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"YOU BASTARDS" Game Moments (Possible Game Spoiler

Posted: 2005-01-28 03:12pm
by Darksider
Have you ever been playing a game, and then come to a certain point where the bad guy does somthing really really evil? You know, killing a beloved comrade, unleashing a massive bioweapon, or other really evil things. Do they ever do somthing that really makes you want to kick their asses? This thread is for listing them.

Guess i'll start off......

Star Ocean: Till the end of time-When the Vendeeni commander Bwig killed Fayt's father Robert, it really pissed me off. It prevented me from getting answers to some key questions in the game. I took great pride in beating his sorry ass six ways from sunday.

Ace Combat 5-The mission where you have to do a fly by over a stadium in the Osean capital city. When that Yuke fighter squadron shot chopper down, I proceeded to own the crap out of them

Posted: 2005-01-28 03:33pm
by Arrow
Wing Commander 3: When Hobbs killed Corba. I made sure he died before I took out the Kilrathi homeworld.

Far Cry: When the good doctor turned out to be a selfish peice of shit that just infected you and the CIA babe. He ate a 20mm HE round for that crap.

Rome TW: When the Gauls sacked Segestia. Tens of thousands were slaughter by my Julii armies as punishment for that.

Posted: 2005-01-28 03:53pm
by Kamakazie Sith
Final Fantasy VII - When Sephiroth impaled Aeris. At that moment beating the game no longer mattered. All I wanted to do was catch up to Sephiroth and kill him.

I really can't explain how satisfying the omnislash at the end was.

Posted: 2005-01-28 03:56pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Another Rome: Some little fuckers in Spain have been added to the pacification list when I have a spare legion to grind them to dust, raze their city and kill off every last one of them.

I attacked with a force roughly equal to theirs (3 auxilia units and a few cavalry wings) with a family member commanding. I took the city fine and promptly enslaved it, but then the next turn they rebelled and all the citizens magically came out of the woodwork as trained, professional soldiers vastly outnumbering my own (complete with mercenary units, even), cut off my garrison and killed them.

Yeah, they're so dead.

Posted: 2005-01-28 04:05pm
by Captain Cyran
Rome: Playing as the Seleucid through some bad luck on my part (my troops had decided to be stupid on that day.) and overwhelming forces, the Armenians took Bostra. Two turns later I have a large army in place that destroys the remaining Armenian army. From there I go on a homicide and tear my way up to their two cities, I take both, both are in the green, doesn't matter... I slaughter both cities.

I'm not exactly benevolent in my games...

Posted: 2005-01-28 05:25pm
by Rye
FF7 Aeris dying, definately. I was full of false hope too since supposedly you could get some materia that would revive her, but it was never in the English version. Utterly gutted.

Posted: 2005-01-28 05:31pm
by White Haven
Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Oh Nicolai, you son of a BITCH, you just unleased centuries of pure, stored malice on the world, CAUSING the worst agony of the entire 20th century to come. Oh your ass is gonna catch it now... Followed shortly by 'Kato! What the hell are y...'

Posted: 2005-01-28 05:34pm
by Mr Bean
Strand gone, KOTOR One, after learning I was Revan, my next thoughts were...Malik you dumbass! Your fucking it all up! You have to have something left to rule!

Posted: 2005-01-28 05:44pm
by irishmick79
Europa Universalis - I'm playing as Muscovy, and I've hit a snag with a string of rebellions. I succeed in putting down the rebellions after a lengthly and frustrating campaign. The campaign wrecked my economy, and before I had a chance to rebuild, the fuckers in Novgorod tried to cherry pick me and declared war. Right away they were able to take three of my provinces, but their success was to be shortlived - in a fury, I amassed an army of nearly 120,000 men and crushed them. Unfortunately, the construction of such a massive army in the 15th century was ridiculously expensive, and plunged my economy into a further state of disarray. After I had settled that war I was again cherry picked, this time by a much more formidable force in the Golden Horde. Sadly, I got my ass handed to me.

Posted: 2005-01-28 05:47pm
by General Zod
i'm going to have to echo the final fantasy 7 thing. then there was FF6 when kefka shattered the world, and coming in at third was metal gear solid when revolver ocelot was shown to still be alive at the end.

Posted: 2005-01-28 06:08pm
by Ace Pace
Freespace 1: Lucifer owning the Galatea, that was "Okey, Bitch, now its personal, you've killed command" moment.

Rome: Germans Pearl Harboring my entire northen front, with around 10000 troops total.
For that, there is currently no german left alive in the world. total Anahilation.

Homeworld: Mission 3, ruins of Kharak, those basterds got what they deserved after that.

Posted: 2005-01-28 06:24pm
by wautd
Arrow Mk84 wrote:Wing Commander 3: When Hobbs killed Corba. I made sure he died before I took out the Kilrathi homeworld.
the same

And, in any civilization game/clone, there also has to be a nation/faction that decides to be my archenemie for decades to come

Posted: 2005-01-28 06:31pm
by Rogue 9
Halo 2: The ending. The bastards in question being the game developers. :P

Posted: 2005-01-28 06:37pm
by Tasoth
Skies of Arcadia: Blekam the Air Whale. The moby dick of the game. One of the characters is hunting it and you later find out it's a Gigas and you have to take it down. Valua beats you to it and you find it, dying, being tended by the character who was origionally hunting it. Belkam is the last of its kind and has been looking for its pod. At that point, I was pissed.

