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New Star Wars RTS game!
Posted: 2005-01-06 12:55am
by Praxis
There's apparently a new SW RTS game in works called "Empire at War". ... _88640.asp
Here's some highlights from the magazine
-The game takes place shortly after Episode III.
-Primary goal is to conquer 20+ worlds.
-Each planet gives combat bonuses.
-You'll have to load and defend transports to get your troops to the surface.
-No resource gathering, planets give the aforementioned bonuses and a steady income stream.
-Structures will de-lvl if damaged (example given is a lvl 5 structure being hammered until it's only a lvl 3.)
-You can target specific sections of bases and ships.
-Hero Units.
-Damaged sections will break off ships.
-Space combat is 2-D but supposedly it has very cinematic dog fights with fly-bys, weaves, and such.
-The studio making the game, Petroglyph, is made up of former Westwood employees
-Game is supposed to be "around" ten months away (probable November 2005 release.)
Here's some scans the guy on SGN who posted this made:
The thread I got this from so I'm not plagiarizing: ... adid=31341
sweet, eh?
It's space battles AND ground battles.
Posted: 2005-01-06 01:40am
by Temjin
I have my doubts as to how good it will be.
There's only been two Star War RTS games so far.
Force Commander: Crap.
Galactic Battlegrounds: The Retail Stand-alone mod for Age of Empires II. Only good because they copied AOE2 shamelessly.
I realise this is being made by different people, but I've got my hopes up too many times for me to do so again.
Posted: 2005-01-06 01:45am
by Praxis
Galactic Battlegrounds was a fairly good game.
Thing is, this is the first game combining space combat and ground combat that I know if. If they make it Armada I style with the space combat, it could get interesting.
Posted: 2005-01-06 01:46am
by Vympel
I have high hopes. Notice how they used ITW: OT for the barges that drop off AT-ATs?
Posted: 2005-01-06 03:53am
by Superman
You guys forgot to mention that turn based game. Rebellion? Anyway, the Star Trek version was way better.
Posted: 2005-01-06 05:03am
by Grog
Rebellion was real time and quite fun. (I thought it was better than the other SW RTS games)
Posted: 2005-01-06 07:08am
by Chardok
I hops those screenies aren't indicative of the final they look grainy and dated to anyone else? Or is it just me?
Posted: 2005-01-06 07:13am
by Vympel
Chardok wrote:I hops those screenies aren't indicative of the final they look grainy and dated to anyone else? Or is it just me?
They're scanned from a magazine. Scanned pictures from a magazine always look like shit.
Posted: 2005-01-06 07:19am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Nice concept, if not too ambitious. I hope they wouldn't be poorly executed, otherwise this would be the next SW RTS failure following SW:GB.
Posted: 2005-01-06 07:26am
by El Moose Monstero
Vympel wrote:I have high hopes. Notice how they used ITW: OT for the barges that drop off AT-ATs?
So did Force Commander, did it not? But I'm hopeful too, have been itching for a good crossover between space and ground battles. Shame the space battles won't be in 3d, but I suppose that would make landing troops rather complicated.
Posted: 2005-01-06 08:12am
by Chardok
ahh didn't catch that it was a scan.

Still, i have not been overly impressed with SW RTS's of the past. Personally, I'm still waiting for a modern, decent FPS.
Posted: 2005-01-06 08:25am
by Dahak
After playing a demo of force commander I didn't touch a SW game for quite a long time...
Maybe this will actually be worth buying?
Posted: 2005-01-06 09:23am
by White Haven
Chardok wrote:ahh didn't catch that it was a scan.

Still, i have not been overly impressed with SW RTS's of the past. Personally, I'm still waiting for a modern, decent FPS.
Yeah, here's a hint, devs. The Quake 3 engine is OLD! Jesus.
Posted: 2005-01-06 09:24am
by Vympel
The_Lumberjack wrote:
So did Force Commander, did it not?
Never played Force Commander- maybe they got the barge design for the OT:ITW from Force Commander?
Posted: 2005-01-06 11:18am
by Sarevok
Give me a Star Wars version of Armada but with more balanced economy and units and then I will be happy.
Posted: 2005-01-06 11:18am
by Praxis
I just hope they don't get sued over the Star Trek game: Empires At War.
White Haven wrote:Chardok wrote:ahh didn't catch that it was a scan.

