It's another one of those games that I have to get. No matter what.
{} Thrawn wins. Any questions? {} Great Dolphin Conspiracy {} Proud member of the defunct SEGNOR {} Enjoy the rythmic hip thrusts {} In my past life I was either Vlad the Impaler or Katsushika Hokusai {}
LOL! Back in 2002, Morrowind was the first game I got for my then new PC.
Now, with the 3-year period (I get a new computer every 3 years) nearly expired (July next year), the next Elder Scrolls game will again be one of the first games to grace my new gaming rig.
Cool...though I'm hoping Bethesda takes a little more care into some of the easier ways of programming so my puter doesn't go "Okay toooooo much, now let's decide to CHUG!"
Sure the mods were great but yeech the game was a hog.
But damn it looks nice and should have the sheer size and scope as the others.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
EVERY SINGLE BLADE OF GRASS is an individual model from what I could see, every single leaf the same... all with the sun shining down..
Eh, I doubt it. Probably a combination of simple grass texture, instanced a whole bunch, and normal mapping. Far Cry got similar results with the higher Environment Detail settings.
SPOOFE wrote:
Eh, I doubt it. Probably a combination of simple grass texture, instanced a whole bunch, and normal mapping. Far Cry got similar results with the higher Environment Detail settings.
Looking at it again, still a WAY higher ammount of detail then ever before done for background, with tree bark having High rez textures.
Brotherhood of the Bear | HAB | Mess | SDnet archivist |
Sokartawi wrote:I remember that a year ago I was still into Morrowind a lot, and someone said "that game is old as hell, and Fable will blow it out of the water!"
Now there's something that will completely blow Fable out of the water, heh heh heh...
I didn't take much of an interest in Fable, how good were its graphics?
On that matter, the moment that screenie goes online, I'll be wallpapering it, its like a render.
Brotherhood of the Bear | HAB | Mess | SDnet archivist |
SPOOFE wrote:Fable was more a series of failed promises than actual game. Far more was conceived to go into it but subsequently cut than actually made it in.
Morrowind was God's Gift to RP-ers. Over a hundred hours of gameplay. Huge, lush, detailed world. A shitload of stuff to do. Easily moddable.
Only flaw was too damn many cliff racers.
No the only game flaw was the pisspoor combat system which made the game from a kickass game into a subpar one with tons of content because the game was always either... To hard.... Enemies killing you in one hit, cliff racers swarming you and following you into town and waiting outside the house you ducked into for you. To to easy... Nuking cities with high level spells, just keep wailing away to killing any villian, not even havening to heal once your fifteen or so
The only way I could play the game was going strait bow+ restoration magic and using the Marksmen mod for bowmen so at least the game was intresting with combat
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
Okay, its multiplayer right? Its not another mastubatory 'WOWzor level 99 axe skill' game is it? Another generic fantasy plot played out through the medium of random slashes?
I liked Daggerfall. When I play games like that now, I think 'why am I doing this? Whats the point?'. Gothic and Gothic 2 are good games, but I can't invest the time to finish them, since there's no multi aspect at all, so who cares how 1337 my mage is? Have they changed the treadmill aspect of the game? Even MMORPGs don't do that anymore.
I have no idea if its multiplayer, but how do you suggest doing that? the only good RPG online was NWN, and that got boring with having stupid teammates.
Brotherhood of the Bear | HAB | Mess | SDnet archivist |
Fuck multiplayer. Every game that panders to multiwhores winds up broken. Let 'em weave their immersive single-player quest for those of us who prefer quality gaming to quantity gaming, all right?
SPOOFE wrote:Fuck multiplayer. Every game that panders to multiwhores winds up broken. Let 'em weave their immersive single-player quest for those of us who prefer quality gaming to quantity gaming, all right?
Maybe all the RPGs I've played lately are just poorly designed, but the treadmill aspect (oh noes! I can't go into that cave because its guarded by skeleton lvl 5 +2 attack and I need to level up first!) has really started putting me off. I'm all for immersive story experiences, but hours of killing mealbugs to get xp is just boring, lame, my gf hates it. At least Zelda and Stalker base their plot scripting on objects you need in a tangible sense, and not power levels. I never played Morrowind - I heard terrifying things about its performance issues - so maybe they don't do that anymore.
Heheh. Palladium RPG books used to say they used xp/level systems because they were 'realistic and accurate' ...
SPOOFE wrote:Fuck multiplayer. Every game that panders to multiwhores winds up broken. Let 'em weave their immersive single-player quest for those of us who prefer quality gaming to quantity gaming, all right?
Maybe all the RPGs I've played lately are just poorly designed, but the treadmill aspect (oh noes! I can't go into that cave because its guarded by skeleton lvl 5 +2 attack and I need to level up first!) has really started putting me off. I'm all for immersive story experiences, but hours of killing mealbugs to get xp is just boring, lame, my gf hates it. At least Zelda and Stalker base their plot scripting on objects you need in a tangible sense, and not power levels. I never played Morrowind - I heard terrifying things about its performance issues - so maybe they don't do that anymore.
Heheh. Palladium RPG books used to say they used xp/level systems because they were 'realistic and accurate' ...
Morrowind honestly is different enough and immersive enough that giving it multiplayer would be not only insane...pointless.
Also it's experience system is different enough that you can't just kill stupid bugs(you could but you're wasting a world of things to do). Also you can go anywhere, just watch out when the beasties are just that nasty(vampires do so ugly amounts of damage). But if you know what and where you can steal makes exploration easier. The most interesting is experience is not as much king in Morrowind as is how skilled you are, and there is a difference on how one acquires skill vs most RPGs.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Morrowind's level system is pretty much the same as Daggerfall, but with a few changes to the base stat progression (you always get the same number of points, rather than 4-6 randomly, but they're worth more in certain attributes depending on what skills you've been using that level), faster progression, and less skills.
Essentially, Morrowind is Daggerfall, with less content but more detail in the content (places are actually designed, not just thrown together from a limited batch of tiles)