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Some form of 40K RP- here and now
Posted: 2004-11-19 05:41pm
by Petrosjko
Ooooooooookay, over at OSF we were busy being goofy and spammy, and after slapping our wrists NecronLord mentioned the possibilities of some form of 40K RP over here, which he even graciously offered to GM.
Witness our glorious wit here
So the floor is thrown open to what sort of game we're talking here, characters and so on, and who is interested.
I'll lead off by pitching for some sort of moderated freeform RPG, with NecronLord keeping us inside the boundaries of fluff and power levels.
As for character... I will submit Commissar Prius Ristani, fresh out of the Schola and on his first assignment.
His assigned unit is the 332nd Borean Infantry Regiment, a hard-luck unit called up from an overtithed world that has been levied again due to the excessive manpower drain brought about by the latest battle of Armageddeon. The troops from the latest tithe generally fall into one of three categories- too young, too old, or collected from planetary prisons. The unit has yet to see combat and has already lost its first commissar in an unfortunate 'training accident'. Enter Commissar Ristani...
And with that, the floor is hereby open.
Edit- Added a poll. Once we've settled the basic form, we can decide on details such as statted or statless, stuff like that.
Posted: 2004-11-19 05:58pm
by NecronLord
Options... 1 - Inquisitoresque thing. Single characters, or retunites. A campaign of some sort. I could go with the whole stats and rules thing, but I'd be more comfortable without it. The advantages of this are obvious. Inquisitor is something of an RPG, and there's a lot of stuff for GMing it out there, as well as any number of groups and factions.
2 - STGOD madness. Where you get command of huge armies, massive battles, and deranged chaos. You can get a good idea of how that works by looking around the other STGODs.
In both cases, I'd rather like to keep the numbers of space marines down. Given that they'll be the singularly uber full-fluffiness-marines.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:06pm
by Imperial Overlord
I ran some pen and paper 40K and I got statless to work fine. Just an endosement.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:19pm
by Imperial Overlord
I am interested, but the only time I tried to participate in STGOD people in my life starting dying on me and that side tracked me for obvious reasons. I completely understand if there are people who don't want to include me because of my dropping out of the previous one.
If allowed some form of Interrogator or Inquisitor would be my preference.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:26pm
by consequences
I can go for either. I would object to normal Space Marines being gratuitously uber, that should be reserved for Space Marine Heros, normal Grey Knights, and Adeptus Custodes trainees.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:31pm
by Imperial Overlord
No, being grossly superior to anyone playing Arbites or IG isn't uber.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:31pm
by Petrosjko
consequences wrote:I can go for either. I would object to normal Space Marines being gratuitously uber, that should be reserved for Space Marine Heros, normal Grey Knights, and Adeptus Custodes trainees.
He's referring to the fluffy versions of the SMs over the rules and regulations versions from the TT game, and in fluff they are massively uber.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:34pm
by consequences
Petrosjko wrote:consequences wrote:I can go for either. I would object to normal Space Marines being gratuitously uber, that should be reserved for Space Marine Heros, normal Grey Knights, and Adeptus Custodes trainees.
He's referring to the fluffy versions of the SMs over the rules and regulations versions from the TT game, and in fluff they are massively uber.
Well, the only novels I've read in quantity are the Gaunt's Ghosts ones, so my perception of them is 'hard, but not that hard'. I do remember the little bit in an older Codex about a group of Blood Angels riding a little close to the edge of joining the Death Company butchering their enemies like sheep though.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:40pm
by Imperial Overlord
Recall how badly overmatched that spectacular badass Gaunt is by a single Traitor legionaire in First and Only.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:45pm
by Petrosjko
Best RL equivalent I can think of for normal people vs. SMs would be like... Spads vs. an F-15.
Slower, weaker, and much less heavily armed.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:49pm
by NecronLord
Put it this way. In inquisitor, many GMs ban Space Marines, as they can tear through an enemy warband in a few turns.
