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Kramnik vs. Leko World Chess Championship

Posted: 2004-10-10 12:06pm
by Raptor 597
Vladimir Kramnik and Peter Leko both of Russia are fighting for who will get to fight Kasparov(or Kasim but rthe odds are 1 out of 100 he'll beat Kaspy) next year. Kramnik won the first game and Leko came back fighting in Game 5 with a decisive victory and again won in Game 8. With draws inbetween all of these of course. The game to was looking good for Kramnik until black responded decisively.

To my surprise they've been playing all e4-e5 games, until Leko in game 5 played d4 and Kramnik's defense was. Leko's 8th game was dramatic and gave him the momentum so its up to Kramnik today or tomorrow to turn the tables. This is far more exciting and decisive than Kasaparov-Kramnik in 2000.

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