Still, i have not been overly impressed with SW RTS's of the past. Personally, I'm still waiting for a modern, decent FPS.
Yeah, here's a hint, devs. The Quake 3 engine is OLD! Jesus.
Ever played Battlefront?

Posted: 2005-01-06 12:04pm
by Uraniun235
White Haven wrote:Chardok wrote:ahh didn't catch that it was a scan.

Still, i have not been overly impressed with SW RTS's of the past. Personally, I'm still waiting for a modern, decent FPS.
Yeah, here's a hint, devs. The Quake 3 engine is OLD! Jesus.
It may be old, but it's also widely accessible to people; there are still quite a few out there running sub-GHz computers.
Posted: 2005-01-06 12:20pm
by Petrosjko
Vympel wrote:Never played Force Commander- maybe they got the barge design for the OT:ITW from Force Commander?
Force Commander blew chunks. I can play a game with bad interface to a point if I like the subject... and hey, this is Star Wars, so I want to see how the storyline plays out.
No, wait. I don't. Never mind. Uninstall.
Interface sucked large primate testicles, unfortunately.
Posted: 2005-01-06 12:40pm
by RogueIce
I'm still a big ol' fan of Rebellion (it's real time, I'm not sure why people insist on calling it turn based...the days are not turns as in "you gotta wait now, motherfucker!). People said the interface was quite a bit of clicking but nothing too bad once you got used to it. And I'm not of the opinion that graphics are all that important. Still, the tactical side was a bit lacking. It'd be nice to have a genuine Homeworld-style space battle for Star Wars (a real one, not a Mod). I'm not sure if you could incoperate it with a game like Rebellion without making it huge and resource intensive, but it'd be cool to see.
Posted: 2005-01-06 01:12pm
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Grog wrote:Rebellion was real time and quite fun. (I thought it was better than the other SW RTS games)
Posted: 2005-01-06 01:33pm
by Ma Deuce
RogueIce wrote:I'm still a big ol' fan of Rebellion (it's real time, I'm not sure why people insist on calling it turn based...the days are not turns as in "you gotta wait now, motherfucker!). People said the interface was quite a bit of clicking but nothing too bad once you got used to it. And I'm not of the opinion that graphics are all that important. Still, the tactical side was a bit lacking. It'd be nice to have a genuine Homeworld-style space battle for Star Wars (a real one, not a Mod). I'm not sure if you could incoperate it with a game like Rebellion without making it huge and resource intensive, but it'd be cool to see.
I really started liking Rebellion only after I modded it using the tools available on the 'net: first I gave the ships and ground units more realistic specs, and then I modified the maintenence requirements of units so you could have 10x or more as many, allowing those awesome fleets of ISDs I always dreamed of since I first picked up the game...
Posted: 2005-01-06 03:13pm
by InnocentBystander
The only "good" star wars game I think of (in the Strategy genera) is, of course, Rebellion. To this day I think back fondly of my massive carrier fleets, or my unstoppable Bulwark wall of battle. I think it's time someone made Rebellion 2. Shame the computer was never up to the task of building "large" war fleets.
Truth be told the combat engine could use a "little work", but on the whole, it's not so bad.
For now I use
Warlords when I need my Star Wars spaceship fix.
Posted: 2005-01-06 05:20pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
InnocentBystander wrote:For now I use
Warlords when I need my Star Wars spaceship fix.
I didn't know about that game. That's awesome.
I'll probably play the game in the OT eventually, it looks like it might be decent. If it isn't, it'll still be a nice momentary distraction.
Posted: 2005-01-06 06:29pm
by Lord Pounder
JUst how many of the development team are former Westwood developers and how shamelessly can they ripoff the old C&C interface? Imagine Generals with a ATAT instead of the Chinese Mega Tank? The last load of SW games have been a significant improvement on their 90's counterparts. I have high hopes for this new one.
Posted: 2005-01-06 10:15pm
by Vympel
Lord Pounder wrote:JUst how many of the development team are former Westwood developers and how shamelessly can they ripoff the old C&C interface? Imagine Generals with a ATAT instead of the Chinese Mega Tank? The last load of SW games have been a significant improvement on their 90's counterparts. I have high hopes for this new one.
The 90s star wars games kicked arse as well.