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Cool little 40k game - Great for those new to 40k

Posted: 2004-12-31 03:36pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius

Sort of a "choose your own adventure" story that explains a lot of rules while throwing in some fluff.

Posted: 2004-12-31 06:50pm
by Petrosjko

I got eaten by the daemon, but took him with me. It was glorious.

Oh? We had a mission?

Posted: 2004-12-31 08:15pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Petrosjko wrote:Nifty.

I got eaten by the daemon, but took him with me. It was glorious.
Tsk tsk... if you follow the Codex Astartes you make it through with only four battle-brothers lost. :P

Posted: 2004-12-31 08:19pm
by Petrosjko
They don't issue the Codex Astartes to mere commissars. They're afraid we'll get spooge stains on it.

Posted: 2005-01-01 12:16pm
by 2000AD
JediNeophyte wrote:
Petrosjko wrote:Nifty.

I got eaten by the daemon, but took him with me. It was glorious.
Tsk tsk... if you follow the Codex Astartes you make it through with only four battle-brothers lost. :P
Yup, pity they didn't use the even nastier deamon prince.

Now to go through and do exactly the opposite of what i just did :D

Posted: 2005-01-05 09:57am
by Master Arachnos
I only lost 2 men (and as they were ultramarines then its a sacrifice I'm willing to make)...

Altho, after going through that they seem to have over-complicated the rules (again)

Posted: 2005-01-05 06:41pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Master Arachnos wrote:I only lost 2 men (and as they were ultramarines then its a sacrifice I'm willing to make)...

Altho, after going through that they seem to have over-complicated the rules (again)
Are you kidding? 4th Edition is a godsend compared to the messy 3rd Ed rules.

Posted: 2005-01-05 07:37pm
by Fuzzy
Master Arachnos wrote:I only lost 2 men (and as they were ultramarines then its a sacrifice I'm willing to make)...

Altho, after going through that they seem to have over-complicated the rules (again)
2? I dont think you can do that. its either lose 4, or all die.

Posted: 2005-01-05 08:09pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I lost four of my brothers....

Posted: 2005-01-05 08:11pm
by Fuzzy
I went thru the first time, and not assuming it would take 15.4 years for my troops to run 12" down the trench, i was blown to hell from orbit. great. i did it right the second time tho, taking a victory with 4 losses.

Posted: 2005-01-05 08:15pm
by The Yosemite Bear
well I knew enough the basics to know you attack khorne's pets from a semi-safe distance, never let them close with you....