoming establised
Posted: 2004-07-14 08:38am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Putzing about on Scylla, I'm mostly waiting for JtL (TIE Interceptor squadron here I come >.>). I haven't had a lot of time to play lately, I've just thrown my junk into a few houses and paid up maintenance for awhile.
Posted: 2004-07-14 01:55pm
by Crazy Goji
Master Swordsman, Teras Kasi Master, and 2002 Pikeman Trandoshan named Caldorsk on the Tempest server. I am also a guild sponsor for the Twin Sun Alliance which is located on Naboo.
Oh, and I'm not a fan of the Jedi.
Posted: 2004-07-14 02:23pm
by Son of the Suns
Well if I sign up I'm going to only have one purpose, and that is to gather enough people such that I can heavily influence the story line. Unlikely I know, but get enough people in a guild and start throwing some SDs around and somethings bound to happen.
Posted: 2004-07-15 01:52am
by Utsanomiko
I played almost daily from January to mod-may, but recently I have'nt played much at all (thought I tend to do that with almost any game; put down Fallout 2 for about a year before picking it up again to beat it, which was probably 9 months ago

) mainly due to not feeling like leveling up the rest of Bounty Hunter for Stavis Reinheld on Scylla. It also doesn't help that my time to access the internet has been cut almost by 60% since my brother is back home for the summer. But I really liked playing it (helps alot to have a good guild to hang with and talk to), but that might be because I knew more or less exactly what kind of game it was and how it functioned before buying it. The expert professions do get tedious to level sinse it takes hundreds of thousands of xp just to get each skill block out of the profession's 16, and a lot of that kind of leveling requires stat buffs and uber armor (but that might be balanced out and fixed in 2 or 3 months with combat rebalance patches).
My other notable characters are Jorgarroogyyr (Wookiee Fencer/Bio Engineer/Creature Handler/Master Artisan on Bria), and Itsa Trapp on Alhazi (iirc). Haven't felt like playing them for a while either, which is sad because they are both fun.
Posted: 2004-07-15 10:23pm
by Son of the Suns
hmmmm does anyone know what happens when one side "wins" on a server? I saw one the other day where the Rebels exist on only two worlds. EVERYONE is an overt Imerial.
Posted: 2004-07-16 01:02am
by Utsanomiko
Son of the Suns wrote:hmmmm does anyone know what happens when one side "wins" on a server? I saw one the other day where the Rebels exist on only two worlds. EVERYONE is an overt Imerial.
I haven't the slightest idea what you mean. Rebels hardly even went overt while I played, and only owned about 3-4 bases on any given server around April and May.
I don't think there's any sort of system in place that takes into account the civil war just yet, other than the live team tallying the number of people who completed each of the three storyline act mission strings and adding soem new content according to the result.