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Dawn of War this coming weekend?
Posted: 2004-11-08 10:29pm
by Shinova
My copy of Dawn of War should arrive in a few days, just in time for the weekends.
Inspired by the Starcraft thread, I was wondering if anyone could be interested in a small multiplayer match amongst DOW players?
Posted: 2004-11-09 07:40am
by Losonti Tokash
Sounds good. I was feeling left out once I remembered that Blizzard had disabled by CD-key without warning or explanation.
On the off chance that you need it, I live in the Central time zone.
Posted: 2004-11-09 11:42am
I'm in Central too. If possible, I'll give it a shot.
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:41pm
by The Yosemite Bear
mine comes next week
Posted: 2004-11-09 03:50pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm always open for a game.
Let's stomp some humiez!
Posted: 2004-11-09 04:10pm
by Zac Naloen
just got it yesterday. best start practising.
Posted: 2004-11-09 04:53pm
by White Haven
IF you lot can put up with a dialup user, and IF I'm not in the middle of moving at the time, I could dust off my copy. I retired for a while after realizing the sad state of the general online playerbase...a newbie like myself shouldn't have been able to rack up something like 15 consecutive victories before finally losing to a 3v1

Posted: 2004-11-09 05:23pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I'll try and be as unconventional and sneaky as possible monkeigh
Posted: 2004-11-13 03:11pm
by White Haven
...I take it this's off?
Posted: 2004-11-14 05:54am
by The Yosemite Bear
I don't know but I just got it mon keigh
Posted: 2004-11-14 07:33am
by Rogue 9
I'm up for it!
We are the Microsoft. Lower your lawyers and surrender your assets. We will add your copyrights and market share to our own. Your market plan will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

Posted: 2004-11-14 07:53am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Klan Nub will crush you all. Name a time.
Posted: 2004-11-14 11:55am
by White Haven
Meh, I'm gonna get mashed, stopped playing a while ago. Ah well, all's fun in love and masochism.
EDIT: I should be around most of the day, about to go grab some food. I need to patch up, too, but I'll set that to DL before I go eat. Yes, I'm on dialup, but I get 8-hour stability, and I doubt our game's gonna last that long
EDIT 2: 1:22 PM EST: 5 megs remaining on patch DL. What's the word?
Posted: 2004-11-14 01:54pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I'm getting error messages on my copy when I DLed the patch...
Posted: 2004-11-14 02:05pm
by White Haven
Has a bunch of fixes for patch errors. Hope it helps, my patch went fine.
Posted: 2004-11-14 02:45pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I had the "corrupted" issue too. What fixed it for me was deleting several older games, freeing up about 2 GB.
Posted: 2004-11-14 03:47pm
by White Haven
Alright, everyone who /has/ a working copy of 1.1 DoW, sound off and give times you're available. Let's get a working count going.
Me, from now til 1-2AM EST, with a dinner break somewhere in there. DoW 1.1 tested in skirmish.
Posted: 2004-11-14 04:09pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Roughly the same times as Haven here.
Posted: 2004-11-14 04:46pm
by Shinova
I am free today, and hopefully most of tomorrow.
I didn't notice there were so many replies here so I thought no one was interested but looks like I'm wrong.
Should we play a game just online, or should we try to do that direct hosting thing?
Posted: 2004-11-14 05:03pm
by Shinova
If I can have a volunteer to test out my direct host game:
Game name: sdnet
game password: wong
IP address:
Let's just see if it works, first of all.
EDIT: If one of you actually joins up and I don't speak, it's cause I'm here.
Posted: 2004-11-14 05:10pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm in.
If Take & Hold isn't on there I'll be forced to purge the unclean.
Posted: 2004-11-14 05:16pm
by Shinova
JediNeophyte wrote:I'm in.
If Take & Hold isn't on there I'll be forced to purge the unclean.
As requested, Inquisitor!
EDIT: So, yeah it works. The map's currently set to Mortalis (better for a quick take and hold game) and I'm just gonna leave it on for anyone to join; if we have enough willing people at any point, we'll start and see if the game works.
Posted: 2004-11-14 06:10pm
by Shinova
GAH!!! My W40k.exe encountered a fatal exception error in the middle of the game!!
But it was a smacking good one though.

Posted: 2004-11-14 06:12pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Shinova wrote:GAH!!! My W40k.exe encountered a fatal exception error in the middle of the game!!
But it was a smacking good one though.

You were getting shredded by the AI.
My Force Commander saved your ass. Heroicly.
My end score was also "13371"

Posted: 2004-11-14 06:13pm
by White Haven
We won, if it's any consolation. Try again?