SW: Battlefront is here!
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- SylasGaunt
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SW: Battlefront is here!
And I have it. It rocks.
*goes back to smashing in an AT-AT*
AI's a lot better than it was in the demo
*goes back to smashing in an AT-AT*
AI's a lot better than it was in the demo
- Laughing Mechanicus
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- Faram
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Hate it when the enemy somhow senses that I am fiiering at them with my sniper rifle and makes a diving roll just in time.
Also the sniper rifle misses when it shold hit and vise versa IMHO.
Also the sniper rifle misses when it shold hit and vise versa IMHO.
"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" -Epicurus
Fear is the mother of all gods.
Nature does all things spontaneously, by herself, without the meddling of the gods. -Lucretius
"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" -Epicurus
Fear is the mother of all gods.
Nature does all things spontaneously, by herself, without the meddling of the gods. -Lucretius
- Butterbean569
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- SylasGaunt
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Haven't had a chance to play it yet but the single player maps I've played on have been a lot more hectic than you'd suppose from their size, and from the impression the PS2 demo gave. There's blaster bolts flying every which way, jet pack troops soaring about, grenades and mines going off.. it looks great (especially with some of the truly awesome backgrounds on some levels like the ongoing air battle/Acclamator landings in the Geonosis level).
- SylasGaunt
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Okay, playing through the historical campaign for the Clone Wars Era and it runs-
The Battle of Naboo- Droids vs. Gungans. You play as the droids (which play as normal sans Super battledroids). Gungans have their little lizard cavalry things and those two big animals with the mounted shield generators. You can't shoot through the shield though you can move inside it and fire on the generators, dropping it when you kill the generator carriers. Droids get STAPs and AATs.
Rebellion on Theed- Droids vs. Royal Guard. Nasty close quarters battle, especially since the unlike the Gungans the Royal guard get a regular set of forces (regular troops, missile troops, etc.) and their vehicles have guns (Royal Guard gets speeders with mounted weapons). Player goes in as the droids (again no Super Battledroids yet) who get an AAT at 2 of their three spawns.
Aggressive Negotiations- Droids vs. Wookies on an island. Count Dooku is in this fight (and kicking ass I might add) and you finally get super battledroids and a single droid starfighter. The opposing force is pretty much just a whole team of the rebel Wookie Smuggler class with the occasional missile launcher thrown in.
The Battle of Geonosis- Clones vs. Seperatists. You play as the Clones with the objective of destroying the Techno-Union ships. Mace Windu is on your side to. The Geonosians are helping the Seperatists. 2 AT-TEs (which can act as spawn points from the look of things) and 2 gunships for the clones. Droids have Homing Spiders, Geonosian Starfighters, and Hailfires running around. Taking out those TU ships robs the droids of a good chunk of their spawns so it's a priority.
The Assault on Kamino- Clones vs. Seperatists. Playing as the Clones you have to defend the Kamino cloning facilities from droid attack. Jet Troopers become available. Had a really cool battle when I'd driven the droid army back to its last command point and the clones launched a dual assault over the two bridges with jet troopers coming in from above (and then my little recon droid called in an orbital strike on the main droid cluster).
Mountaintop Defenses- Clones vs. Seperatists on Rhen Var. Cave fighting. Fighter tanks and an AT-TE for the clones. Seperatists have AATs. Oh and the fighter tank has a new kick ass composite beam cannon. Droidekas prove what a stone cold bitch they are to fight in enclosed areas.
The Battle of Kashyyk- Clones vs. Seperatists. Drives the seperatists off and keep them from establishing a beachhead. AATs aplenty and a homing spider for the droids. Wookies help the clones to fight the droids off. Jet pack troops can have a grand old time here.
I'll go through the Galactic Civil War next
The Battle of Naboo- Droids vs. Gungans. You play as the droids (which play as normal sans Super battledroids). Gungans have their little lizard cavalry things and those two big animals with the mounted shield generators. You can't shoot through the shield though you can move inside it and fire on the generators, dropping it when you kill the generator carriers. Droids get STAPs and AATs.
Rebellion on Theed- Droids vs. Royal Guard. Nasty close quarters battle, especially since the unlike the Gungans the Royal guard get a regular set of forces (regular troops, missile troops, etc.) and their vehicles have guns (Royal Guard gets speeders with mounted weapons). Player goes in as the droids (again no Super Battledroids yet) who get an AAT at 2 of their three spawns.
Aggressive Negotiations- Droids vs. Wookies on an island. Count Dooku is in this fight (and kicking ass I might add) and you finally get super battledroids and a single droid starfighter. The opposing force is pretty much just a whole team of the rebel Wookie Smuggler class with the occasional missile launcher thrown in.
The Battle of Geonosis- Clones vs. Seperatists. You play as the Clones with the objective of destroying the Techno-Union ships. Mace Windu is on your side to. The Geonosians are helping the Seperatists. 2 AT-TEs (which can act as spawn points from the look of things) and 2 gunships for the clones. Droids have Homing Spiders, Geonosian Starfighters, and Hailfires running around. Taking out those TU ships robs the droids of a good chunk of their spawns so it's a priority.
The Assault on Kamino- Clones vs. Seperatists. Playing as the Clones you have to defend the Kamino cloning facilities from droid attack. Jet Troopers become available. Had a really cool battle when I'd driven the droid army back to its last command point and the clones launched a dual assault over the two bridges with jet troopers coming in from above (and then my little recon droid called in an orbital strike on the main droid cluster).
Mountaintop Defenses- Clones vs. Seperatists on Rhen Var. Cave fighting. Fighter tanks and an AT-TE for the clones. Seperatists have AATs. Oh and the fighter tank has a new kick ass composite beam cannon. Droidekas prove what a stone cold bitch they are to fight in enclosed areas.
The Battle of Kashyyk- Clones vs. Seperatists. Drives the seperatists off and keep them from establishing a beachhead. AATs aplenty and a homing spider for the droids. Wookies help the clones to fight the droids off. Jet pack troops can have a grand old time here.
I'll go through the Galactic Civil War next

