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Doomsday is coming...
Posted: 2004-07-28 12:12am
by Azazel
I am obviously ordering it.
Posted: 2004-07-28 01:53am
by 18-Till-I-Die
I'm not ordering it but i intend to buy it for the XBox as soon as it comes out. I would buy the PC version but my computer sucks balls and i doubt it could handle a flash game let alone something as graphically intensive as Doom 3. *sigh*
Anywho, i'm definately going to buy it.
Posted: 2004-07-28 02:18am
by Ma Deuce
No, because my computer wouldn't be able to handle it, and I don't have the money to upgrade it anytime soon. When I do get a chance to upgrade my PC, I'll certainly consider it...
Posted: 2004-07-28 02:28am
by Sokar
No, mainly because its the same damn game I played a decade ago.....same premise and everything as Doom 2...just with newer graphics.
"Dear Id, thank you for showing the vision to rehash an old game and make it seem new. Please let me know when you finally have an original idea and game concept. Till then my money will stay firmly in my bank account.
Sincerly Sokar"
Posted: 2004-07-28 02:56am
by Vympel
No, mainly because its the same damn game I played a decade ago.....same premise and everything as Doom 2...just with newer graphics.
"Dear Id, thank you for showing the vision to rehash an old game and make it seem new. Please let me know when you finally have an original idea and game concept. Till then my money will stay firmly in my bank account.
Sincerly Sokar"
Dear Sokar,
thank you for ignoring all the press about Doom 3. If you had paid attention to any of the previews, you would know it is certainly not "the same damn game you played a decade ago, in any way, shape or form other than a general similarity of plot.
Sincerely, ID
I won't be ordering it, because I don't need to. I'll buy it in the store.
Posted: 2004-07-28 04:07am
by Sokar
"Dear Id,
Thank you for the prompt reply. I have indeed read greatly on the subject of your 'new' game Doom3, and while there are a variety of subtle differences(rehashed graphics, modern multiplayer support ect..ect...) it still dosent change the fact that this is still another FPS. In my mind the FPS is a stagnated game type, with almost every title almost indistinguishable from another. For me this translates into a dull, dull waste of 40-50 dollars. Im sure your lovely looking game will sell lots of copies and Id's coffers will be enriched by the thousands of FPS addicts/zombies that now constitute the PC game market to a large degree, I however am not one of them and will not be buying this game.
Posted: 2004-07-28 11:39am
by sketerpot
Deak Sokar,
Not only will we enrich our coffers from the many people willing to shell out some money for a new FPS, we will also make a lot of money from engine licensing. You know how there are lots of 3D games that need a good engine? We wrote a good engine, and Doom 3 is its demo.
Posted: 2004-07-28 01:16pm
by YT300000
Vympel wrote:I won't be ordering it, because I don't need to. I'll buy it in the store.
Ditto. I usually wait a few weeks anyway, since in that time the game's price drops from $70 to $50. It stays at $50 for almost a year after that, though.
Posted: 2004-07-28 01:23pm
by Lagmonster
Here's a thought, Sokar:
Why don't you choose to buy, or not buy, Doom3 based on whether or not it's a good game in its own right, rather than complaining about it being 'the same thing over again'. I mean, since you haven't actually PLAYED it or anything.
Where were you when the gaming industry was busy making roughly three "realistic WWII-based first person shooters" per year for five years?
Posted: 2004-07-28 03:51pm
by Lord Pounder
YT300000 wrote:Vympel wrote:I won't be ordering it, because I don't need to. I'll buy it in the store.
Ditto. I usually wait a few weeks anyway, since in that time the game's price drops from $70 to $50. It stays at $50 for almost a year after that, though.
How much is that in Stirling? Because that sounds like a lot more than we pay in the UK for new PC games.
Posted: 2004-07-28 04:02pm
by LapsedPacifist
I can't justify upgrading my computer right now to play Doom3. There's just too much other stuff to spend my money on. Now with Tribes: Vengence, Dawn of War, and Doom3 on the shelves I might need to change my priorities.
Besides I'm hooked on Xcom again.
Posted: 2004-07-28 04:18pm
by Gerard_Paloma
I'll get it for Xbox; the LAN-party aspect is reason enough.
Posted: 2004-07-28 04:26pm
by Vendetta
Not ordering it, but I am getting the XBox version when it comes out.
Partly because my PC's dead as a doornail and needs totally rebuilding (And would play it like a pig anyway), partly because the Xbox it hooked up to £1500 of big screen and 5.1 system, and partly for the one box co-op
Posted: 2004-07-28 04:29pm
by YT300000
Lord Pounder wrote:YT300000 wrote:Vympel wrote:I won't be ordering it, because I don't need to. I'll buy it in the store.
Ditto. I usually wait a few weeks anyway, since in that time the game's price drops from $70 to $50. It stays at $50 for almost a year after that, though.
How much is that in Stirling? Because that sounds like a lot more than we pay in the UK for new PC games.
