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Thining of ressurecting "Gimp Drow"

Posted: 2005-01-21 07:04pm
by The Yosemite Bear
basically one of my early college second edition characters, specialized in chains with hooks as weapons, Drow Male fighter surgically rendered deaf and mute, condemened to hunt undead. Could read an write, but could only speak in "Silent Code", alignment CN, also had lots of nasty little glyphs and protective charms "Tattooed" onto him. <probably don't do anything, just the Drow Priestesses like having fun>

any suggestions for remaking this character in 3.5 edition?

Posted: 2005-01-21 09:18pm
by LadyTevar
In "Sword and Fist" handbook, there is a prestige class just for chains and spiked chains...

Posted: 2005-01-21 10:37pm
by White Haven
Oooh, kinky. *ducks*

Posted: 2005-01-21 11:16pm
by Imperial Overlord
Tattoo Spell feat can also help, as well as the magical monk tattoo from Magic of Faerun.

Posted: 2005-01-22 02:29am
by The Yosemite Bear
White Haven wrote:Oooh, kinky. *ducks*
did I mention that the Banshee hunter was the result of reading WAAAAAAY too much Clive Barker....

Posted: 2005-01-22 02:49pm
by Vohu Manah
Per a friend of mine (who I asked this question): "Crossbreed a Drow with a kyton or chain-devil (chain-devils have the ability to animate and control 4 chains at once). Drow Priestesses often have physical congress with demons, and often do so to demonstrate their loyalty to Looth (the offspring are often used as elite bodyguards)."

Posted: 2005-01-22 03:09pm
by Vohu Manah
He also recommends the "hunter of the dead" prestige class from Complete Warrior (since the character is CN, it meets the alignment requirements for that class). Given the ECL of the Drow (+2) and the ECL of the half-demon template (+4), you should be able to start off in this class rather than taking the class later (though this may depend on the GM).

Posted: 2005-01-22 09:40pm
by Tzeentch
In "Sword and Fist" handbook, there is a prestige class just for chains and spiked chains...
He wanted 3.5, though.
Vohu Manah wrote:He also recommends the "hunter of the dead" prestige class from Complete Warrior (since the character is CN, it meets the alignment requirements for that class). Given the ECL of the Drow (+2) and the ECL of the half-demon template (+4), you should be able to start off in this class rather than taking the class later (though this may depend on the GM).
Problem: devils are lawful; they don't touch chaotic things unless they're killing them. The half-fiend template wouldn't give kyton powers anyway. Also, a +6 LA is suicidal (it doesn't grant any HD! There's no way you'll meet prereqs). If you want to have a character who's at all useful. I'd recommend never taking an LA more than +2.

Take a few levels as fighter, exotic weapon proficiency: spiked chain, combat reflexes and improved trip. Use the chain's reach to trip people, and then when they get up, use an attack of opportunity it provokes to trip them again! Anyone who wants to approach you had better use dainty 5-foot steps. :twisted:

Take a few levels of Exotic Weapon Master (from complete warrior, for further tricks) and the aforementioned Hunter of the Dead; look through Complete Warrior and Complete Adventurer for other options in neat PrCs and feats.

If your GM will let you use non-core books, you could spend $4 on the EN Arsenal: Spiked Chain pdf supplement, and use some of the stuff in that. I don't own it, but I've heard good things about it. The description advertises spiked chain-like weapons, so this might be the place to find your hooked chain.

Posted: 2005-01-22 10:04pm
by Vohu Manah
Tzeentch wrote:Problem: devils are lawful; they don't touch chaotic things unless they're killing them. The half-fiend template wouldn't give kyton powers anyway. Also, a +6 LA is suicidal (it doesn't grant any HD! There's no way you'll meet prereqs). If you want to have a character who's at all useful. I'd recommend never taking an LA more than +2.

Take a few levels as fighter, exotic weapon proficiency: spiked chain, combat reflexes and improved trip. Use the chain's reach to trip people, and then when they get up, use an attack of opportunity it provokes to trip them again! Anyone who wants to approach you had better use dainty 5-foot steps. :twisted:

Take a few levels of Exotic Weapon Master (from complete warrior, for further tricks) and the aforementioned Hunter of the Dead; look through Complete Warrior and Complete Adventurer for other options in neat PrCs and feats.

If your GM will let you use non-core books, you could spend $4 on the EN Arsenal: Spiked Chain pdf supplement, and use some of the stuff in that. I don't own it, but I've heard good things about it. The description advertises spiked chain-like weapons, so this might be the place to find your hooked chain.
If we have to be technical:
1) The idea of a Drow fighting undead rather than raising undead is a little odd in and of itself.
2) No Drow in their right mind would willing remove it's ability to hear and therefore prevent themselves from taking the Blindfight feat (magic darkness will block even special vision).
3) Whose to say the demon was willing? You are talking about a chaotic evil society that would have no qualms about doing whatever it needed to achieve it's ends.
4) I do not see how a half-dragon can have special abilities derived by what kind of dragon it is, and not a half-fiend based on what breed of demon it came from. There is a far cry of difference between a succubi, gelugon (ice devil), and a balor.

All it would require to do this is a little creativity and the ability to reasonably talk with your GM. As far as it not being useful with a level adjustment greater than two, it all depends on the composition of your party and how clever you are.

Posted: 2005-01-23 02:58am
by The Yosemite Bear
It's basic job was to kill banshees. the deafness was so it couldn't be effected by the wail, and the reason why it's supposed to kill banshees, well some of those defeated houses have an annoying tendancy not to stay down....

Posted: 2005-01-23 01:45pm
by Tzeentch
Vohu Manah wrote: 3) Whose to say the demon was willing? You are talking about a chaotic evil society that would have no qualms about doing whatever it needed to achieve it's ends.
Well, the real question is "why would its 'ends' be to create a creature that will likely be pathologically opposed to the nature of its society?" Drow priestesses screw demons, not devils, afaik
4) I do not see how a half-dragon can have special abilities derived by what kind of dragon it is, and not a half-fiend based on what breed of demon it came from.
Probably because the half-fiend template only represents one part of the 3.5 update of the planescape monster type "Cambion." There are lots of other half-fiends scattered throughout 3.5/3.0 to represent specific pairings with weird effects - Durzagons, the atrociously named Fey'ri, etc. I think there might also be a specific drow-demon hybrid.


There's something called a "Draegloth," which appears to be a crossbreed of Drow and Glabrezu (which makes sense - the one time I read an RA Salvatore novel, that was what the priestesses were gettin' it on with). Unfortunately it has a total ECL of +17(!).
There is a far cry of difference between a succubi, gelugon (ice devil), and a balor.
And between tana'rri, gehreleth, ba'atezu and yugoloth. The half-fiend template is used for all of them. It's an imprecise tool.
All it would require to do this is a little creativity and the ability to reasonably talk with your GM.
In other words... make something up. Thats always an option, but he did ask for rulesl. Frankly, if you desparately wanted something custom to simulate half-kytonhood, I suppose you could ask the DM to create some kind of "devil levels" scheme based on the kyton level progression in the Planar Handbook, and working similarly to the "planar levels" in the same book. After all, you only want a couple of its abilities.
As far as it not being useful with a level adjustment greater than two, it all depends on the composition of your party and how clever you are.
True, although I think stacking drow and half-fiend might be a little excessive. Not being a spellcaster helps, though. But you need a bunch of feats to do anything fun with a spiked chain, so ideally one wants a few actual hit dice.