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SDN Diplomacy 2: Game Thread

Posted: 2004-10-23 02:14pm
by StarshipTitanic
SDN Diplomacy 2: Standard Game

As previously instructed, we're only allowed one thread for the game for some reason. Therefore, look here and only here for game updates.


The date is now Spring 1903. Fall 1903 MOVES are due Tuesday, December 7 at 11:00 PM GMT (6:00 PM EST). If someone desperately needs an extention, contact me somehow BEFORE this time and the due date will be delayed for 24 hours.

The Current Map:

Last Season's Moves/Retreats/Builds:

A(Tun) Hold
F(Ion) S F(Aeg)-Eme
A(Bul) Hold Destroyed

F Bla - Bul Bounce! with Austrian A(Ser)
F Smy - Con
A Arm - Smy

Army in Por moves to Bre (Next time, give me a convoy order or it's invalid)
Burgundy Army moves to Ruh Bounce!
Paris Army moves to Burgundy Bounce!

A War -> Liv
F Gob -> Fin
Additional moves may follow, until then assume
A Ukr S F Sev

A NOR -> SWE Bounce!
A BEL -> HOL Bounce!

F Den - Swe Bounce!
F Kie - Bal
A Mun - Ruh Bounce!
A Ber - Mun Bounce!

A Ser -> Bul
A Rum S (A Ser -> Bul)
F Gre S (A Ser -> Bul)
A Vie -> Tyr
A Bud -> Tri
A Gal S Rum

Player List:

StarshipTitanic (GM): Italy
Symmetry: Austria
Gandalf: England
Guy N. Cognito: Russia
Xenophobe3691: Germany
verilon: Turkey
frigidmagi: France


Captain Lennox

Contact Info (link)


For the newbies: Remember, you must hold a territory during Fall to claim it and get support from it. If you are dislodged from the territory in Fall, you do not get it.

Posted: 2004-10-23 02:15pm
by StarshipTitanic
Map Archive:

To be filled...

Posted: 2004-10-26 07:29pm
by Symmetry
How are we submitting moves? PM the GM?

Posted: 2004-10-26 08:36pm
by Gandalf
Generally email or PM.

Posted: 2004-10-26 08:38pm
by StarshipTitanic
One day left, more or less.

Posted: 2004-10-27 05:21pm
by StarshipTitanic
I'm missing Russia, Germany, and France.

Posted: 2004-10-27 05:57pm
by Xenophobe3691
I e-mailed it to you, do you want me to PM?

Posted: 2004-10-27 07:41pm
by StarshipTitanic
24 hour grace period begins...

Posted: 2004-10-27 10:47pm
by Symmetry
Who are we missing?

Posted: 2004-10-27 11:07pm
by Guy N. Cognito
Sorry, I looked at the time wrong. I thought StarShips was AT -0600 EST. My bad. I'll send it right away

Posted: 2004-10-28 08:31am
by StarshipTitanic
Tycho, damnit. I gave you a week to read the rules, if I wasn't at school I would be giving you a No Moves Recieved right now. If they're not in by 2:00 PM EST, you will get a NMR because I have a research paper to write.

Posted: 2004-10-28 09:07am
by Captain tycho
Sorry, but I've been damned busy all week. I have to quit. Workload always picks up around this time.

Posted: 2004-10-28 09:09am
by Gandalf
Captain tycho wrote:Sorry, but I've been damned busy all week. I have to quit. Workload always picks up around this time.

Do we have reserves?

Posted: 2004-10-28 09:17pm
by StarshipTitanic
No, and I'm afraid I'll have to delay moves another day because of the report. Sorry guys, you will get it early tomorrow.

Posted: 2004-10-29 08:29am
by StarshipTitanic
Spring 1901 moves have been posted!


Trieste - Italian troops have beseiged the city of Trieste, still held by Austrian forces, in a stunning move of aggression. "We will bury you!" Yelled the Prime Minister just prior to his government falling. Italian naval forces also move in on Mediterranean targets, although the specifics are unknown as of now.

Posted: 2004-10-29 08:32am
by Gandalf
Anyone replacing Tycho? Because I may be able to call on a guy from the last time we tried this.

Posted: 2004-10-29 02:24pm
by StarshipTitanic
Gandalf wrote:Anyone replacing Tycho? Because I may be able to call on a guy from the last time we tried this.
Go ahead, I have no one in mind.

Posted: 2004-10-29 10:04pm
by StarshipTitanic
Map is up.

Posted: 2004-10-31 12:46am
by frigidmagi
In a surprise move, the weak, foolish and former leaders of France have been removed in a midnight action of the Paris guard in support of the new Magi government.

The leader of the Magi government gave a speech this morning promising to reverse the misakes of those who held the office before him and provide for a stronger more secure nation. :wink: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2004-10-31 12:51am
by StarshipTitanic
All info updated. Thank you for joining, frigidmagi! Due date has not changed.

Posted: 2004-11-03 04:47pm
by StarshipTitanic
Missing Verilon and Symmetry.

Posted: 2004-11-04 08:52am
by StarshipTitanic
Ok, I have Symmetry's. Verilon has about 9 hours.

Posted: 2004-11-04 08:38pm
by StarshipTitanic
Verilon NMRed. Moves up, builds due Saturday. EDIT: Map up.

Posted: 2004-11-04 09:48pm
by Symmetry
Shouldn't that Russian StP fleet be in GoB, or am I missing something?

Posted: 2004-11-04 10:08pm
by Symmetry
Austrio Italian Peace

In an unexpected show of Diplomacy, Italian troops agreed today to leave their siege of Trieste, and oversee the garrisoning of the Serbia, recently conquered by Austria. The Rumanian troops that had been garrisoning Serbia are now believed to have taken over Rumania, arriving behind the Russia navel forces rushing back to Sevastopol to head off the Turkish threat.

International pundits are speculating on whether the war between Austria and Italy was real, or whether it was merely a front.

Emporer Leopold of Austria delivered a speach today thanking the Italians for their aid in stoping the forces of Turkish recidivism.