The most evil GM thing you have ever done...

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The Yosemite Bear
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The most evil GM thing you have ever done...

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

me having a bunch of orks worshipping "Fatman" in a party with an intoleranct "must smash any altar to a good that's no my own" paladin....

ok, everyone ork burrows, party with paladin wielding chatrged explosive magical weapons, and a semi nuclear device equals?

the players did recognize "Fatman" they didn't believe I would actually put a working nuke into a dungeon....

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Archaic` »

It's a tossup between replicating the scene from the Bluebeard Ravenloft short story with the love interest of one of the PC's, or the wild magic effect of haste on the pregnant fighter.
Last edited by Archaic` on 2004-11-29 03:04pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Well two PCs decided they wanted their characters to have sex.... SO I made the female pregnant, and due to the litte fact that she was a half-fiend, the child cme out in the same way xenomorphs do... from her chest
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Post by Solauren »

Cruest GM thing I've ever done?

I let characters use the Unlawful Carnal Knowledge Guide spells on each other. Power Word: Castrate was tossed around alot....

A player was running a little baby dragon that decided to jump at the monster that was attacking. HOwever, they were on a bridge and the player never said 'fly'
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Post by NecronLord »

Solauren wrote:Unlawful Carnal Knowledge Guide

Thanks. This looks like a laugh.
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Post by Executor32 »

I haven't GM'ed before, but a friend of mine once GM'ed some kids who, when they encountered one ingame, didn't know what a gazebo was. Because it had a treasure chest inside, and they assumed it was some sort of animal, they tried attacking it. My friend played along. Eventually, they chopped it down, and it fell on them and killed all but two of them. Then he told them what a gazebo was. :D
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

having a bunch of PCs Test fly a new vehicle....spaceship actually. BUT not giving them the appropriate manuals to fly it with..........."Oooo you left the window open.Quick make a dexterity check......sorry you are sucked out into space "
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I haven't GM'ed before, but a friend of mine once GM'ed some kids who, when they encountered one ingame, didn't know what a gazebo was. Because it had a treasure chest inside, and they assumed it was some sort of animal, they tried attacking it. My friend played along. Eventually, they chopped it down, and it fell on them and killed all but two of them. Then he told them what a gazebo was.
Dude, that's like one of the oldest D&D jokes in the history of the game. Your friend was playing you.
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Post by Stofsk »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Well two PCs decided they wanted their characters to have sex.... SO I made the female pregnant, and due to the litte fact that she was a half-fiend, the child cme out in the same way xenomorphs do... from her chest
You... I... that is so... mean. :shock: :?

What the fuck did the girl do to you? Steal your lunch money? :)
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

Hmmph for truly evil and mean things look to a Paranoia GM " I`m sorry citizen would you please explin how you have come to have knowledge of something above your security clearance?"

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Post by Mr Bean »

Evil thing done to us?

Dousing the Thief's touch then dropping him down a shaft and into a "Dark River" tells him it smells strongly its hard to move through and its most definatly not water

"Ill relight my touch"...... in a river of Oil :twisted:

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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

yes, hotsprings, methane pockets, and the only way out being through a sulferous pool that just happens to be bubbling (despite only being 30*c, it's the fact that it's releasing gas from fissures deep within the pool) qualifies as a mind fuck.

mind you he's publically said he has a no PC perving policy where you can't have sex safely in his campaigns....

oh the meanest thing that's ever happened in party, was at a con...

A gorean male assulted our half-elven druid and tried to claim her as a slave, while the rest of the party was out getting something in town.

the guy found out the hard way about the druid shapeshifting abilities, and that tigers/lions have barbed geentalia....

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by salm »

Executor32 wrote:I haven't GM'ed before, but a friend of mine once GM'ed some kids who, when they encountered one ingame, didn't know what a gazebo was. Because it had a treasure chest inside, and they assumed it was some sort of animal, they tried attacking it. My friend played along. Eventually, they chopped it down, and it fell on them and killed all but two of them. Then he told them what a gazebo was. :D
ok, what´s a gazebo?
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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

an open structure held up by pillars

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Stofsk wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Well two PCs decided they wanted their characters to have sex.... SO I made the female pregnant, and due to the litte fact that she was a half-fiend, the child cme out in the same way xenomorphs do... from her chest
You... I... that is so... mean. :shock: :?

