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The Dark Room

Posted: 2005-01-03 05:14pm
by Tasoth
Has nothing to do with Crimsonroom or Viridianroom

But it's still damned fun. Didn't have trouble until the last room, but I figured that out after a bit.

Posted: 2005-01-03 05:27pm
by CDS
Anyone else having problems with it loading into firefox/mozilla? I'm geting grey squares as though it hasn't loaded in properly..

Posted: 2005-01-03 07:19pm
by irishmick79
So what the hell am I supposed to do with this thing? Click on it?

Posted: 2005-01-03 07:34pm
by Tasoth
In the starting room are three circles, one above you, one at the base of the wall, the other midway up the other. Red Yellow Blue. You click it so it illuminates the bull's eye like tile up in the one corner then click on that. Solve the puzzle in the room.

Posted: 2005-01-03 09:59pm
by Mad
Agh... purple and orange were annoying.