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Interesting article on BitTorrent founder
Posted: 2005-01-10 08:30pm
by Chmee
Posted: 2005-01-11 08:06am
by Solauren
Interesting read.
I have to agree with some of his points about why he think's it went to widespread
Namely, Hollywood/The Entertainment Industry not serving it's customers.
Case in Point 1; My girlfriend wants to see the movie 'House of Flying Daggers'. We'd planned to go see it the weekend after it opened.
Problem: We found out the nearest movie theater it's playing at (despite the trailer being at all the local movie theaters) is a 45 minute drive away in Toronto, and ticket prices were something like $30 each. (And I live in a city with a population of 150,000)
Needless to say, she's currently hunting for a copy witih Subtitles on BitTorrent sites
Case in Point 2; Anyone tried getting a hold of a copy of an TV show from the 80's? Good luck trying to find the Smurfs, GI Joe or Transformers in the stores (first person to make a joke about me liking the Smurfs....)
Case in Point 3; Ever tried to find a intact copy of a Janis Joplin record (my girlfriends sister) that wasn't priced in the 3 - 4 digit range?
Posted: 2005-01-11 11:34am
by Mr Bean
This line got me
The practice is so prevalent on college campuses these days that some students prefer to download television shows and watch them from their computers, said Ignition Partners' Ludwig.
"It doesn't dawn on them to go buy a TV and hook it up to a cable feed," he said. "That would just be bizarre."
Posted: 2005-01-11 11:45am
by Joe
I don't buy that at all, quite frankly.
Posted: 2005-01-11 11:47am
by Chmee
For me, BitTorrent was a recent revelation for long business trips ... that 4 or 5-hour airline flight goes quicker watching downloaded video on a 14-inch laptop screen than watching whatever crapola they put on some little overhead 5-inch lcd.
Posted: 2005-01-11 01:00pm
by Flakin
Chmee wrote:For me, BitTorrent was a recent revelation for long business trips ... that 4 or 5-hour airline flight goes quicker watching downloaded video on a 14-inch laptop screen than watching whatever crapola they put on some little overhead 5-inch lcd.
Thats very true. When I fly to and from blighty, I normally save up some shows I've been wanting to see for a while for the flight.
I really use bit torrent so I can keep up with my british tv, and get stuff that isn't commercially available on DVD / VHS or broadcast over here.
Posted: 2005-01-11 01:01pm
by Chmee
Flakin wrote:Chmee wrote:For me, BitTorrent was a recent revelation for long business trips ... that 4 or 5-hour airline flight goes quicker watching downloaded video on a 14-inch laptop screen than watching whatever crapola they put on some little overhead 5-inch lcd.
Thats very true. When I fly to and from blighty, I normally save up some shows I've been wanting to see for a while for the flight.
I really use bit torrent so I can keep up with my british tv, and get stuff that isn't commercially available on DVD / VHS or broadcast over here.
Yeah, when I can watch the video from the hard drive instead of the dvd, and replace the laptop's dvd with a second battery, I can get almost 6 hours of video playing time instead of about 2 I get with the dvd and standard battery.
Posted: 2005-01-11 05:45pm
by Guy N. Cognito
I found it quite interesting, thanks for posting it. It seems the inovators are always on the outskirts of society and rarely make much money on what they produce. Too bad, but that excessive complusion comes at a price I assume.
Posted: 2005-01-11 08:05pm
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
BitTorrent made Anime, and 95% of the worlds Sci-fi shows available to me. Something like S:AAB, Enterprise, SG:A, SG-1's latest seasons, BSG etc. Those and practically all never anime are something that a Finnish guy can only see by using the 'net, and BT has made watching those series a reality.Go Bram Cohen! Go BT!