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Total Annhilation MP game
Posted: 2004-08-02 10:43am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Would anyone care to try it? A game with 4+ people is what I'm shooting for- though we can definatly go with more if there is an expressed interest.
Posted: 2004-08-02 11:08am
by The Cleric
I'll play. I'm pretty rusty though, and need to reinstall and get all the patches and so forth.
Posted: 2004-08-02 07:03pm
by Shinova
I don't have an internet connection at where I live currently
*cries from the depth of his soul*
but when is this taking place? And how will it be done?
Posted: 2004-08-02 07:46pm
I've never played TA in mp, so of course I want to try it out.....
but I don't know what to
and I don't have TA:core contiangency plan only the original TA.
Posted: 2004-08-02 10:08pm
by Stofsk
I have TA version 3.1 (both expansions, and the 3.1 patch) with Absolute Annihilation installed. I also have the SW TA and World Domination mods.
I'm not sure what you can do to get the files required. Google "RTSC - TOTAL ANNIHILATION" which will get you a site that's got enormous amounts of links, including the links to various mods.
Posted: 2004-08-02 11:49pm
by Uraniun235
Keep in mind that if any 56K people are in on the game, the unit limit has to be dropped a bit (IIRC, 250-350 was a good compromise for 4 people), and dropped more as more people beyond 4 players is added.
Also be warned that TA doesn't really do modem games well beyond 4 players anyway, so any grandiose plans should have the caveat that people might have to split up and go at it in smaller games.
Posted: 2004-08-03 08:08pm
by Shinova
How will the games be set up though? Like through a VPN or something?
Posted: 2004-08-03 11:16pm
by Uraniun235
Total Annihilation supports TCP/IP connections across the Internet. Someone would host the game, give the other prospective players his IP address, and they would connect to that address.
Posted: 2004-08-04 12:03am
by Dark Hellion
Use Uberhack version. It is the most balance for massive Multiplayer.
Posted: 2004-08-04 12:05am
by Uraniun235
IIRC, Uberhack requires the Core Contingency.
Posted: 2004-08-04 12:08am
by Tasoth
I'd play, but I'd have to install andy would probably last 5 minutes before getting smashed.
Posted: 2004-08-04 12:28pm
by BlkbrryTheGreat
I have only standard Total Annhilation. Anyway, as for the night... how does this saturday 9 PM EST sound?
Additionally, who has the fastest connection here? I'm on cable.
Posted: 2004-08-04 12:47pm
Cable here....
tell me exactly what to install before hand k.....
And I'm n00bie, so don't kill me too fast or......I'll commander rush ya :p
Posted: 2004-08-04 01:41pm
by The Cleric
Cable, but I'm working until 10 on Sat.