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dumb player
Posted: 2005-01-06 12:07pm
by dragon
anyone have games that go like this. I have been with a few like it
Posted: 2005-01-06 04:09pm
by CDS
I got bored after the 2nd line...
Posted: 2005-01-06 05:06pm
by Enforcer Talen
heheh, Ive played games like this.
"its a ratflail!"
"can I have his items?"
Posted: 2005-01-06 05:23pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
So true. I've been there way too many times to count.
Damn insubordinate players.
Posted: 2005-01-06 07:14pm
by Terr Fangbite
Only once. The DM was mocked viciously before we all went out for pizza w/o the DM.
Posted: 2005-01-07 03:12am
by darthdavid
For some reason this has me cracking up.
Posted: 2005-01-07 07:33am
by Spiritbw
Yes, yes I have. The DM actually gave one guy an ability 'Rope <offending character's name here>' because we had to lasso him to keep him form attacking every creature and being we encountered. We finally just stopped telling him when games were being held.
Posted: 2005-01-07 09:29am
by Dead_Ghost
Spiritbw wrote:Yes, yes I have. The DM actually gave one guy an ability 'Rope <offending character's name here>' because we had to lasso him to keep him form attacking every creature and being we encountered. We finally just stopped telling him when games were being held.
Not exactly sure if it can be rated as worse, but, back in the old days for me, me and the gang had this guy who every time the DM would place a "good-looking girl" he would jump immediately and try to convince her(s) to spend the night with him in the barnyard

It might not seem very bad at first but it can be when the party was getting their ass kicked by an evil priesthood and HE was ACTUALLY CHASING ALL the FEMALE FOES! And it wasn't to defeat them!
I don't know, I think we were all around 14th back then, so it could be his raging hormones, but... Heck, I stopped playing with him and the rest of the gang because of his attitude... I still remember that one time when we discovered the big boss was a red dragon. A FEMALE red dragon. Needless to say that it was amazingly freakin'boring when he put us all to sleep and went to her. And, suffice to say, that his MAIN intention wasn't slaying her alone for XP

Posted: 2005-01-09 02:59pm
by The Dark
Bah. We had the party that went to war with itself when one character (human mage) committed a crime and tried to pass it off on another PC (half-orc barbarian). The mage's sister (human rogue/mage) sided with him, while I (elf cleric) sided with the half-orc. I accidentally killed the sister (she missed a backstab on me, I got a critical against her trying to knock her out) and we managed to knock the mage out and left him hog-tied on the doorstep of a death cult's temple.
Posted: 2005-01-09 03:06pm
by The Yosemite Bear
oh god when I was a much younger player it was so much more common. player's running around with no food, no clothes. (because the gold was better spent on weapons, and magic)
Posted: 2005-01-09 04:00pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
The Yosemite Bear wrote:oh god when I was a much younger player it was so much more common. player's running around with no food, no clothes. (because the gold was better spent on weapons, and magic)
Or maybe the player was role-playing his nude fetish?

Posted: 2005-01-09 05:57pm
by The Yosemite Bear
no these were players that refused to buy food or clothing (except armour) and then walked around wearing nothing but armour, and the mage wearing nothing at all except his backpack.....
I think we grew up from this for money shit, after we started starving because no town or inn would let us in. Ok eating the kobolds and getting sick and dying was pretty bad. I still say the funniest thing to come out of it was the lobster armoured dwarf....
yes he actually was completly armoured from head to boot in gaint lobster shell, including an axe made from half of a pincer...
Posted: 2005-01-09 05:59pm
by The Yosemite Bear
of course for the freakest weapon ever seen, I would possibly be my toungless, surgically deafened Drow Male, undead fighter, who wielded silver coated chains, with silver hooks in them, and no you don't want to know how they were attached to him...
only spoke silent toungh too.
yes, gimp drow the banshee slayer, was after college, and after reading way too much Clive Barker....
oh, did I mention his tats?