Medium Power
(Denmark, some of North Germany)
Capital City:
Caliphon Penninsula: Stretching from the Cantori Lowlands and the Warspite Mountains, the Penninsula is the cultural heartland of Caliphon. The capital city, Caliphona, is at the base of the penninsule. On the western shore is the Queen's Forest, which provides wood for the shipyards at the city of Hamyr which sits on the coast. Rising down the center of the penninsula, to the northeast of the Queen's Forest, is a region of rolling hills which are full of farms and herders. Stretching to the east is a flat, fertile plain which is heavily farmed and studded with towns and villages. The city of Santia sits on the East coast, and the city of Kynea lies on the Island of Kyne to the north, where it is connected to the penninsula by a cleverrly constructed bridge.
Cantori Lowlands: North of Taladan, this flatland has a medium-sized forest in it's north. The coastal city of Draftsgard sits at the mouth of the Draft River, and is both a major shipyard and trading depot for the farms along the river as it passes through the fertile Lowlands. The Lord's Road stretches to Anarchia in the East and Taladan in the South, and is guarded by fortresses near both borders. A central road runs the length of the border for the purpose of defense.
Warspite Mountains: Surrounding the crater Sea of Maene, this small region is the least populous of any in Caliphon. The mountains themselves are home to tin and silver mines, which transfer their goods either to the Lowlands for export along the Lord's Roads, or to the city of Maenesa to the west for shipping overseas. In the center of the Sea of Maene is the isle of Martre, which is home to the small city of Martreshold, location of the largest Cult of Ten Queens seminary and the College of Martre, an institute of higher learning.
Baltic Islands: There are four Baltic islands. Juteland, the largest, is heavily forested with pines to the north, and contains the trade city of Jute, which is a major base for the Navy of Caliphon. The next largest is Svalbard, and is largely hilly, rough terrain. What little native iron is mined in Caliphon comes from Svalbard, where it is shipped from the city of the same name. Svalbard was the home of and contains the tomb of Gudrun Blackhair, the first Sea Lord who united Caliphon centuries ago. Two more small, hilly islands are in the region. Tess, right on the coast of the Lowlands, is hilly and inhabited only by goatherds and farmers. Varne, near Svalbard, is similarly pastoral, though it contains a fairly sizeable coastal town.
Sitting astride the entrance to the Baltic, Caliphon has long been a major power in trade in the Northern oceans. Originally a collection of minor feifdoms, she united due to the threat of Scandinavian invasion hundreds of years ago. The first Sea Lord, Gudrun Blackhair, pushed the dwarves into the ocean and united Caliphon under one banner. Since then, the ships of Caliphon have plied the Baltic and Northern oceans, trading extensively and bringing goods from as far as distant Riva to the Baltic states.
Caliphon thrives on her oceanic trade and her vast, fertile flatlands. She exports foodstuffs, tin, simple magical devices, and silver, but must import most of her iron. Her lowlands are very open to attack, but the system of Lord's Roads allow excellent movement throughout the country. Caliphon is famed for it's high culture, and her literature, architecture, and music are seen as some of the finest in the region.
The scholars of Martre are one notable feature of the nation. It has been theorized that the Sea of Maene is in fact the aftermath of some long-ago Disaster. Some strange bits of stone and shiny metal have been found amonst the Warspite Mountains, and the scholars of Martre, among other things, study the area for clues as to the source of the crater Seas. Scholars of Martre travel the world, visiting even distant Illian or Karsinia to study other Crater Seas.
The Sea Lord provides executive and judicial power from his throne in Caliphona. The Parliament of Burghers, representing each of the cities of Caliphon, are the legislative body to which he must pander.
The majority of the people of Caliphon are pantheists, belonging to the Cult of the Ten Queens. There are five Queens of Virtue and five Queens of Vice. The Queens of Virtue are:
The Sea Mother: Goddess of the water, trade, and fish, and human enterprise. The highest of the Queens of Virtue. Worshipped by businessmen and lords.
