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warcraft 3 expansion help
Posted: 2004-12-30 09:44pm
by Enforcer Talen
Im at level 5 or so for the night elves, have chased illdian into his little camp where he is breaking the roof of the world. its the timed one, and Im finding it difficult to beat.
in the first 2 minutes I claim the second gold mine on the far right and grab the paladin, but Im finding it difficult to finish off the naga summoners. destroying every building in the fortress is easy enough, but those guys are fucking me up.
Posted: 2004-12-31 12:19am
by Terr Fangbite
That one took me several go's to get it. Here is what I did:
1)Take my initial group westward and up the west, slowly pushing forward.
2)Send a watchdog (i know its cheap) to rescue the paladin (VITAL).
3)Get every upgrade for the chimeras and make as many as possible
4)Save game
5)Make a bum rush at the main base with any remaining forces, the paladin and the chimera, FOCUS ALL ATTENTION ON THE SUMMONERS.
6)Keep the palidin alive by using the invicible shield, then when your forces are decimated (I usually can bag 3 of the summoners by this point) resurect your forces and attack the last summoner.
So far its worked twice for me. I say save the game, cause once I just did really horrible on my point/clicking. Remember, it doesn't matter if your forces get decimated killing the summoners, just kill them, don't let your forces stray. The chimera are the best attack, the rest are just cannon fodder.
Posted: 2005-01-02 11:07pm
by Enforcer Talen
thanx, it worked.
I used fairie dragons instead, but the lizards came crashing down nonetheless.
Im now laying seige to magtherialon as the blood elves

Posted: 2005-01-02 11:12pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Next time use me! Level 35 Undead warrior, just make sure to creep me a lot, I'm lazy.

Posted: 2005-01-03 02:18am
by InnocentBystander
I'd consider a single level for a WC3 hero to be worth about 10 WoW levels or so. Ya I know level 60's are pretty potent and all, but when you fight Onyxia with 40 level 60's and only get her down to 80% you'll see what I mean.
Posted: 2005-01-06 05:05pm
by Enforcer Talen
hm. its the timed ones that always get me.
Im playing as banshee elf chick, 8 minutes with an unclear objective, facing a sleeping city.
do I go for the town halls? its my preferred modus operandi, as it kills off enemy raids for the rest of the game, and I can take my time bringing in seige guns.
or do I go for the warriors? I dont know how to kill them all before they rush - 8 minutes is rough.
Ive tried evacuating my town, sneaking to the gold mine out west, and using gargolyes to clear out their keeps, but thye found me and the gargoyles died. . .
Posted: 2005-01-06 05:51pm
by Bugsby
That one is fun. I go in with all the military units I got and start hacking away. Use your banshees, and posess some dwarven mortar teams. Start taking down key buildings. Have your melee units go running through the city and taking out every unit that you dont want to face awake. It's been a while since I did this, but from what I remember, you need to take out two different bases, one along the left side of the map and one along the right. Each base has three different areas to it. I am usually able to take out two parts of the base along the left side and 1 on the right. Then run back to your home town and brace for the counterattack. From here on out, its a pretty standard "build up and kill em" mission.
The idea is to use those first 8 minutes to get an advantage. If you don't kill anything in the beginning, you are outnemubered. If you take out 1/2 the enemy holdings, its a pretty easy win.
Remember, don't take out every building and military unit. You can let that lumber yard sit. But the towers, the town halls, the barracks, the knights, the peasants? Take em down.
Posted: 2005-01-06 07:05pm
by Enforcer Talen
key places I like going for are the town halls, but it takes 4 min to gun down one. . .
Posted: 2005-01-06 08:28pm
by Bugsby
Enforcer Talen wrote:key places I like going for are the town halls, but it takes 4 min to gun down one. . .
Posess the mortar teams with banshees and they will go down much quicker. Using gargoyles piercing attacks against the fortified armor of buildings is an inefficient use of force. To maximize the effectiveness of your 8 minutes, study up a bit on which kind of attacks hurt which type of armor best, then use your force appropriately.
And even if you don't have good success, if a town hall takes 4 minutes to down, thats 2 town halls in 8 minutes, a nice step towards taking the enemy down.
Posted: 2005-01-07 11:47am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
InnocentBystander wrote:I'd consider a single level for a WC3 hero to be worth about 10 WoW levels or so. Ya I know level 60's are pretty potent and all, but when you fight Onyxia with 40 level 60's and only get her down to 80% you'll see what I mean.
Doubtful- Neurbian spiders and ghouls, the fodder of the Scourge, are both lvl 60 in wow.
Posted: 2005-01-07 11:22pm
by Enforcer Talen
yep, beat thatlevel.
the next one looks aggravating tho. -plots-