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Vice City Question....
Posted: 2004-12-16 06:09pm
by Enigma
Is there a way to enter the military base without being shot at? I want to get the attack chopper but everytime I try to get it I get killed. I tried taking a chopper into the base a rush to the AC but I get blown up when I get inside the damned attack chopper. Is there a way to get in unharmed?
Posted: 2004-12-16 06:14pm
by Executor32
Go to the Police Station in Washington Beach after you've completed the "Copland" mission. Inside the locker room on the left is a Police uniform. Pick it up, and you can enter the military base without them shooting you. However, if you attack them, they'll attack you right back.
Re: Vice City Question....
Posted: 2004-12-16 07:01pm
by weemadando
Enigma wrote:Is there a way to enter the military base without being shot at? I want to get the attack chopper but everytime I try to get it I get killed. I tried taking a chopper into the base a rush to the AC but I get blown up when I get inside the damned attack chopper. Is there a way to get in unharmed?
Take any other chopper in the city, come in low and fast, check where the troops are and dump your chopper down RIGHT NEXT to the Apache, so that when you hop out both it and the Apache are shielding you from fire. Then hop in and away you go.
Re: Vice City Question....
Posted: 2004-12-17 03:54am
by wautd
Enigma wrote:Is there a way to enter the military base without being shot at? I want to get the attack chopper but everytime I try to get it I get killed. I tried taking a chopper into the base a rush to the AC but I get blown up when I get inside the damned attack chopper. Is there a way to get in unharmed?
wtf? there is a military base?
I'm SO gonna play vice city tonight
Posted: 2004-12-17 04:02am
when you hop out both it and the Apache are shielding you from fire.
Bad tactic... the Apache usually takes so long to take off, the soldiers' M-16s will blow it up. I suppose if you manage to obliterate any nearby group with the heli crash...
wtf? there is a military base?
Look on the map, and it's just to the East (I believe) of the airport. You'll need a vehicle to crash through the gate or use to jump over the gate.
Re: Vice City Question....
Posted: 2004-12-17 04:03am
by Gandalf
wautd wrote:Enigma wrote:Is there a way to enter the military base without being shot at? I want to get the attack chopper but everytime I try to get it I get killed. I tried taking a chopper into the base a rush to the AC but I get blown up when I get inside the damned attack chopper. Is there a way to get in unharmed?
wtf? there is a military base?
I'm SO gonna play vice city tonight
IIRC it's in the south west of the town.
Re: Vice City Question....
Posted: 2004-12-17 12:04pm
by RogueIce
wautd wrote:wtf? there is a military base?
I'm SO gonna play vice city tonight
Right by the airport, that little squared off area thingy by it.
As was said before, your best bet is the cop uniform.
Re: Vice City Question....
Posted: 2004-12-17 12:42pm
by FedRebel
wautd wrote:
wtf? there is a military base?
Remember the map that came with VC ... mapbig.jpg
Posted: 2004-12-17 01:02pm
by wautd
one apache coming up

Posted: 2004-12-17 01:31pm
by The Dude
The Apache is sweet... I remember a police mission rampage that did not end until the game crashed (on PS2). Fun.
Posted: 2004-12-17 04:15pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Do you need a certain number of packages to get the Apache, because I've gotten into the base before, and didn't see it.
Posted: 2004-12-17 05:04pm
by Executor32
100 hidden packages, or beating the game. Whichever one you complete first spawns one at the military base, the other spawns one at the helipad at the southern end of Ocean Beach, just south of Ammu-Nation.
Posted: 2004-12-17 06:17pm
by Alferd Packer
The Dude wrote:The Apache is sweet... I remember a police mission rampage that did not end until the game crashed (on PS2). Fun.
My friend maxed out his money that way; he got up to something like level 400. I think it took him four hours. And he was finally brought down not by the army, but crashing into a building.
Posted: 2004-12-17 06:23pm
by Joe
The highest I ever got on the Vigilante missions was to around Level 140. Unfortunately, after that one particular stretch all the criminals had better weapons, for some reason, so I could never get that high again.
Posted: 2004-12-17 06:24pm
by Vohu Manah
SPOOFE wrote:when you hop out both it and the Apache are shielding you from fire.
