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Rome Total War Mods
Posted: 2005-02-08 06:48pm
by weemadando
Are there any mods that people recommend? And why do you recommend them? And are they compatible with v1.2?
Posted: 2005-02-08 06:59pm
by Fire Fly
I believe no mods are compatible with 1.2 yet....
Re: Rome Total War Mods
Posted: 2005-02-08 07:01pm
by Captain Cyran
weemadando wrote:Are there any mods that people recommend? And why do you recommend them? And are they compatible with v1.2?
SPQR mod.
First off, no it is not compatible with v1.2 as far as I know.
Things it changes
1. The Roman units are now all in red, like normal troops, instead of the different colors.
2. The map is vastly different, a lot more territories added, lots of fun.
3. Building times, in my view, are more accurate. Many things take less time then they did in vanilla except advancing your city, which takes far longer as you are, basically, rebuilding the city.
4. Hoplites and the like are no longer naked men running around, they actually have armor now (And the spartans look fucking scary). On the same note, not sure if this is true in the vanilla or not, but the Spartans do not run, they fight to the last man in the SPQR mod.
5. Unit attributes have been changed, such as defense and attack values.
6. Training units takes 0 turns, so you can pump out as many as you have money for per turn.
7. Unit sizes are changed. This is one of my gripes with the mod, the Roman units have been knocked down to 52 men per unit, while most of the other units for factions have not changed much if at all. It's really tough when other groups have an almost 2 to 1 ratio in their favor.
8. My other gripe, they switched Triarii into phalanxmen instead of just normal spearmen. They used to be at least somewhat useful, now I don't bother with them at all, especially as there are only 52 of them.
Posted: 2005-02-08 08:01pm
by Arrow
I have a file that mods the game to decrease squalor and barracks/range build times. I also modified the game to give me first legionary cohorts (2 turn build time by default).
Posted: 2005-02-09 04:12am
by wautd
Always been a huge fan of the
total realism mod. Historically more accurate names & units, cool skins, more provinces, tweaked unit stats, added buildings, lower civil unrest, etc etc... It changes a ton that it's almost a different game
read here for all changes
Since yesterday I started back on vanilla 1.2 tough
Posted: 2005-03-02 04:03am
by wautd
Just came along
Napoleonic Total War 2
Looks very promising indeed
Posted: 2005-03-02 04:34am
by Ypoknons
Other recommendations ...
Released mod
Chivalry Total War, the Medieval Themed Mod
(Demo Released)
CTW Site
Unreleased Mods:

Blue Lotus, A 'Asian' Fantasy Mod
Sengoku Jidai, the feudal Japan realism mod
Posted: 2005-03-02 04:43am
by wautd
God I love this game. Not only is the original one of the best games ever, it comes with tonnes of sweet sweet mods

Re: Rome Total War Mods
Posted: 2005-03-02 08:00am
by Ace Pace
Captain Cyran wrote:7. Unit sizes are changed. This is one of my gripes with the mod, the Roman units have been knocked down to 52 men per unit, while most of the other units for factions have not changed much if at all. It's really tough when other groups have an almost 2 to 1 ratio in their favor.
IIRC, the historical ratio was something around that, but I blame your PC, I have 100+ men units using the Huge size.
You should look into tweaking it yourself, but as you said, its not 1.2 compatible.