The Harvest Maiden: Goddess of the plains, harvests, common men and women, and fertility. Worshipped by farmers.
The Storm Crone: Goddess of storms, justice, and war. Worshipped by soldiers.
The Troubadour Queen: Goddess of music, roads, and the wilderness. Worshipped by travellers, vagabonds, and thieves.
The Ebon Mistress: Goddess of the night, scholars, and magic. Worshipped by mages.
The Queens of Vice are:
Lanhier: Goddess of pride. She represents the ability of great men to fall under their own weight, and she is a warning against excessive hubris.
Samirach: Goddess of despair. She represents the end of hope, and is a warning against surrendering to one's base fears.
Missihna: Goddess of power. She represents man's cruelty and ability to use his power wantonly. She is a warning against despots and those who neglect charity.
Mochdine: Goddess of dead dreams. She represents man's ability to let go of what he believes in for expediency's sake. She is a warning against compromising one's values.
Grenyle: Goddess of corruption. She represents a man's ability to let avarice run his life. A warning against surrendering to one's greed.
The Shield of Caliphon
The Shield is the army of Caliphon. Small, well-trained, and built around the usage of organic magical support, the Shield tends towards a small number of very well trained and drilled professional soldiers. The Shield’s tradition is heavy infantry, and the vast majority of the Shield’s men are Armsmen, front-line troops who fight in disciplined blocks. A small force of light cavalry horse-archers and skirmishers exist as well.
Wizards are treated as craftsmen among the Caliphoni- nothing more, nothing less. In the Shield, men are trained in specific fields of magic, to work well in the strictly disciplined phalanxes. Combat-casters are trained in one of four disciplines.
Communicatrices: Trained in the arts of sonomancy, the manipulation of information and sound, Communicatrices work to keep regimental Marshals in contact with one another, allowing rapid communication between units. In groups, they can pool their skills and send messages across country, bringing word from the frontiers to the capital.
Abjurers: Knitting wounds and shielding blows, abjurers work to lessen the effect of enemy attacks. Arrows fall from the sky, rockets misfire, and battle-magics lose potency. The Abjurers of Caliphon focus on protecting the disciplined phalanxes from being shattered by enemy area-spells.
Obfuscators: Masters of misdirection, Obfuscators summon up fogs and project illusions.
Artificers: The only offensive mages used by the Shield. They are elemental summoners, using short-duration spells to raise flesh elementals and other nasty combat creatures.
Order of Battle
(22.5 regiments of strength, 10 regiments total.)
2 Destrier Cavalry Regiments: 200 men on Destrier warhorses. Heavy Cavalry is trained to break enemy formations with bone-shattering charges. They are armored with heavy scale mail and light plate, and carry long lances as well as steel siege bows. A cavalryman is very expensive to equip and train. (1.25 regiments of strength a peice)
6 Armsmen Regiments: 1000 heavy, loricated mail-equipped infantry, broken up into 4 250-man companies. Each company fields 100 men with slung roundshields and pikes, 100 men with tower shields and short-swords, and 50 men with longbows, swords, and bucklers. Some of the finest heavy infantry in the world.
(3 regiments of strength a peice)
2 Borderer Cavalry Regiments: 500 men, broken up into a number of small units. Borderers are raiders and scouts, trained to hit fast and track enemy movements. Armed with light bows, skirmisher's spears and hand weapons, and leather or light mail armor.(1 regiment of strength a peice.)
Armsmen Regiment I "Sea Lord's Own"
-All Companies in Caliphona
Armsmen Regiment II "The Faithful"
-Ist and IInd companies in Hamyr
-IIIrd company in Kymea
-IVth company in Santia
Armsmen Regiment III "Keepers of the Wall"
-Ist, IInd, and IIIrd companies in Maenesa
-IVth company in the Warspite Fortress
Armsmen Regiment IV "Bloody Seven Hundred"
-Ist and IInd company at the Cantori Coastal Road Fortress
- IIrd company at the Moutains Foot Fortress
- IVth company at the Isthumus Fortress
Armsmen Regiment V "Unbreakables"
-All companies at Draftsgard
Armsmen Regiment VI "Blackhair's Own"
-All companies at Jute
Destrier Regiment I "Storm Crone's Fury"
-All companies at Caliphona
Destrier Regiment II "Cantori Guard"
-All companies at Draftsgard
Borderer Regiment I "The Troubadours"
-All companies at Mountain's Foot Fortress
Borderer Regiment II "The Gentlemen"
-All companies Cantori Coastal Road Fortress
Caliphoni Naval Forces:
(12.5 regiments of strength in warships.)