- SylasGaunt
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That was sweet...I killed Mace Windu. It's almost impossible- his health is super-high. I was playing a TradeFed droid with a missle launcher, and realized he would deflect everything fired directly at him- so I fired at his FEET. Some shots he blocked, others just did a tiny bit of damage, but one lucky hit got the sweet spot- it blew him clear into the air (and did just a tiny bit of damage). When he landed, he was on his back and had to get up- instead of waiting for my launcher to recharge, I lobbed a grenade at him. He got up and stepped back but was blocked by the edge of the Kamino platform, when my missle launcher was ready and I fired- it hit the floor at his feet at the exact moment the grenade at his feet went off, and the combined blast hurled him up into the air- and off the edge of the Kamino city. Splash. 

- Kamakazie Sith
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Same question.Lord Poe wrote:And is it an online game only, or can you have fun with single player?
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
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- Kamakazie Sith
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You can have fun with single player, sort of. Your team is of no help. Not only do they not advance and take points but they fail to defend those which you already have.Rogue 9 wrote:Same question.Lord Poe wrote:And is it an online game only, or can you have fun with single player?
It's very frustrating.
Milites Astrum Exterminans

Okay, I admit it. I should have gotten Fable, but I'm a moron like that. I also admit that my expectations on this game were probably a bit too high. I played through the episode 4 galactic civil war single-player and some of the Clone Wars SP. "This is alot like BF:1942," thought I.
BF:1942 and even the Galactic conquest mod have more polish, a more substantive feel, and mayhaps even a bit better graphics. Granted, the character models in the BF:1942 GC mod don't have "Ragdoll" PHysics, and a are just re-skinned WWII soldiers, and in battlefront, you can drive TEH 00b0r AT-AT! But that's about where the fun ends. For a game which is built around a multiplayer gaming experience, you'd think the lucasarts and pandemic team could have come up with a better multiplayer login interface. I tried to join a game sporting 23/32 players. "Server full" Was the message I got.

in BF:1942 GC mod, when you shoot a weapon, a bolt shoots forth from your barrel, quickly covering the distance between you and the target. They are a bit slower than the bullets you used in the WWII version, but it's easy enough to lead the targets.
In Battlefront, you fire a weapon.........
Oh, lookies, teh red blob springeth forth....
Too bad the guy you were shooting at has died 3 times, respawned, taken a command post, and is now coming towards you in an AT-ST.

In BF:1942 GC mod...
Jump in an AT-ST, and take off! They moveth! it's a bit slow, but.....meh, to be expected. it's on two legs for crissakes! and oooh...you get a genade launcher thingy as a secondary weapon. Or even teh missile!
In battlefront....
And I can't be 100% sure, but I think you just may be able to walk faster than the bolts from the main gun travel. Oh, and I hope you don't plan on doing much but laying on mouse button one, if you DO happen to find a target dumb enough to sit around and wait for you to get into firing range, cause that's about all you'll do for about 20 minutes.
in BF:1942 GC mod, you can't play singleplayer.
Battlefront: You can. And the AI will even lay mines defensively!
So you can walk onto them and die.
That's right, no indicator in teh oober clonetrooper helmet to say "Hey dumbass! Friendly mine there!"
BF:1942 GC mod. Battle. of. DS1.
Battlefront: Nope.
Maybe it's unlockable. I sure hope so.
Also, battlefront has some goddamn blurry shit around everything to give it a more realistic feel....almost as if a barely detectable mist hangs over everything. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's because I'm used to the crisp textures of BF:1942, the more....cartoony(?) look. Me no likey.
Well, the battlefields are large...I suppose...some of them, anyway. Others are so small as to make them unenjoyable in the extreme. The battle on naboo embassy/palace map comes to mind. It got to the point where I had to cheeseball it by being a droid sniper hanging out by an ammo crate droid. Guess what I did? Sent in a recon droid and called for orbital strikes over. and over. and over. and over. and over.
80 kills for Polyphonic Spree. I got public enemy and we won the battle through attrition. Never mind that the imperial dudes held most of the control points the whole game. I slaughtered em wholesale and reduced their tickets. Yawn.
I sure hope they patch this game....I regret purchasing it, almost.
Anyone hosting a match?

Kamakazie Sith wrote:You can have fun with single player, sort of. Your team is of no help. Not only do they not advance and take points but they fail to defend those which you already have.Rogue 9 wrote:Same question.Lord Poe wrote:And is it an online game only, or can you have fun with single player?
It's very frustrating.
But slaughtering AI is awesome

- Kamakazie Sith
- Emperor's Hand
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- SylasGaunt
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Weird, I've had them do that before. Of course other times they don't go near them and spend all their time shooting it out with the imps elsewhere.Kamakazie Sith wrote: You can have fun with single player, sort of. Your team is of no help. Not only do they not advance and take points but they fail to defend those which you already have.
It's very frustrating.
Oh and Vader just kicked my ass.