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Official Halo 2 Thread
Posted: 2004-11-08 11:37pm
by The Cleric
Since the game will be released in the US in under 30 mins, I thought it appropriate to start a thread. I'll be picking mine up in the morning on my way to classes. I figure you all can review/complain/bitch/orgasm all in one place with a single Halo 2 dedcated thread.
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:01am
by JointStrikeFighter
Unfortunatley i waont be able to play mine till nov 28th as we are movig house
Looks Frickin Awesome though
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:14am
by Butterbean569
I don't own an Xbox, but my brother back home and his friends all do. When I go back I usually play Halo with 10-12 of us's pretty fun. It reminds me of the good ole days of playing Goldeneye hehe *However*...the major reason why I think it's fun is because everyone's within yelling distance of each other. So we can talk smack, use tactics, etc in RL. The gameplay of Halo itself was....a bit watered down compared to what I'm used to (Battlefield '42/Desert Combat mostly). I want huge maps, 30 vs. 30 games, and tons of vehicles!! I guess that BF/DC set the bar so high for me I am too harsh on other games.
I'm really interested to hear what those of you that play online PC FPS have to say about Halo 2 on the Xbox. Is it in-depth enough for you? Are the controls good enough for you? Are there enough weapons/vehicles for you? Are the graphics good enough for you?
Have fun with Halo 2 everyone...I'm not a huge fan, but I do think it's pretty fun, and I can't wait to play my bro and all his friends when i go back home for thanksgiving lol
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:24am
by Agent Fisher
I am looking foward to the story more than the game play.
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:31am
by Rogue 9
CURSES! My Xbox owning friends are broke! *Fumes*
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:32am
by DPDarkPrimus
The ending is swift and brutal. And a cliffhanger. That's what Penny Arcade says.
Anyways, I'm not going to be playing it until the weekend, so you mooks have fun.
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:42am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Wake me for HL2 and STALKER...
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:47am
by SylasGaunt
I have it. Massively pretty it is. And it opens rather well with a look at the Covenant side of things.
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:49am
by Pcm979
Hrm. Penny Arcade has somewhat defused my desire for the thing. Especially since I can't play it 'till Xmas and I can play HL2 in a week.
Posted: 2004-11-09 12:55am
by Spanky The Dolphin
PA is just too true today...
Posted: 2004-11-09 01:02am
by Ghost Rider I love the way he describes the ending.
Well I'll see within a week's it goes, but hmmm...I wonder if they have sequels
Posted: 2004-11-09 01:15am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Oh God, the next week until like, forever is going to be such a fucking living hell for me...
Fucking Bungie, fucking Halo, and fucking God damn college students...
Posted: 2004-11-09 01:17am
by The Cleric
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Oh God, the next week until like, forever is going to be such a fucking living hell for me...
Fucking Bungie, fucking Halo, and fucking God damn college students...
Why don't you try playing it some?
Posted: 2004-11-09 01:21am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Nice that you first think assume that I never have. Classic.
I have, I suck, and they never shut the fuck up. Screaming even, past Midnight at times.
So don't assume I'm bitching because I've never played it.
Posted: 2004-11-09 01:24am
by The Cleric
If you never practice you'll never get better.
Posted: 2004-11-09 01:25am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I have no interest in playing a game that I lack the coordination and actual raw interest in playing.
I just want them for the love of God to just for once shut up and stop screaming.
Posted: 2004-11-09 01:39am
by Rogue 9
Call in a noise complaint. It sure shut my floor up when I did.
Posted: 2004-11-09 02:08am
by Equinox2003
From what I hear, It is a good game. I certainly will not buy an Xbox
over it, but when I do get an Xbox, I will be sure and give it a try.
Posted: 2004-11-09 02:20am
by Kamakazie Sith
Rogue 9 wrote:Call in a noise complaint. It sure shut my floor up when I did.
It's people like you that make college life no fun.
Posted: 2004-11-09 02:34am
by Rogue 9
Kamakazie Sith wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:Call in a noise complaint. It sure shut my floor up when I did.
It's people like you that make college life no fun.
No, it's failing tests because the entire floor kept you awake all night that makes college life no fun.
