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What should I get?
Posted: 2004-12-10 12:24am
by Elheru Aran
Okay, this is for the holidays. I'll have some $$ to burn and time to kill. Over the course of the chat, some games have come up... but I can't make up my mind...
So, the choices are:
WH40K: Dawn of War
Rome: Total War
Half-Life 2
Call of Duty
Knights of the Old Republic
These are gonna be the PC versions; I don't have a console, nor do I want one. I'm running a Compaq Presario 2100 laptop, DVD-ROM, Celeron 1.8ghz processor, XP Home Edition, 256 RAM, 20 gig free.
I'm also gonna be on a telephone line, entirely dial-up, max speed about 56 kbps. Slow-ass internet, in other words; therefore, good single-player campaigns are a necessity.
Which one would you pick and why? Any other suggestions? Recommendations?
EDIT: Damn, can a mod add an "Other" option? Thanks...
Posted: 2004-12-10 12:25am
by Captain Cyran
Rome is like crack. Only it's good for you. Really.
*takes another hit* Ahhh....
Posted: 2004-12-10 03:01am
by Ace Pace
Well, If your not looking for the best graphics and want Action, CoD is the best thing today.
Posted: 2004-12-10 03:04am
by InnocentBystander
If you want the most game for your buck, go Half-Life 2. The HL2 modding community is simply massive, within the next year you'll see countless mods that are essentially a new game for you to play.
Rome is good, but I think you may find after a while you get a little tired of the game. Half-Life 2 will (at least within the next couple months), end up providing you with many many options to choose from. Consider it an investment in a long term game

Posted: 2004-12-10 03:05am
by Faram
WH40K: Dawn of War
Don't know this game so cant say anything about it.
Rome: Total War
Kickass If you like strategy and bigg battles, not so good if you think it is red alert or comand & concuer.
Half-Life 2
Wery good game but might be a pain to install with a slow internet conection
Call of Duty
Great FPS shooter, HL2 is better IMHO but due to the reasons abowe..
Knights of the Old Republic
Old game and the new one is in the works
Would kill your system spec, and the worst shooter out of those three.
Posted: 2004-12-10 03:36am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Dawn of War!
Cleanse, purge, kill! 'Nuff said!
Posted: 2004-12-10 03:59am
by SecondStorm
Rome, definately Rome. You can get alot of game time out of that game.
And when you get tired of Vanilla R:TW then theres plenty of mods to try out already.
Dawn of War is a good game but thats it. Ive got the same amount of RAM and 2 ghz processor and for me to load a game takes
AGES. At least 2 mins per load. And yes I have counted the seconds many time while grinding my teeth and banging on keyboard.

*pats keyboard* There there honey Daddy is sorry, it hurt me more than it hurt you.
And Faram what makes you say that HALO would kill his comp ?
It works fine on mine.
Posted: 2004-12-10 04:00am
by Captain tycho
Dawn of War: Kickass. Get it.
Rome Total War: Like Cyran said, like crack, only good for you....
Call of Duty: Some kickass SP missions, and great online play once you get yourself a decent connection. Definetely a must-have FPS, IMO.
HL2: Haven't played it yet, seeing as my current hardware setup is insufficient.
Halo PC: The game is kickass, but the porting was done poorly, and performance suffers massively if you don't have a high-end machine. Also, it is quite dated.
KOTOR: Pure RPG goodness.
Posted: 2004-12-10 04:12am
by Mr Bean
Will you buy Half Life 2, you will go buy it now
Then you will buy the other games on the list because frankly you made a kickass list of games to pick from
Posted: 2004-12-10 04:23am
by Lancer
JediNeophyte wrote:Dawn of War!
Cleanse, purge, kill! 'Nuff said!
death animations make it fun enough.
Posted: 2004-12-10 05:14am
by Shinova
Dawn of War: Crack for RTS. Will draw you in and spit you out a Wh40k fan.
"Do you hear the voices too!!?!?!?"
Half-Life 2: Also crack, except for FPSs. The gravity gun is a physics orgasm.
Posted: 2004-12-10 05:55am
by Sir Sirius
Rome or CoD, the best of the choices you gave in my oppinion.
Posted: 2004-12-10 07:06am
by Chardok
Fight on, Noble Roman. Tomorrow your sword arm will ache with overuse!
Posted: 2004-12-10 09:57am
by Losonti Tokash
Shinova wrote:Dawn of War: Crack for RTS. Will draw you in and spit you out a Wh40k fan.
Jesus, that's true. I'd never even heard of WH40K until I played DoW.
Posted: 2004-12-10 10:51am
by Captain Cyran
Chardok wrote:Fight on, Noble Roman. Tomorrow your sword arm will ache with overuse!
"It's a kick up the toga!" (Yes, I have gotten this in the speeches... twice.)
Posted: 2004-12-10 10:52am
by Chardok
Captain_Cyran wrote:Chardok wrote:Fight on, Noble Roman. Tomorrow your sword arm will ache with overuse!
"It's a kick up the toga!" (Yes, I have gotten this in the speeches... twice.)
Seriously? BWAAAAHAHAHAHA. I hope you fired that general, or made him the governor of a crap province in BFE
Posted: 2004-12-10 10:54am
by Captain Cyran
Chardok wrote:Captain_Cyran wrote:Chardok wrote:Fight on, Noble Roman. Tomorrow your sword arm will ache with overuse!
"It's a kick up the toga!" (Yes, I have gotten this in the speeches... twice.)
Seriously? BWAAAAHAHAHAHA. I hope you fired that general, or made him the governor of a crap province in BFE
Considering he then managed to slaughter the enemy force with almost no losses, no, I did not.
Posted: 2004-12-10 03:27pm
by Sokartawi
Probably Kotor, since it's very cheap now, and one of the better RPGs around. I don't like any of the other games you listed.
Rome gets repetetive, just another improvement of Shogun.
I have Dawn of War but I think it's seriously unbalanced which ruins all fun for me.
I don't like the other games because I find FPS games boring plus almost all 3D games with the exception of the Unreal Engine games (with the exception of Klingon Honor Guard and Elite Force 2) give me headaches and make me sick within half an hour. Apparantly a lot of people have this with Half Life 2 because of the realism, but to me it's not realism related because I've had this problem since Wolf 3D.