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Looking for Feedback from D20/D&D 3.X players

Posted: 2005-02-14 01:23am
by Solauren
Hello all

I've been working on a D&D/D20 Database program for a while now (as some of you might remember me mentioning in the Hall of Shame when my 80 GB HD died and my work to date with it...)

Anyway, thanks to the efforts of my girlfriend, I'm up to the point of building and storing stuff in tables and making the forms, etc. I'm building the database again

I have the basic core of the Spell/Psionics Section up. I'm not looking for beta-testers right NOW, since it's still in MS-Access (I'll port it into Visual Basic or Visual C++ later)

However, I'd like to know what people think of it visually.

So, I took screen shots of the Fireball spell loading up in the program

Please, let me know what you think

Image #1
Image #2
Image #3

#1 is where you enter in the various classes and level of the spell in each class-list, as well as the Schools, Subschools, Descriptors and Components that apply to the spell in question
#2 is all the good stuff you find in the Player's Handbook entry
#3 is for putting in the details of any components of the spell that require it. It's this way for the people that want to be able to sort or look up that kind of information

I am considering for #4 a system for constructing Epic level spells, and for #5 making new spells from stratch using the rules in Mongoose Publishing's Quintessential Wizard 2

I have the basics of the Class Spell list form working, but before I post that, I wanna get basic 'yeah, I could figure this out' stuff from people

ANd please, I don't care if it's color-ugly or something right now.
My motto is 'get it working, get it easy to follow, then make it pretty'

Posted: 2005-02-14 01:27am
by Rogue 9
Looking good. Such a system could be useful. I've often contemplated a spell spreadsheet and database for my own use, but I'm too lazy to put it together. :P

Posted: 2005-02-14 01:30am
by Solauren
That's just the start.

After I get the spell section working (something needed with my current campaign group. 1 Psion/Monk, 1 Sorceror/Favoured One, 1 Dragon/Wizard, 1 Ranger/Cleric, 1 Barbarian/Sorceror, 1 Palaldin/Cleric, gelsalt rules)..

I'm going throught the PHBK chapter by chapter and getting the program to handle the information in there, including probably handling Pre-Reqs

(And before anyone mentions them, I have a rather strong dislike of PC-Tools, E-tools, and Campaign Suite)

Posted: 2005-02-14 04:31pm
by Melchior
Graphically, you should reduce the size of the "School" "Sub School" etc. fonts. It looks unbalanced.
On the other hand, I like the color scheme.
Oh, I would like to take part in the beta testing, if you need it.

Posted: 2005-02-14 04:43pm
by Dead_Ghost
Very nifty indeed. I'll second Rogue 9 post: looking very good! I know a bunch of people who would kill to get their hands on a database like that!

Posted: 2005-02-15 11:13pm
by Solauren
I'm made a minor cosmetic changes to the Spell Form and I've added a screen shot of the Class Spell List Form

Edited Spell Form Tab 1

Class Spell List Form

Thoughts are welcomed.

Posted: 2005-02-16 04:52am
by Dead_Ghost
Nice. Simple, yet functional. Easy to get what the user wants, along with a complete description and possibilities/restrictions. 8)
Melikes! :D