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The DOOM Movie
Posted: 2004-12-08 12:03pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Will apparently only be "DOOM" in the loosest
sense of the word. I don't understand why you would need to fudge the DOOM storyline more than a little bit, it's fucking awesome kickass.
Posted: 2004-12-08 12:06pm
by Vendetta
The Doom movie will only be Doom in name.
Everything else, apparently, will be Resident Evil.
The Resident Evil movie was, I remind you, ass.
Posted: 2004-12-08 12:16pm
by Pablo Sanchez
I'm pretty sure I know what happened.
Head Screenwriter: Yes, so here's the synopsis of what we're trying to do with the movie.
Studio Exec: Space Marines on Mars fighting demons from Hell?
Screenwriter: Well, yeah.
Exec: I don't like it.
Screenwriter: What do you mean, you don't like it? You optioned the rights to the Doom movie. That's what Doom is about.
Exec: I don't like it. How about instead of Mars, it's on some random planet. And instead of demons from Hell they're victims of some virus, maybe.
Screenwriter: Um, the whole plot, the atmosphere, everything... it sort of centers around the demons from Hell angle.
Exec: I don't like it. Make it like Resident Evil.
Posted: 2004-12-08 12:28pm
by Durandal
It's not like making a Doom movie true to the video game is hard. All you need is Mars, demons from Hell and a burely space marine. That's. It. Why couldn't they handle that?
Posted: 2004-12-08 12:48pm
by Vendetta
These are the same class of people who read Mort and said "Can we lose the Death angle".
Really, they don't know how to adapt things to the screen, they only know how to retitle the same old shit.
Posted: 2004-12-08 01:04pm
by Ghost Rider
Sad to see a movie, who has a simpler angle then fucking Punisher, is getting butchered.
All Doom needs to be is a popcorn flick, add in some Hell pointers, Demons, and a big gun with a very large gun kicking major ass.
But nope, too difficult for Hollywood to do that.....gah.
Posted: 2004-12-08 01:26pm
by Howedar
I will not see this. I'm disgusted. I'd never even thought how much a Doom movie would kick total ass, and then they do this. Christ. It's not hard to make a Doom movie guys, I could write it up in an afternoon.
Posted: 2004-12-08 02:15pm
From the article...
The monsters aren't from hell, but rather people mutated by some nasty super-virus although the monsters look very similar to those in the game.
Bolding mine.
All I can say is: WAY TO MISS THE FUCKING POINT, you braindead retards.
Oh well. Scratch another movie off my list of things to be interested in.
Posted: 2004-12-08 03:01pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
I honestly don't understand why any of you even care. Who would want to see a DOOM movie, faithful or not? How can you possibly keep such a film interesting for 90 minutes?
Posted: 2004-12-08 03:04pm
by Spyder
Well, this movie is going to suck serious shit.
Posted: 2004-12-08 03:29pm
by InnocentBystander
Is it possible they wanted to avoid calling them "critters from hell" because they don't want religous freaks getting and uppity about it?
Posted: 2004-12-08 03:37pm
by Spyder
InnocentBystander wrote:Is it possible they wanted to avoid calling them "critters from hell" because they don't want religous freaks getting and uppity about it?
That's highly probable. "Oh, we wouldn't want to encourage satanism."
Posted: 2004-12-08 03:38pm
by Captain Cyran
Argh, this makes my brain hurt. It's not enough that they fuck up one of the simplist plots ever. They make it PC too.
One character is a technician called "Pinky" who has a cybernetic wheelchair thanks to a bad teleporting accident
What the fuck? Does every movie need a guy in a wheelchair now?
Posted: 2004-12-08 03:41pm
by Mr Bean
Horray! Its gonna suck and its not even into production yet!
Well one cans till hope for the Halo and Half-Life movies to be produced without as much crap
OAN what would you call the Best Game into Movie so far?
Posted: 2004-12-08 03:48pm
by Thirdfain
I wonder what a movie written like a FPS would be like- imagine, 2 hours of some guy slaughtering horrific beasts. No dialogue, no character developement- just some guy making his way from the surface to the sub-basement, kicking ass the whole way.
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:19pm
by InnocentBystander
Acutally, I'd expect a squad of marines kicking ass. I suppose they could take the double sided part of doom 3's early game. With the marine squad fighting the demons and that evil looking corporate guy. Then in the end they team up or something.
*shrug*, I suppose they don't have to be demons from hell; just evil critters. There were zombies in Doom 3... it could work I suppose.
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:21pm
by Meest
Really pisses me off that these guys get the rights to things, when so many smaller producers and talent would make much better versions. I mean any Doom fan could make better shit than what this is heading towards.
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:22pm
by Meest
Thirdfain wrote:I wonder what a movie written like a FPS would be like- imagine, 2 hours of some guy slaughtering horrific beasts. No dialogue, no character developement- just some guy making his way from the surface to the sub-basement, kicking ass the whole way.
FPS's aren't that simple, give them some credit

. Most video games have better stories than Hollywood.
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:27pm
by Thirdfain
I'm simply suggesting that it would be an interesting stylistic choice- a "purist" action movie which dispenses with all vestiges of plot in, focusing instead on being extremely atmospheric and stylish.
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:28pm
by Lord Pounder
Mr Bean wrote:OAN what would you call the Best Game into Movie so far?
I will get ridiculed for this but i loved the Super Mario Bros movie. Bob Hoskins was a poor choice for Mario however.
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:39pm
by Vendetta
Thirdfain wrote:I wonder what a movie written like a FPS would be like- imagine, 2 hours of some guy slaughtering horrific beasts. No dialogue, no character developement- just some guy making his way from the surface to the sub-basement, kicking ass the whole way.
Try watching some of Arnie's 80's output.
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:48pm
by darthdavid
Posted: 2004-12-08 04:57pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:I honestly don't understand why any of you even care. Who would want to see a DOOM movie, faithful or not? How can you possibly keep such a film interesting for 90 minutes?
A properly done DOOM movie would simply be a survival horror film similar to those that are already extremely popular with the demonic angle for extra flavor, crossbred with hardcore action. I would see such a movie.
Posted: 2004-12-08 05:14pm
by Durandal
There's still hope for the Halo movie. If Ridley Scott ends up directing it, I'll have several orgasms.
Posted: 2004-12-08 05:40pm
by Kuja
Originally, the $70 million film was supposed to be helmed by Enda McCallion. Later, he was replaced by Andrzej Bartkowiak. Screenwriter Dave Callahan claims "everyone was keen to keep the game's atmosphere", though there are some "minor" changes done to the film's concept: The monsters have nothing to do with hell, the plot is not taking place on Mars and "space marines" are not well "space marines" as their outfits are more like SWAT team members.
