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Anyone played Nexus: The Jupiter Incident?

Posted: 2004-12-05 01:15am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
The people on Octopus Overlords (that's the new site for the Gone Gold forum people) really seem to love it, saying it's even better than the first Homeworld. Are they on base, or totally full of shit?

EDIT: I'm aware there was a thread a few pages back, but that was about the demo. Just to cover my ass.

Posted: 2004-12-05 01:34am
by White Haven
GoGamer is your GOD for imports, when Vivendi sodomizes the US gaming market. I get to get my Nexus fix /AND/ dick them over, at the same time, by giving my money to the European publisher instead, yay!

That said, the game rocks. Oh, it's definitely something of a niche, the level of control you CAN (if you choose) excercise can be a bit daunting at first, but hey, I've been all over this game since it was Imperium Galactica 3, and it's only gotten better with age. Not perfect, nothing is, of course, but it's HIGHLY cool, and I recommend it to any Homeworld fans quite enthusiastically.

Posted: 2004-12-05 02:25am
by Stark
I'm very impresed with what I've seen in the demos. I never really saw the big thing with HW (it seemed like a 2.5D RTS to me), and Nexus seems to include far less forced microing while at the same time giving all the control you could want when necessary. The combat seems kinda idiosyncratic with the shields and weapontypes and stuff, but I'd rather MP Nexus than HW2, and from a 'I hate lame game stories' perspective, thats all I care about.

And newtonian physics, It looks so kool 8)

Posted: 2004-12-05 02:30am
by White Haven
Er...Nexus is about as newtonian as Star Trek, Stark. And meh, MP can hang, it should always be a secondary component to a true, well-made single-player game.

Posted: 2004-12-05 03:49am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
How representative is the demo of the full game?

Posted: 2004-12-05 11:36am
by White Haven
The demo mission was fairly frustrating even for a good player, for the most part the SP game is less so. Also, the demo mission had no player-character ship, /all/ the missions in the SP game do (Stiletto or Angelwing). For the interested, the demo mission is included as a mod if you want to play it later. Otherwise, it's quite similar, missions tend to be reasonably complex in many cases, and go out of their way to surprise you. And Norbank is consistently a battleship-obsessed compensator whenever you see him :)

Posted: 2004-12-05 07:47pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Alright I'm convinced. *moseys on over to Gogamer*

Posted: 2004-12-05 10:55pm
by White Haven
I'll have my DSL in about three weeks or so. I think a little SDN task-force action will be in order, don't you?

Posted: 2004-12-05 11:18pm
by Stark
I mean newtonian in the 'not burning all the time' way. Poor choice of words :)

I'll have it in a few days; even though you're a single player heathen, we should get some multi action. Better than playing scripted, cheating, AI in a story that makes little sense and leaves you no tactical flexiblilty with 'do or die' objectives. Erm, [/rant] :)

Actually, can someone explain how the combat works? The first few times I played the SP demo, I lost horribly, but then somehow I always win now. I don't fully understand the shield mechanics, or the arcane orders; what are the tactics you're SUPPOSED to use?

Posted: 2004-12-05 11:26pm
by White Haven
...did you even PLAY the SP game? It lets you get a quite good feel for how combat works and such, or it does if you pay the slightest grain of attention. As for MP, ask me again in about 3 weeks, when my DSL comes in.

Posted: 2004-12-06 12:09am
by Stark
I haven't got the full game atm, I just don't like SP games in general. And the SP demo had the standard 'do it this way or else' objectives. But eh, I'll never play the SP anyway, and the MP was a lot of fun. I was looking for manual-style explanations, actually, since I don't have the game yet.

Posted: 2004-12-06 02:04am
by White Haven
As for 'do it this way or die,' tell that to the people who've managed to win without calling in Norbank's force. It's possible, albeit hard as /hell/

Posted: 2004-12-06 02:58am
by Stark
White Haven wrote:As for 'do it this way or die,' tell that to the people who've managed to win without calling in Norbank's force. It's possible, albeit hard as /hell/
Oh I believe it, the AI can be pulled in several directions at once with the smaller ships and killed with the larger ones; the first time I won I did it by accident, just running for the nav points and killing the few ships they sent after me.

In the full game, can you board/repair derelict ships? In the demo I lost so many ships trying to tractor the derelict out of the minefield :)

OT, the objectives I mean aren't the wording of the objectives, merely the restrictions placed on you. While the base itself is important, these situations NEVER allow you to cut and run, regardless of casualties or the early destruction of the base. If you lose it, you just replay, which is gay. A proper SP game has a flexible campaign, forcing you to accept this terrible outcome and try to win the war anyway, instead of replaying the exact same mission over and over until you get it right. Its like AI that continue to fight after you kill the BB, even though they now have fuck all chance of winning and should run away.