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All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG

Posted: 2004-10-16 11:51am
by Exmoor Cat
Anyone else play it?

I'm thinknig of working on a scenario, set in aswing state, where Republican Black Ops specialists have realised that they will lose the state by a small margin, therefore are gonig round and zomibifying known Democrat voters to ensure the election?

A nice topical explanation for "Night of the Living Dead - November 2004"

Posted: 2004-10-17 12:34am
by Tasoth
god, that works so damned well. Any option for mutant zombies or are they all going to be the same?

Posted: 2004-10-17 01:56am
by Exmoor Cat
Well, aswith all good MIB plots,of course the process will go wrong........... :twisted:

Posted: 2004-10-17 02:34pm
by Jawawithagun
Graveyard vote anyone?

The Dead have risen - and they vote Republican!