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[Tabletop RPG] Angst

Posted: 2004-10-16 06:17pm
by Eleas
I've just finished a 13 hour marathon RPG session - no sleep, no pauses, and my body thinks AM is PM. But that's to be expected when you have fun, I guess.

Anyway, the theme of the day was angst. And the session we played was pretty damn angst-ridden. What I experienced was highly emotional and very touching, yet... is it really that common to play RPGs that way? Do "normal" gamers (if there is such a thing, heh) stay away from more nakedly emotional scenes, or am I way of base here?

Anyway, what I really wanted to hear was any gaming stories you might have on the subject. If, of course, I'm not alone in enjoying the telling of sad tales.

Posted: 2004-10-21 12:16am
by White Haven
Sadly, my local group is strictly Battletech, no RPGing however much I might dearly want to play a good Mechwarrior campaign. Aside from poor Dave's PC getting stepped on by a Cestus while out-of-mech, not too much sadness there. Yeah, we've got some sick, sick fucks playing OpFor.