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Sim City 4 help needed
Posted: 2004-10-12 11:31pm
by Shinova
There's a thread from long before, but it's kinda buried too deep so I'll just start a new one.
Anyway, one of my cities has apparently hit a glass ceiling of some kind. Namely, the residential demand is negative so none of my newer residential zones are getting filled. How do I bust this demand cap?
Posted: 2004-10-13 01:00am
by Shadowhawk
Drop residential taxes? Enact ordinances that residents like? Build up your Industry and Commercial zones (people won't move in if there's no jobs or no shopping).
Schools functioning and scoring well? Hospitals good? Police and Fire? Water? Pollution? Traffic?
Posted: 2004-10-13 01:26am
by Sarevok
I heard in mature cities where there is high number of old people residential demand drops. The way to deal with it is to destroy some hospitals. It will cause a drop in citizen health but it will also push up residential demand. A fairly small price to pay.
Posted: 2004-10-13 05:03am
by Shinova
I figured out the problem: I had neglected garbage collection near the beginning and now it's come back to bite me in the ass.
I was wondering what those white things in the middle of the roads were scattered all over the place, now I know.
Took care of that problem and now everything's dandy. Only problem is that I've maxed out my city space but otherwise it's pretty good.
Thanks anyway.
Posted: 2004-10-14 06:51pm
by admiral_danielsben
Shinova wrote:I figured out the problem: I had neglected garbage collection near the beginning and now it's come back to bite me in the ass.
I was wondering what those white things in the middle of the roads were scattered all over the place, now I know.
Took care of that problem and now everything's dandy. Only problem is that I've maxed out my city space but otherwise it's pretty good.
Thanks anyway.
Not enough space? there are a few things you can do:
1. Zone more densely (be careful though, traffic for high density and traffic for low density are completely different things! power, garbage, pollution, etc. as well)
2. Take your city and build neighbors! You can also make your neighbor cities more specialized, if you connect them to your original city. They're demands will link up via your roads and public transit.
3. Find any worthless land (water, too-steep hills, etc) and make it into flat or lightly hilled land to be zoned.
4. Find superfluous buildings, or replace lots of small ones with fewer big ones (ie small police stations with big ones), to get more zone space.
Oh, and next time, either build more garbage dumps, recyclers and incinerators, or build a road connection to a neighbor and give them the trash.
Posted: 2004-10-15 12:38am
by Alferd Packer
In my region, I have a supermassive industrial complex which also handles the entire region's garbage and much of its eletricity. You can "bucket brigade" all of your cities' trash to a single place up to a certain maximum(I haven't figured out how this is determined).
Centralizing is much more efficient and cheap, especially since you can use coal with no ill effects. It's a little tricky to get off the ground, but once you get going, it'll work like gangbusters.