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Dawn of Rush resourcing question

Posted: 2004-11-17 04:02am
by Stark
I do okay in multi DoW, but whenever I play a 1v1 skirmish against a hard or higher AI, I get out produced and lose. I easily claim my half of the map, slap on listening posts, grab some stuff in the center and win all the early battles. I whore my way up the tech tree, getting out vehicles as quick as I can (a pain in the ass for Eldar)... but then they show up with two or three times as many squads/tanks as me and I get spanked.

So I figure I'm not working the resourcing properly. In most of these situations I control 50% or more of the resource points. What is a successful plan for getting the most requisition/power in the short-to-medium term?

Re: Dawn of Rush resourcing question

Posted: 2004-11-17 07:25am
by Mutant Headcrab
Stark wrote:I do okay in multi DoW, but whenever I play a 1v1 skirmish against a hard or higher AI, I get out produced and lose. I easily claim my half of the map, slap on listening posts, grab some stuff in the center and win all the early battles. I whore my way up the tech tree, getting out vehicles as quick as I can (a pain in the ass for Eldar)... but then they show up with two or three times as many squads/tanks as me and I get spanked.

So I figure I'm not working the resourcing properly. In most of these situations I control 50% or more of the resource points. What is a successful plan for getting the most requisition/power in the short-to-medium term?
It's simple. Tha AI is cheating. Since no AI (as of yet) can compare to an actual human player, the only way to make it more challenging is to have it cheat more. It's literally getting more resources and producing faster than you.

Posted: 2004-11-17 07:28am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Unfortunately I'm no good with Eldar, so I don't have any particular advice for them. With Marines however, go easy on the upgrades. Pump out tac squads and reinforce and upgrade everyone with missile launchers when you can. If your opponent still has more troops than you, 99% of the time it's because they have next to nil in base defense and LP upgrades. Get a team of assault Marines (or equivalent for other races) and jump over and shred their base, un-capping strategic points and blowing up generators.

With Orks... well, I won't give up my secret Orky Waagh! tactics. :wink:

Re: Dawn of Rush resourcing question

Posted: 2004-11-17 07:53am
by Shinova
Mutant Headcrab wrote: It's simple. Tha AI is cheating. Since no AI (as of yet) can compare to an actual human player, the only way to make it more challenging is to have it cheat more. It's literally getting more resources and producing faster than you.

Actually, only the Insane AI has a buff: 30% increased resource rate.

The reason why the comp seems so much faster is because it never stops spending. It's always building something, and making attacks and defenses while doing so.

Stark: Don't go up the tech tree so fast. Get nicely secured against early attacks first, then start teching up. Otherwise you'll get owned early on by the comp.

Also, multitask. Ideally, you should never let an excess of resources occur. If you find yourself having 300 or more of each resource, you're not building enough. Do something with it.

Also, learn the overwatch feature. Build an attack force, set your buildings to overwatch a few unit types and as you carry out your attack, your buildings automatically produce another attack force, basically. (it's right-click instead of left-click when building something)

Posted: 2004-11-17 01:42pm
by Rogue 9
I can usually get to where I'm producing Predators before being wiped out of my outer defenses and being forced to concentrate in my base, with the comp making armor-supported raids. Tip: The computer generally keeps a power station outside its main base, clustered around a strategic point with few defenses. I can typically work a Predator around to take out it's power, curtailing it's production of Dreadnoughts/equivalent long enough to mount a counteroffensive.

Posted: 2004-11-17 04:18pm
by The Yosemite Bear
and several more around relics...

actually I opted for putting my eldar garrason force in the arch 90% of the time.I see blips comming, my reapers, guardians, and anti armour folks are there bang.aslo with teleporting defenses,. you can build your front line defenses in the safety of the core complex and then move them to the front. rushing computers do not like my reinforcement.

also rusher's hate mine fields, AI will never build any, I put them on the outskirts of my base just to deal with rushers.

