I'm more of an action guy myself. Sure, it's nice to have the cool cockpits, realistic controls, feel like it's the real thing, and so on and so forth. But too much sim just gets annoying. I don't want to spend my time trying to figure out which damn keys I'm supposed to hit in what order just to drop a bomb. I'm playing it for fun, not to qualify!
In this I have my own little comparison: Jane's USNF 97 vs Jane's F/A-18. In USNF 97, switching between stations is as easy as pushing a button on my joystick, and selecting targets is a mouse click away. In F/A-18...well, I never could figure it out. I never did get to drop my lovely laser guided bombs because I could never select the damn target, or change my active hardpoint to them.

Anyway, what're your thoughts?