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What games have the best/worst crafting systems?

Posted: 2004-12-15 03:47pm
by Stormin
Here I am, sitting in my house crafting leather armor hoping to get my tailoring above 900 before the end of the week so I can begin working on a freaking armorcrafter (DAoC) and I figure that there should have been a better way this should have been done.
Best: of the games I played, morrowind is pretty good. I can make useful items anytime and anywhere, and all I have to do is go out and trap decent souls.
Worst: Of course DAoC. Not only is it a painful and insanely expensive grind, last years expansion pack trials of atlantis made everything except pieces of masterpiece armor (which you need cap skill to make and even then only 2% chance of getting MP per try <sighs>) and cap spellcrafting/alching pointless. Heck, legendary guild master crafters are now having to craft thidgear (level 30 equipment for the level 20-24 battleground) for want of any other business :/