Bad tactic... the Apache usually takes so long to take off, the soldiers' M-16s will blow it up. I suppose if you manage to obliterate any nearby group with the heli crash...
I've pulled this stunt off more times than I can count, only being killed by the soldiers about 10 times.
Land your chopper close to the rear wall and near the Hunter, and you won't be fired upon. Soldiers rarely spawn in the rear enclosure with the Hunter and you can usually see them when they do. The altitude of your approach doesn't matter much, though keep yourself low to decrease the amount of time to land. Approach only from the north, since even being around the base for almost any length of time will cause a response (I've been shot from range standing across the street from the base's entrance with no wanted level and holding no weapons).
Posted: 2004-12-17 09:05pm
by Enigma
Vohu Manah wrote:SPOOFE wrote:when you hop out both it and the Apache are shielding you from fire.
Bad tactic... the Apache usually takes so long to take off, the soldiers' M-16s will blow it up. I suppose if you manage to obliterate any nearby group with the heli crash...
I've pulled this stunt off more times than I can count, only being killed by the soldiers about 10 times.
Land your chopper close to the rear wall and near the Hunter, and you won't be fired upon. Soldiers rarely spawn in the rear enclosure with the Hunter and you can usually see them when they do. The altitude of your approach doesn't matter much, though keep yourself low to decrease the amount of time to land. Approach only from the north, since even being around the base for almost any length of time will cause a response (I've been shot from range standing across the street from the base's entrance with no wanted level and holding no weapons).
The last time I got near the apache I got swiss cheesed by at least 20 soldiers.
Posted: 2004-12-17 09:07pm
by Enigma
Executor32 wrote:Go to the Police Station in Washington Beach after you've completed the "Copland" mission. Inside the locker room on the left is a Police uniform. Pick it up, and you can enter the military base without them shooting you. However, if you attack them, they'll attack you right back.
I'll try that.
Posted: 2004-12-19 12:34am
by Enigma
Taking the cop uniform works! I took the chopper but for a stupid reason I flew it into a tunnel and went Kaboom.
Another question..... is there another way of destroying a tank other than by another tank?
Posted: 2004-12-19 12:36am
by Typhonis 1
Molotovs btw you have both guns and missles on the Hunter.
Posted: 2004-12-19 12:40am
by Enigma
Typhonis 1 wrote:Molotovs btw you have both guns and missles on the Hunter.
Molotovs can take out a tank?
I know the hunter has those two weapons but I haven't tried them on a tank. Plus it is almost impossible to fly and fire at the same time. >:(
Posted: 2004-12-19 01:06am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Enigma wrote:Taking the cop uniform works! I took the chopper but for a stupid reason I flew it into a tunnel and went Kaboom.
Another question..... is there another way of destroying a tank other than by another tank?
It is vulnerable to flipping over and getting stuck in water like any other vehicle, if that helps.
Posted: 2004-12-19 01:31am
by Enigma
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Enigma wrote:Taking the cop uniform works! I took the chopper but for a stupid reason I flew it into a tunnel and went Kaboom.
Another question..... is there another way of destroying a tank other than by another tank?
It is vulnerable to flipping over and getting stuck in water like any other vehicle, if that helps.
It doesn't help if you're being chased by one. If I get into a tank then about three shots from it would take out a tank but I want to know if there is a weapon that can take out a tank that doesn't involve a weapon on a vehicle.
Posted: 2004-12-19 01:34am
by Typhonis 1
yes Molotov cocktails....bottles with rags in em ...throw one and it causes a fire.
Posted: 2004-12-19 11:38am
by Executor32
If you don't know where they are, they're very close to your big downtown hideout, the one with 3 garages and a helipad. From the aforementioned hideout, go to the end of the alley with the two orange/white roadblock things. Across the street, there is an outdoor cafe. Go to the back of the cafe, and there is a molotov pickup.
Posted: 2004-12-19 12:20pm
by Enigma
Executor32 wrote:If you don't know where they are, they're very close to your big downtown hideout, the one with 3 garages and a helipad. From the aforementioned hideout, go to the end of the alley with the two orange/white roadblock things. Across the street, there is an outdoor cafe. Go to the back of the cafe, and there is a molotov pickup.
Or "thugstools".