Posted: 2004-11-09 02:42am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Exactly. What isn't fun is sometimes having to wait until 1-3 AM to do your homework so you can actually concentrate.
Posted: 2004-11-09 06:33am
by Stark
Thoughts from a guy who played Halo only a bit (up until the 'rescue misc Admiral' bit) and isn't a Halo fan:
1) Looks terrible. The gun and texture popup on the 'cinemas' is, while amusing, terrible. Some of the wall textures are awful. All actors improved dramatically, but level design and texturing have not.
2) All Halo players who hated the 'rifle' have been vindicated; its the only gun NOT brought forward. Even the SMG is better than the old rifle!
3) Game starts the same way. Same weak storytelling. Does it start on a ship? A spacestation? Noone mentions Reach. Noone mentions anything, actually, not even that its not a surprise the Cov show up. Boarding actions ahoy, even with the MAC still working. The 'Black Hawk Down' level was just gay. 'Kill Everyone then Move to the Next Kill Everyone Area' gameplay still present.
4) Poor objective stuff. Got stuck by the elevator to FC near the start, because the door was 'red'(locked) and it opens when you both stand there (in coop) and we were, of course, searching around and shit.
5) Nice weapon modelling. Hopelessly inaccurate weapons from the first game all tuned up. MC seems to be slower, which while normally good, doesn't make sense for our favourite $6x10^12 man. Pistol (thankfully) has no scope now!
6) Irritating auto-aim in scoped mode. I didn't notice this in Halo, and it sucks balls.
7) Lots of walking in coop if you don't keep two ghosts alive in some parts.
I heard the intro was good. It isn't.
9) I like the new weapons. A pox on xbox controllers and the lack of alt-fire for GLs or whatever. Cov sniper a huge disadvantage from the DEW line. Rockets aren't walking speed anymore!
Not a terrible game at all, but certainly more like Halo than I expected. Not revolutionary at all, but a bit of fun. And you DO get to fight on the bolt of a railgun.
Posted: 2004-11-09 08:43am
by Mr Bean
Rogue 9 wrote:Kamakazie Sith wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:Call in a noise complaint. It sure shut my floor up when I did.
It's people like you that make college life no fun.
No, it's failing tests because the entire floor kept you awake all night that makes college life no fun.
Tear gas is thy friend
Posted: 2004-11-09 09:40am
by Icehawk
Just picked up the "Limited collectors edition" a few mins ago.
Posted: 2004-11-09 09:58am
by SylasGaunt
Stark wrote:
1) Looks terrible. The gun and texture popup on the 'cinemas' is, while amusing, terrible. Some of the wall textures are awful. All actors improved dramatically, but level design and texturing have not.
Eh? *looks at the graphics again* Look good to me. You do have a point on the pop-up during the cinemas, it seems to lag a bit so you see everything appear in the cinematic.
3) Game starts the same way. Same weak storytelling. Does it start on a ship? A spacestation?
Uh yes, in fact they tell you in the opening that you're on one of the space defense platforms (Cairo IIRC).
Noone mentions Reach.
The Covenant do.. well at least the guy responsible for torching most of it does.
Noone mentions anything, actually, not even that its not a surprise the Cov show up.
I would think the fact that they had put several hundred orbital weapons platforms up would mean they were expecting the Covvies to show up
Boarding actions ahoy, even with the MAC still working.
Uh, that was the point of the boarding actions, to kill the MAC guns by throwing lots of small boarding craft at them so that the cap ships could come in.
4) Poor objective stuff. Got stuck by the elevator to FC near the start, because the door was 'red'(locked) and it opens when you both stand there (in coop) and we were, of course, searching around and shit.
No problem like that from me but then I was playing in singleplayer.
I heard the intro was good. It isn't.
I think it is. It's somewhat gratifying to see your enemy in disgrace while you're off getting a medal. Not to mention that Keith David is doing the voice of a Covenant Elite in it.
9)Cov sniper a huge disadvantage from the DEW line. Rockets aren't walking speed anymore!
And homing to as I recall. You're right about the dew line. The one for the regular sniper rifle is easy enough to spot but this one glows on top of that (on the other hand you also don't need to reload it).