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found an original copy of Imperium Galatica 2 at Cashies $9

Posted: 2004-07-18 03:39am
by drphlox
does anybody know how to get IG2 working on Windows xp?

yes , i know IG2 isn't MoO2, but for for $9 bucks for the original copy that's not bad.

yes, i do have access to a Win 98 disk and Win ME(POS that it is!) to run it on if it won't work at all on XP.


Posted: 2004-07-18 03:54am
by Stofsk
I tried playing IG2 - the graphics were too flashy (which is fucking pointless for a strategy game), and the dumbass developers STILL didn't fix the colonial problem - how some areas couldn't be settled because some rocks or shit were in the way. Oh no, we're stuck in the 35th century and can't fucking use BULLDOZERS anymore... whatEVER will we do? I know, we'll just build around the fucking rock piller jutting out of the centre of the colony. :roll:

Played it once, rediscovered that annoying flaw, binned it. I ain't playing a game so stupidly designed. I'll make do with Moo2 or GalCiv.

[EDIT] Ahem, I don't actually know how to help you. Congratulations on your latest acquisition. :oops:

Posted: 2004-07-18 10:56am
by Knife
Yeah, I bought it ages ago and about two months ago, plooped it in. It worked with my XP.

I liked alot of the interfaces. Especially the Starmaps.
Didn't like the total lack of using tactics in combat. Pretty much came down to building a shit load of powerful ships to fight a shit load of powerful ships.

Loved the Space to Ground combat though. Attacking a fleet, then planetary defenses, then ground forces. Good stuff.

Need a SW mod for that game since my planets usually end up with SW names.

Posted: 2004-07-18 08:05pm
by Stark
I found IG2 disappointing. The AI cheats, the surface building is tiresome, and the combat needs an overhaul. The whole 'bad RTS' ground combat was terrible.

A mod could do great things tho; all the badness is just poor design.

Posted: 2004-07-19 06:39am
by drphlox
i don't know, i mean i've been looking for it for a year or so now and while i was keeping an eye out for it, i've been playing Stars! which is worse.... its 2D only, the useable planets are the only thing on the map, its a demo, the AI dosen't know how to make use of the researched technology, sends waves of SCOUTs! for chrissake that get wasted at my nearest planet when they try to kill my starbases, can't even build their own starbases properly, etc

stars! is pretty good for what its trying to achieve, which is being a top-down 2D space strategy game, but it falls flat in the things that i mentioned above.

how did you get IG2 to work with XP?


Posted: 2004-07-19 06:50am
by Stark
I didn't have any problems. It just worked. Useless piece of 4-cd crap that it is. Oooo! One of the species can't trade, which is 30% of your income! OOOO! They get slaughtered, because money is the only resource! Gah. The memory sickens me.