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Warhammer 40k Dawn of War

Posted: 2004-09-14 04:29am
by spideycw
Just downloaded the demo and I must say it is one kick ass game, the beta was good...this is better. The opening cutscene was amazing the ai on difficult is awesome and its loads of fun to play. My one complaint is some times it gets a bit much to have to reinforce your squads while fighting across the map reserching new tech and upgrading your squads technology (a bit harder than a regular rts I'd say) but I still found it loads of fun. One question: does anyone know if your units can get veteran status or what not over various levels?

P.S. Apperantly my Internet had a delay hiccup. please get rid of this thread I'll just post in the other one. Thanks

Posted: 2004-09-14 04:52am
by wautd
Why do you post in the original topic AND make a new topic :?: :?

Posted: 2004-09-14 04:58am
by Mr Bean
Locked due to duplicate topic