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A question about FPS

Posted: 2004-10-11 10:56pm
Could there be a way to replicate peripheral vision for FPS??
Just Curious.

Posted: 2004-10-11 11:15pm
by Death from the Sea
with out either shrinking the frontal view or adding additional monitors on the periphery I don't see how you could. A tv or monitor screen is not a window, otherwise you could get up close to the screen and look below the edge to see things just out of normal view..... you know like you did as a kid when girls took off their clothes and you tried to see if you could see something....... or was it just me?

Posted: 2004-10-12 12:42am
by Drooling Iguana
You can widen your field of view in some FPSs (I'm pretty sure you can with Quake and its sequels, anyway.) It causes a fish-eye-lens type effect, which can be disconcerting. Some people swear by it, though.

Posted: 2004-10-12 01:43am
Heh, you get around, don'tcha?

Check it out. Or if you're worried that center seam might get in the way, voila!

Posted: 2004-10-12 03:30am
by Drooling Iguana
Wow. Meesa wants!

Posted: 2004-10-12 03:54am
by JointStrikeFighter
perpheral vision=god *drools*

Posted: 2004-10-12 12:27pm
by Eleas
SPOOFE wrote:Heh, you get around, don'tcha?

Check it out. Or if you're worried that center seam might get in the way, voila!
It's too bad so few FPS actually support multiscreens. :(

Posted: 2004-10-12 06:45pm
It's too bad so few FPS actually support multiscreens.
Give it time, give it time...