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Dawn of War questions
Posted: 2004-10-29 02:34pm
by 2000AD
1 - How do youview replays? i can't seem to find it ina ny menu
2 - How do you make your own insignia for the army painter?
Posted: 2004-10-29 02:45pm
by White Haven
Load the replays via an option in the skirmish mode.
Dunno on the insignia yet.
Posted: 2004-10-29 05:55pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Make a 64x64 .tga and put them in the Banners and Badges folders.
Posted: 2004-10-29 06:27pm
by 2000AD
White Haven wrote:Load the replays via an option in the skirmish mode.
Dunno on the insignia yet.
where about si still can't find it!
Posted: 2004-10-29 06:32pm
by Batman
2000AD wrote:White Haven wrote:Load the replays via an option in the skirmish mode.
where about si still can't find it!
While I haven't done it so far my guess would be 'skirmish', 'load game', 'recorded game'.
Sorry if that isn't it.
Posted: 2004-10-29 06:34pm
by Rogue 9
JediNeophyte wrote:Make a 64x64 .tga and put them in the Banners and Badges folders.
.tga? Never heard that one before... *Wants the Microsoft symbol for my army.*

Posted: 2004-10-29 06:45pm
by Batman
Rogue 9 wrote:JediNeophyte wrote:Make a 64x64 .tga and put them in the Banners and Badges folders.
.tga? Never heard that one before... *Wants the Microsoft symbol for my army.*

1. You're sick.

2. Oh please. .tga has been around only practically forever. I'll grant you that it isn't all that widely used, but it certainly isn't anything recent (no offense intended, but I'm flabbergasted by how someone who is even moderately into computers can't know tga...)
Posted: 2004-10-29 06:58pm
by Rogue 9
Batman wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:JediNeophyte wrote:Make a 64x64 .tga and put them in the Banners and Badges folders.
.tga? Never heard that one before... *Wants the Microsoft symbol for my army.*

1. You're sick.

2. Oh please. .tga has been around only practically forever. I'll grant you that it isn't all that widely used, but it certainly isn't anything recent (no offense intended, but I'm flabbergasted by how someone who is even moderately into computers can't know tga...)
1.) [Sarge] I used to fight for the Microsoft forces back in my youth. [/Sarge]
2.) I'm familiar with file types that I've needed to use before. That isn't one of them.
Posted: 2004-10-31 08:39am
by 2000AD
It is in the load section fo skirmish, i just missed it because i assumed it was just for loading saed games and not replays, thanks
Posted: 2004-10-31 08:50am
by wautd
Step 1
Make your image and select the part of it you want to be transparent using the magic wand. Then use Selections > Modify > Expand a couple of pixels to make sure you get all of the empty space, then hit Selections > Invert.
Step 2
You should now have selected everything solid (i.e. non-transparent) that you want to include. Click Selections > Save to Alpha Channel.
Step 3
Resize the image to 64 by 64 pixels. Then, use save as to save the image as a 24-bit, uncompressed TGA. (Make sure those options are checked in the save-as dialog box.)
Posted: 2004-10-31 05:00pm
by Grand Admiral Ancaris
*gets the bizzare idea to use his avatar (Kefka) as his banner*
Posted: 2004-10-31 08:15pm
by White Haven
If I ever start playing again, I'm going to grab the old Intel Inside logo for my armies. I mean, come on, powered armor with Intel Inside scrawled on it? That's awesome

Posted: 2004-11-01 12:03am
by SyntaxVorlon
Batman wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:JediNeophyte wrote:Make a 64x64 .tga and put them in the Banners and Badges folders.
.tga? Never heard that one before... *Wants the Microsoft symbol for my army.*

1. You're sick.

2. Oh please. .tga has been around only practically forever. I'll grant you that it isn't all that widely used, but it certainly isn't anything recent (no offense intended, but I'm flabbergasted by how someone who is even moderately into computers can't know tga...)
IIRC, Relic always uses it for symbols they put in games, the pause icon in Homeworld was a TGA. It may be because it can have transparency, at least the way it was transparent itself.
Posted: 2004-11-01 01:47am
by Archaic`
White Haven wrote:If I ever start playing again, I'm going to grab the old Intel Inside logo for my armies. I mean, come on, powered armor with Intel Inside scrawled on it? That's awesome

It's been done. =p
Posted: 2004-11-01 03:53am
by The Yosemite Bear
Grand Admiral Ancaris wrote:*gets the bizzare idea to use his avatar (Kefka) as his banner*
would that be a choas chapter?
Posted: 2004-11-01 04:58am
by Grand Admiral Ancaris
The Yosemite Bear wrote:Grand Admiral Ancaris wrote:*gets the bizzare idea to use his avatar (Kefka) as his banner*
would that be a choas chapter?
But of course. I don't think many can represent genuine chaos better than Kefka.
Posted: 2004-11-01 06:59am
by The Yosemite Bear
fuck he could probably bitchslap khorne, nergle and slannish....