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Posted: 2004-11-08 11:51pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Anyone play the multiplayer demo of Nexus: The Jupiter Incident/Imperium Galactica III/Galaxy Andromeda? I love it. The only thing about the demo that's disappointing is that you can't configure individual ships like you can in the finished game.
For SP and MP demos.
Posted: 2004-11-08 11:53pm
by White Haven
Yes you can IRG. Quite easily, in the MP. Pick your ship(s) and there's a button just above your shiplist labeled, IIRC, 'Ship Config' or some such. Have at it. And yes, I'm White Haven in it. It's got, sadly, some of the worst net code I've ever encountered, and I dearly hope that's fixed soon.
Posted: 2004-11-09 09:24am
by Arrow
I haven't played the MP demo, but the SP demo was very cool. The controls were a bit difficult to learn, and the AI kicked my ass all through the asteroid field, but I think I'll be buying the game when it ships in the US. Their are far, far too few quality space simulation games.
Posted: 2004-11-10 06:46pm
by White Haven
Stupid fucks at Vivendi delayed it by roughly four months. I'm trying to get an import copy, but GoGamer is backordered. The game had a worldwide-if-you're-not-in-North-America release on the 5th. Useless twits.
Posted: 2004-11-11 04:38am
by PeZook
White Haven wrote:Stupid fucks at Vivendi delayed it by roughly four months. I'm trying to get an import copy, but GoGamer is backordered. The game had a worldwide-if-you're-not-in-North-America release on the 5th. Useless twits.
Hah! Now you know how us East Europeans feel after a cool game ships everywhere but here
Anyway, Nexus ain't that good. Without spoiling, I can only say that the developers didn't really seem to know what they wanted to do with it. It has a character driven story (sometimes), but the later game setting has nothing to do at all with the initial setup (which was cool. The later story is just a rehash of countless sci-fi franchises, only with the names swapped), there a lot of bog-standard RTS missions, and it has a story full of cliches and brainbugs.
Plus, the ship config system is messed up like you wouldn't believe.
Posted: 2004-11-11 12:42pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Ah, I found out that you can configure the ships. But whenever I host a server, it won't work for me but it does for others. And others say that when they host they have the same problem. But, man, that's a great game. I hope they fix all of that shit by the time it's released in the U.S. My name in the demo is CommandoJoe.
Posted: 2004-11-11 01:28pm
by White Haven
I see it as a better Doom 3, really. Not the mediocre mehness of D3's gameplay, but not solid gold either. What it DOES have, however, is an amazing engine, that I really hope to see used. A lot.
Posted: 2004-11-11 01:31pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I hope to see a Star Wars mod. I'd love to see individual HTLs moving on an ISD blasting a Mon Cal to hell with TIE Bombers flying out of the hangar bay to finish it off when the shields are down.

Posted: 2004-11-11 01:40pm
by White Haven
UI tanks that. Can't support more than, what, 8-10 weapons on a ship, IIRC, which really undershoots an ISD. Only way it could work is if you could have a single 'weapon' component representing several different turrets on the hull, so it's only one 'weapon' to the UI, but fire comes from three, four, however many emplacements. Depends on how the engine works, may or may not be possible. I already know of one HW2 mod that's switching development to Nexus, the Angels Fall First TC.
Posted: 2004-11-12 12:23am
by IRG CommandoJoe
I don't think that's as big a problem as you make it out to be. All they could do is make all of the LTLs and MTLs flak emplacements to handle starfighters and make the HTLs, proton torpedoes, and concussion missiles the individual weapon emplacements. I wonder if the engine would support tractor beams?
Posted: 2004-11-12 04:35am
by PeZook
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:I don't think that's as big a problem as you make it out to be. All they could do is make all of the LTLs and MTLs flak emplacements to handle starfighters and make the HTLs, proton torpedoes, and concussion missiles the individual weapon emplacements. I wonder if the engine would support tractor beams?
IIRC, some weapons have more than one emplacement, even though they take up only one slot.
But just think about manually targetting all those TL batteries

They would have to improve the automatic behaviour AI for a ship this big to work without royally pissing the player off.
Posted: 2004-11-12 08:56am
by White Haven
Getting flashbacks to modding a heavy cruiser's railguns in Homeworld to use the 'laser' effect from the little Taiidani defense fighter. Soo preeeetty

Posted: 2004-11-12 01:42pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
White Haven wrote:Getting flashbacks to modding a heavy cruiser's railguns in Homeworld to use the 'laser' effect from the little Taiidani defense fighter. Soo preeeetty

Got any screenshots of that?
Posted: 2004-11-12 01:50pm
by Ace Pace
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:White Haven wrote:Getting flashbacks to modding a heavy cruiser's railguns in Homeworld to use the 'laser' effect from the little Taiidani defense fighter. Soo preeeetty

Got any screenshots of that?
Does he have the rig for that?

Posted: 2004-11-12 02:00pm
by White Haven
Sadly, that was HW1, which is in bygone days on a previous computer, and I haven't played with HW2 modding. Hmm...I must now do so, given the sexyness of HW2 DD broadsides. On that note, check the HW2 Warlords mod. It needs HEAVY optimization at this stage, but good god is it beautiful.
Posted: 2004-11-17 10:40am
by White Haven
All hail GoGamer, for they art god. I got to get Nexus /AND/ give Vivendi a big, healthy FUCK YOU at the same time. Have my cake and eat it too, WOOHOO!
And yes, so far, it's daaaamn cool.