Posted: 2005-01-28 06:42pm
by Arrow
Early days of Call of Duty multiplayer: some dickhead brings an aimbot into a team deathmatch on Hurtgen. My team spent the entire game hunting the little bastard. Needless to say, the aimbot didn't do him a damn bit of good.

Posted: 2005-01-28 06:47pm
by Darksider
Tasoth wrote:Skies of Arcadia: Blekam the Air Whale. The moby dick of the game. One of the characters is hunting it and you later find out it's a Gigas and you have to take it down. Valua beats you to it and you find it, dying, being tended by the character who was origionally hunting it. Belkam is the last of its kind and has been looking for its pod. At that point, I was pissed.

It's been a long time since I played Skies of Arcadia, but didn't the massive air whale thing rip apart the Ahab dudes airship, and didn't he go down with it?

Posted: 2005-01-28 07:05pm
by Joe
Rye wrote:FF7 Aeris dying, definately. I was full of false hope too since supposedly you could get some materia that would revive her, but it was never in the English version. Utterly gutted.
It was never in any version. The whole "Square was going to let you revive Aerith but they were too lazy to program it in" thing is a myth that dates back to 1997.

Posted: 2005-01-28 07:17pm
by mauldooku
FFVI. Anyone else remember the scene in Thamasama? You've made peace with both the Empire and Espers, everyone's happy, and it looks like it's all over. Then Kefka comes in with Magitek soldiers and slaughters everyone.

And the end of the game, of course. Kefka explains that it's his goal to crush all possibility of hope in the world, and then takes a massive laser to it. That was total 'Oh shit fuck fuck shit fuck shit'.

Posted: 2005-01-28 08:36pm
by Tasoth
Darksider wrote:

It's been a long time since I played Skies of Arcadia, but didn't the massive air whale thing rip apart the Ahab dudes airship, and didn't he go down with it?
No. it came up from beneath and sent his son over the edge of the boat. You find out that its the world saddest creature in when you make it to the land of the purple moon.

Posted: 2005-01-28 09:40pm
by RedImperator
Madden NFL 2004, leading in the NFC championship game by six with less than three minutes in the fourth. Trying to run out the clock, picking up four, five, six yards a carry slamming the ball between the tackles against an exhausted defense. Running back gets tired, backup comes in to give him a breather.

First play, son of a bitch fumbles on my opponent's thirty, they recover, run the fucking thing all the way back. And of course, after they kick the ball back to me, their defense suddenly rallies and stops me cold--turnover on downs with one minute left. They take three knees and that's the game.

I managed not to destroy the controller, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

Posted: 2005-01-28 09:45pm
by Seggybop
For the record, I was glad when Aeris died.

Posted: 2005-01-28 09:57pm
by Admiral Bravo
Star Wars Bounty Hunter: When Montross not only kills Raz (I think thats her name :? It's been a while since I've played Bounty Hunter) who was like a mother to Jango, but also blows up the space station she was on, prbably killing hundreds or thousands. For those who have not played the game I wont spoil the way he dies but it's grusome. :twisted: after you beat Montross a hoard of cultists jump Montross and appearently skins him or eats him alive, while Montross is screaming in pain and yelling for Jango's help, who ignores him and walks away.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: On the final mission when your old boss pays you a visit Lance doublecrosses you and rats you out dispite everything they've been through, I mean come on that's pretty cold-blooded.

Posted: 2005-01-28 10:05pm
by Admiral Bravo
Forgot to mention Jedi Outcast as well. When Dessan has Tavion supposedly kill Jan my first reaction was "you fucking basterds!!" this was meant to both Dessan and the developers. Suprise, suprise when I find out they only wounded her, but it was still nice to hack apart Tavion and Dessan for fucking with Kyle's mind.

Posted: 2005-01-28 10:11pm
by redswingline
Seggybop wrote:For the record, I was glad when Aeris died.
Out of curiosity, why? I thought she was the greatest love interest for the main character of a videogame I'd ever come across. It was one of my "YOU BASTARD" moments, which is why I ask.

Posted: 2005-01-28 10:27pm
by Trogdor
Seggybop wrote:For the record, I was glad when Aeris died.
Personally I was hoping that Yuffie would bite it, too. Materia stealing bitch. I was so very pissed at her for that. Hell I was more pissed at her for that than I was at Sephiroth for killing Aeris (the only reason I really cared about Aeris was because she was a good magic user)
But I got to beat Yuffie up in Kingdom Hearts as much as I wanted :twisted:

RA2, when General Vladamir gets pissed at you for destroying the Psychic Amplifier and nukes Chigaco to get back at you.

Star Trek: New Worlds, when you discover the group of weak aliens you're helping were really just using you while they waited for their "gods" to return.

Birth of the Federation. Spending three hours building a nice little space empire, keeping the stupid Klingons at bay, and then having a Borg cube reduce your civilization to mere shell of its former self.