Posted: 2004-11-17 04:35pm
by The Yosemite Bear
also get several different archways producing bringtlances

then transport them where they are needed

Posted: 2004-11-17 04:44pm
by Stark
Hurm I do whore up the tech tree a bit. But I usually play as SM or Eldar, and the Eldar need to jump through a few hoops to get anything good. Minefields ARE very effective; but I think my problem is that I take my half of the map and sit around upgrading my heroes and shit instead of attacking people.

Then again, I played a 2v2 and the AI on my side was utterly useless. Still won, tho.

How does this overwatch feature work? I'll give that a go; In RTSs I always underproduce and concentrate on too small a force.

EDIT - Actually, I compares SM scout vs Guardians, and apparently Guardians are better at melee, ranged, hp... that doesn't seem right.

Posted: 2004-11-17 05:13pm
by White Haven
Scouts suck, it's sorta a given :) Heroes, unless you're being a cheap twit very early-game, aren't much use, I rarely even build them unless I've got too many resources and want to beef my front-line Marines a bit. I hate twits who take a Farseer or a Mek solo as their entire early-game strategy. I rely on heavy bolter turrets and marine squads until I can start pumping out the heavy armor. DEFINITELY get the 4x heavy weapon research fast, standard Marine bolters are about as effective as sandpaper.

Posted: 2004-11-17 05:24pm
by weemadando
The key to gameplay whether or not in "true" multiplayer or skirmish - the servitor swarm and its ability to turret spam.

Set up an INSANELY deep defense of turrets and then sit back and build up your army and squad after squad and vehicle after vehicle gets smashed.

It its not 10+ turrets per control zone, then you ain't trying.

Posted: 2004-11-17 05:33pm
by Stark
LOL I see now; I just don't have ENOUGH minefields/guns/heavy squads! :D

I've noticed a LOT of peeps on MP try the hero rush; it worked well in the demo, but the poor heroes get pwned by anyone on the ball now.

Posted: 2004-11-17 06:01pm
by weemadando
Minefields are good - they are cheap you can put them anywhere and they aren't hazardous to you. I often fill the entire deadground of my base with them and then scatter them around surrounding area (about 4 screens worth). Makes it hella funny when someone tries to sneak scouts into your base. Sure, they're cloaked but you can follow their progress by the mines blowing up.

Posted: 2004-11-17 06:32pm
by Rogue 9
The computer on Hard relies on hero rush. I've usually got my first Dreadnought half built by the time that Force Commander comes knocking. The Marines just keep him occupied (firing on the run = WOOHOO!) until the Dreadnought can come and stomp his ass.

Posted: 2004-11-17 09:04pm
by Shinova
LOL you guys underestimate heroes but I'll just leave it at that. :P

Posted: 2004-11-17 09:27pm
by Rogue 9
Shinova wrote:LOL you guys underestimate heroes but I'll just leave it at that. :P
No, I don't. I use them. I just don't rush with them solo. :P And unlike the comp, I'm smart enough to not leave my Force Commander by himself to duke it out with a Dreadnought. :lol:

Posted: 2004-11-17 09:38pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Heroes can be outright devastating or absolutely worthless, depending on the skill of both players. Most dumbasses online don't attach their commanders which is really one of stupidest things you can do. I always have my commanders attached, not only does this give a huge morale boost to one squad, it also protects the hero from precision fire. I laugh when someone hero-rushes me, because that hero will very soon wind up dead.

How to take down hero-whores:
  • Ignore enemy commander. Completely.
  • Slaughter any supporting troops.
  • Throw all your firepower on the now lonely hero. Most players will try to keep their commander in melee with your units, simply move the targeted unit around whilst the others pour fire down onto the hero.
  • Hero is now dead. Congratulate opponent on waste of 260 req (as most whores play Marines)

Posted: 2004-11-17 10:05pm
by Rogue 9
Yeah, I always, always, always attach commanders. And laugh at those who don't. Force Commander + Space Marine squad > Force Commander.