70 CND is about 29 pounds, and $50 is about 20.6 pounds.
Posted: 2004-07-28 04:49pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Sokar wrote:Im sure your lovely looking game will sell lots of copies and Id's coffers will be enriched by the thousands of FPS addicts/zombies that now constitute the PC game market to a large degree, I however am not one of them and will not be buying this game.
A particular style of game is no good because many of them have been released? I guess we're through with judging things on their own merits, its time to decide whether something is good or bad based entirely on whether it is
popular. I guess
Spiderman 2 actually sucked because superhero movies are popular right now. And anyone who likes it is stupid.
I think you fail to understand that the reason FPS's are so popular right now isn't because the gamers are dumb, it's because a good first-person perspective game (Half-Life, Call of Duty, Deus Ex) is more immersive than any other video game. Because you're watching the action with your own two eyes, you feel that you are the character, rather than merely controlling him.
But since you've already resorted to knee-jerk condemnation of the genre and it's fans, I feel that I wasted my time giving you an accurate and considered response. Here's my official reply, which I think also hits very close to the mark:
You're just a bitter man-bitch because FPS sales blow your favorite genre (RPG, RTS, Adventure, whatever) out of the water. Like the smelly and creepy Indie-obsessed clerk at the local record store who mumbles sarcastically whenever someone buys a popular album, you are a creature carrying a social disease. So get away from me, before I catch something from you. Creep.
Posted: 2004-07-28 05:09pm
A shooty (rather than sneaky) FPS with bad mutiplayer support?
nah...I'll wait when I have a better comp and the engine gets some better use than another doom.
Posted: 2004-07-30 03:55am
by Shogoki
I'm not ordering it, im getting it from the store the weekend after the next, i don't think they'll run out of copies, at least not before i get one.
For those who seem out of touch, Doom 3 is suppoused to be much more than just a sequel, it's action oriented, but i didn't notice when that became a bad thing by itself.
Posted: 2004-07-30 04:20am
by Spyder
I'd like to have a go at it first before ordering it.
Posted: 2004-07-30 05:15am
by Robert Treder
Unfortunately, I'll probably buy it. I don't want to waste 50 bucks on it, but what else am I going to play until Fable comes out?
I downloaded a leaked early version of the game, and it had amazing graphics, but the overall atmosphere didn't really thrill me. The character was going through a dank, dark sewer, shooting zombies. It was eerily reminiscent of this game I played a bit a few years ago (I'll get back to you when I remember the name)
But it did have beautiful graphics, and it did succeed in freaking me out (the zombies come back to life after thirty seconds or so, which encourages you to keep moving, which in turn prevents you from becoming comfortable with your surroundings - it was cool)
Posted: 2004-07-30 05:27am
by Companion Cube
Definately going to wait for the demo, mainly to see how well it runs as opposed to how fun it is. IIRC, the demo is being released some time after Doom 3 ships-what happened to the good ol' days when people released the demo first?
Posted: 2004-07-30 02:05pm
by Uraniun235
I'm buying it because I see no problem with reusing the same concept and adding refinements or a different approach to it. I mean, come on, Megaman 5 is mostly the same game as Megaman 1, but there are refinements made between 1 and 5, as well as some different details. Does that make Megaman 5 a horrible game just because it's more of the same?
Even if Doom 3 was little more than a new engine with different details (like weapons, maps, etc.) I'd still buy it because I enjoyed the original Doom a lot. Shit, I still enjoy it.
Posted: 2004-07-30 10:44pm
by White Haven
I'll lay the cards on the table, I've bought a helluva lot of FPS games in my time, and I'm sure Doom 3 rocks. Two problems, though. One, well, I was bored to tears by the prior Doom games, and that's not a good legacy, in my mind, to make a sequel of. Two, ENTIRELY too many of the recent high-profile games have been FPSes. Frankly, they're getting on my nerves to the point that I still don't own Far Cry. I'll probably snap them up later in a bargain bin, once some actual /variety/ in game releases re-interests me. You know, stuff like Nexus, Dawn of War, Fallout 3 if Bethesda doesn't Morrowind it, that sort of thing. As for FPS immersion, I find I'm much more drawn into a world if I can sit back and enjoy it rather than having to run around and peer around corners and shit. That doesn't mean third-person-action is better, just that I find myself more immersed by less-actiony games. Each to their own.
Posted: 2004-07-31 01:10am
by Xenophobe3691
I just bought a 128 meg video card a few months ago, and now I'm gonna have to shell a shit ton of money for a 256 for this game?!? Time to get a job, I want this thing so bad I can taste it. I can't wait to try out the soulcube, too...
Posted: 2004-07-31 01:47am
by Cal Wright
In a world of war, what the people needed was hope.
What they got was...
Yeah yeah, that's like a poorly recited version for the Doom comics, but it's cool as hell to say, and I'll never get this chance again. I'm gonna try and go put it on pre order. It got a street date quick didn't it? I just found out like earlier this week it was coming out next week. Crazy shit.
Posted: 2004-07-31 04:02am
by Howedar
I don't want the extra time-sucking. No Doom 3 for me.