What the fuck did the girl do to you? Steal your lunch money? :)
She is a stupid bitch who I no longer associate with... that is all you need to know.

If it makes you feel better, I seem to remember giving the guy and STD... but I dont remember
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Post by Petrosjko »

Actually, the cruelest thing was something I didn't do. I was rather notorious locally for putting my PCs through hell. I made a couple of people cry at my games when I was running WoD stuff.

But I had this one particularly brutal story I was doing, where the characters were getting hammered left and right, so I decided to cut them a break. After a big fight, they stumble across a pleasant little glen with a small waterfall.

So I'm laying it on thick, describe the pure placidness of the scene... bright moon shining overhead, cool refreshing water, the whole nine yards. Everyone is taking a break, washing off, relaxing.

As I describe the bright stars overhead, brighter than one ever sees in the city, suddenly the player sitting directly opposite from me gets this totally panic-stricken look, jumps to his feet and yells "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WATER!"

At which point panic spreads through the room and everyone is up on their feet, screaming about how they're getting out of the water, helping each other out of the water, and running away.

To this day, they still don't believe I didn't have something nasty planned for that scene.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

another person's doing but

"The Cat"
This cat whose not attached to any one, in any way, just seems to be immune to mind control powers....

jumps up on to the bar in the middle of a vampire area, and mews and the ghoul bartender rewards the pussy with a saucer of milk....

now every one tries using auspex, animalism, thaumaturgy, etc. to figure out what the real story about this cat is....

they begin expending blood left and right, don't go hunting that night, trying to figure out the real story of the cat who acts like she owns the place... (ok, so it's just a cat with the Iron Will merit, because of her ungodly ego)

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Damn, I not nearly as bad as I thought. An NPC mutiny (long over due) resulting in a TPK, death by werewolf (in Vampire and yes they had a choice and voluntarily got close to the shred machine), a railroaded imprisonment and stealing all their magical gear, and having the PCs action directly lead to the death of 50% of their race don't seem to be that bad.

And I'm definitely leaving Alyrium's lunch money alone, although IIRC ASU does have a sweet cafeteria.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Let me think...

Had a cyborg running from a acid spitting toxic croc, slam into a acid dripping city spirit, the look on his face for that one was fun...

Then there was I did to a Centaur player who bragged to everyone that he was going to "break" me has a GM. Eight demon worshipping gnolls and one burning bar of iron shoved up the right place and he never bragged again.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

I like powerhouse villians too much for anyone who knows me to brag about that (note that my players do manage to kill them all). I also kill a couple characters a year (usually low level or resurrectable, but not always). And I get nasty when I'm irritatated. You can put two and two together. My players do.
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Post by Archaic` »

frigidmagi wrote:Then there was I did to a Centaur player who bragged to everyone that he was going to "break" me has a GM. Eight demon worshipping gnolls and one burning bar of iron shoved up the right place and he never bragged again.
Why go that far? I just introduced my Centaur player to the wonders of the spiral staircase. Simple, yet effective.
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Post by Petrosjko »

My trick is in the NPCs... making nice, likeable, friendly NPCs that everyone loves.

Then killing them in horrible, gruesome fashions.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Why go that far? I just introduced my Centaur player to the wonders of the spiral staircase. Simple, yet effective
This guy was dense, he needed a direct easy to understand lession. Before he influenced the other players.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Some people demand that kind of treatment. Back in the 90s when I was running Shadowrun, my friend's younger brother played with us. The way he mouthed off to other players . . . . well let's say I am surprised they didn't wack him. They almost did several times.
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Post by Jade Falcon »

WEG Star Wars. Too many players decided they wanted to use Thermal Detonators as makeshift grenades.

It was getting a bit tiresome, so the next session I instituted a new rule. According to the game text, Thermal Detonators are pretty unstable.

"I'll throw this Thermal Detonator at that squad of Stormies with the tripod blaster cannon"

"Those things are pretty unstable, you sure?"

"Yes, yes"

"Okay, roll a D6....Oh dear, a 1, I'm afraid it's exploded prematurely."..
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