Posted: 2004-11-17 10:32pm
by Stark
Early heroes can be effective if the enemy isn't prepared; initially I got slaughtered because my small scout/guardian squads were too busy capping to concentrate on one hero. Still, 260 isn't really that much, and if it occupies the enemy while you do something cagey it might just be worth it.

But oh, for WH40k-realistic damages. Woe is the Land Raider spamming dreads with dual lascannons to no effect. Watch the falcon achieve nothing with its rapid fire laser... ick :D

I'm doing much better now, by the way; I think my problem was not building enough squads and spending too much on bonus research (ie not unit-unlocking) instead of having a larger army.

Posted: 2004-11-17 10:46pm
by Rogue 9
I simply capture strategic points like there's no tomorrow to get loads of requisition, then I research AND hit my unit cap! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Posted: 2004-11-17 11:01pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Stark wrote:But oh, for WH40k-realistic damages. Woe is the Land Raider spamming dreads with dual lascannons to no effect. Watch the falcon achieve nothing with its rapid fire laser... ick :D
That's the main balance issue with DoW right now. A friend and I did some extensive testing of Dreadnoughts: They're are way, way, way too tough. Their damage output and cost is fine (though I'd up the pop requirement to 3, at least. I'm tired of seeing TEN dreads), but they're ridiculously tough. Orks have zero defense against a dread rush, as Tankbustaz are extremely expensive, plus you need to buy the upgrade for their bombs separately. The Big Mek's Super Stikk Bomz are one-shot deals basically, and rokkitz take awhile to obtain, do very little damage to the dread, and hit once every time the planets align.

Posted: 2004-11-17 11:19pm
by The Yosemite Bear
where the fuck are my fire dragons?

something that would really be nice during those dread rush. besides letting my wraiths duke it out with brightlance defenses...

Posted: 2004-11-17 11:27pm
by Shinova
The Yosemite Bear wrote:where the fuck are my fire dragons?

something that would really be nice during those dread rush. besides letting my wraiths duke it out with brightlance defenses...

Brightlance platforms are the anti-vehicle weapons for the Eldar side. Get a bunch of those, have other units keep those Dreads occupied in close combat, and let your brightlances take them down with relative ease.

Also keeping the hero unattached as its benefits, namely letting your hero annihilate a couple of marine squads while your other forces take care of a bunch of other people. Well, it varies.

Posted: 2004-11-18 01:27am
by The Yosemite Bear
yeah, I just wanted to see some Fire Dragons and some Harlies...

tell me have harlies still around?

Posted: 2004-11-18 01:37am
by Stark
I was surprised they cut down the eldar to three aspects myself. And the damage thing is very close to my heart; 40k battles shouldn't be this close range, over open terrain, and need heavy bolters to kill single figures quickly. The heroes taking krak missiles and shit is crazy, too. They shoulda balanced it like 40k; with accuracy. NOT with hp. But it IS an RTS and they'll all derivative; I guess Relic couldn't break the mould that much. Is there a 'pick your army to start' mod, so I can set my army up properly beforehand?

I'd kinda like to play someone good to see how quickly they get shit out; I need to tune my early game more but the ai is just crappy; I'm winning on very hard now and I think I'm being ineffienct. Anyone wanna help? :)

Posted: 2004-11-18 01:41am
by Shinova
Stark wrote:I was surprised they cut down the eldar to three aspects myself. And the damage thing is very close to my heart; 40k battles shouldn't be this close range, over open terrain, and need heavy bolters to kill single figures quickly. The heroes taking krak missiles and shit is crazy, too. They shoulda balanced it like 40k; with accuracy. NOT with hp. But it IS an RTS and they'll all derivative; I guess Relic couldn't break the mould that much. Is there a 'pick your army to start' mod, so I can set my army up properly beforehand?

It's a COMPUTER GAME. :P No one likes fighting battles where you can't even see your own units

And who doesn't like close combat!? :D