And they're still watered down.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:51pm
by Imperial Overlord
Stats from the Inquisitor Game (human average of 50, human max 100)
IG Veteran Space Marine
Weapon Skill 75 75
Ballistic Skill 75 75
Strength 60 200
Toughness 60 150
Initiative 55 85
Willpower 60 75
Sagacity 60 75
Nerve 70 95
Leadership 65 75
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:52pm
by Imperial Overlord
Damn, that didn't look like I wanted. Oh well, you can still get the point.
Posted: 2004-11-19 06:55pm
by consequences
Imperial Overlord wrote:Recall how badly overmatched that spectacular badass Gaunt is by a single Traitor legionaire in First and Only.
Edit small spoilers:
I'm more busy remembering how he one hit killed a Chaos Marine in Traitor General(from surprise, with a named power weapon). I also remember in Necropolis that he gets nostalgically reminiscent about only having to fight Chaos marines in the past when the super saiyan chaos bodyguard jumps him.
Edit for bigger Spoiler:
But I do get your point, when twelve of the baddest Ghosts are shocked that they didn't lose anyone taking down five Chaos Marines, they aren't to be trifled with.
Posted: 2004-11-19 07:04pm
by Petrosjko
SPOILER SPOILER! Some of us haven't read Traitor General yet.
Not that I mind spoilers particularly, but some might.
Posted: 2004-11-19 07:38pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm interested in either form. I've been in a Marine mood lately, but yeah they can be a bit overpowering so I suppose I'll go with Da Boyz.
Posted: 2004-11-19 07:49pm
by Imperial Overlord
NecronLord didn't say NO Marines were allowed, just wanting to keep their numbers down.
Posted: 2004-11-19 08:28pm
by Raxmei
Something in between single character and massive nation could make a nice change of pace. 40k's native form is a skirmish wargame. We could play with characters at the head of small units.
Posted: 2004-11-19 09:30pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Raxmei wrote:Something in between single character and massive nation could make a nice change of pace. 40k's native form is a skirmish wargame. We could play with characters at the head of small units.
I like it. A hybrid RPG/squad tactics game.
Captain So-And-So (Level X Class Y)
9 Marine Veterans
Veteran Sergeant What's-His-Face (Level, class)
9 Marines
Sergeant Joe Superhuman (Level, class)
9 Scouts
Posted: 2004-11-19 09:42pm
by Petrosjko
JediNeophyte wrote:Raxmei wrote:Something in between single character and massive nation could make a nice change of pace. 40k's native form is a skirmish wargame. We could play with characters at the head of small units.
I like it. A hybrid RPG/squad tactics game.
Captain So-And-So (Level X Class Y)
9 Marine Veterans
Veteran Sergeant What's-His-Face (Level, class)
9 Marines
Sergeant Joe Superhuman (Level, class)
9 Scouts
In a lot of ways, that is essentially what the Inquisitor game is. It's a skirmish-level minis game with some RPG elements tagged on to it.
And ironically enough it's the only GDW game book I have, too.
Edit- Edited to correct atrocious grammar mistake.
Posted: 2004-11-20 12:07am
by White Haven
Aaargh, of all the timing...this crops up, and I'm losing net for a couple weeks. If you guys haven't started, or there's still a chance to join, I'll give you a buzz after I get back online. Moving /sucks/.
Posted: 2004-11-20 12:39am
by Captain tycho
I'd be up for it...except I have no clue about WH40K besides some really basic stuff about the Imperium and Orks.
Posted: 2004-11-20 12:54am
by Pcm979
I'm quite willing to join; The only problem is that I can't settle on a single character!
Posted: 2004-11-20 01:15am
by Petrosjko
Captain tycho wrote:I'd be up for it...except I have no clue about WH40K besides some really basic stuff about the Imperium and Orks.
The average citizen of the Imperium lives in utter ignorance of the larger universe around them, so if you were willing to play a draftee for the IG or somesuch, you should be able to do fine.
And orks, well, how much intelligence is required to play one of the mighty Mushroom Warriors?
*ducks for cover*
Posted: 2004-11-20 02:08am
by Pcm979
Da Orks r not dum! Dey just been on AOL to much.
If we're restricted to just one character, then I have several ideas; A member of a Space Marine chapter descended from the loyalist Thousand Sons, a member of my proposed Tau Gue'la army or.. Erm.. Someone else. Kroot Merc? I like Kroot.