The Caliphoni government maintains a fleet of seventy-five ships. Seventy of them are 30-meter Longships, propelled by elemental and muscle-run oar banks and square sails, optimized for the Baltic and British seas. Five of them are war-cogs, equipped with heavy ballistae and thaumaturgic sinks capable of providing enough power to allow their Artificer-Captains to summon powerful Wave and Storm elementals.
War Cog: 1.1 Regiment of power a peice, 5 of them available.
Longships: 10 per Regiment of Strength, 70 of them available. Capable of travelling up rivers.
Gudrun Blackhair, the Jutish pirate-queen who rose to become the first Sea Lord and lead the coastal city-states to unity and then victory under the banner of Caliphon. Felemid mac Fal, also known as Bragi, her bard, advisor, and lover. One, a harsh barbarian with an unbreakable resolve, direct nature, and stron armd. The other, an Eirish master of song and magic whose quick wit could unwind the tightest puzzles and whose silver tongue could charm the most stoic lord.
They disappeared centuries ago after saving Caliphon. Gudrun Blackhair's tomb lies on the island of Svalbard, an empty monument graven with her strong features, but not her true resting place.
In truth, Gudrun and Felemid left this world long ago, on the enchanted Dwarvish longship Ormungandr. Sailing into the seas to the far west of Eire, they travelled into a fey gate. Through the centuries, they and thier small but loyal crew have braved countless dangers. They would be dead of misfortune or old age, but Gudrun and Bragi are a devious pair, and time does not travel properly in the rifts between worlds.
It has been said that Gudrun, Bragi, and their enchanted ship Ormungandr would one day return to Caliphon in it's time of greatest strife.
Gudrun Blackhair- Tall for a woman and formidably muscled, Gudrun is a warrior without peer. Veteran of a thousand battles and one-time chieftan of a great clan of pirate warriors, she is strong of will and intelligent. This is balanced by a direct, brutally honest nature with little guile or subtlety. She carries the sword Serpent's Kiss, made of spirit-forged Damascus Steel, and wears a chain-mail bladric forged by the Black Dwarves of the deepest reaches of Siberia. Gudrun wears a pair of boots she stole from the immortal wizard Koschei. When she stamps them three times, a bridge appears spanning any small-to-medium gap in front of her. The bridge is completely solid until she dispells it by stamping three more times.
Blackhair has the charisma of the warrior-queen. He strength of will and her boundless self-confidence impose themselves on others, making her a great leader in war but poor diplomat. Her totem is the black raven on a red field.
Felemid mac Fal (Bragi)- Lithe, fine-featured, and tall, Felimid is Gudrun's equal and opposite. He was trained as a bard of ancient Eire, and his music carries with it the force of magic. His songs can cause three effects- Laughter, Sorrow, or Sleep - to all who hear them. He also communes readily with the elementals of wind, who move at his beck and call. His sword, Kincaid, is slim and immensely strong. It is cursed- any not of the line of the Tuatha de Danann, the Faerie of Eire- who take and keep it for a tenday will die shortly thereafter. He wears a jacket and helm of hardened leather and walrusbone, made by the Red Dwarves of the far Baltic coast. His personality is mischevious and devious.
Bragi's charisma is not Gudrun's solid force of personality, but rather a negotiator's reason and clever tongue. He can sway the will of even a great lord, but his honeyed words are of little use in rallying coarse fighting men. His totem is a diamond pattern in green and white.