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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter Assault
Posted: 2005-02-15 09:00pm
by XaLEv
Yep, it's an expansion. ... 18560.html
here, is a teaser screenshot of three Baneblades fighting Chaos Marines.
Posted: 2005-02-15 09:05pm
by Rogue 9
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. But as awesome as those tanks look, though, Guard will get friggin' raped early game due to the craptasticness of their infantry.
Posted: 2005-02-15 09:17pm
by Azazel
While I am happy for an expansion, I wanted another race beside imperial guard. I wanted to see dark eldar or necrons or tau.
Posted: 2005-02-15 10:11pm
by Lancer
heh, Necrons or Tau.
What about all the elite non-SM units? Cadian Shocktroopers?
Posted: 2005-02-15 10:21pm
by White Haven
IG...eeh...I'm doubtful about that. How do you model the fact that they tend to get a bit crumbly around the mental edges when Chaos glances at them wrong?
Posted: 2005-02-15 10:43pm
by Shinova
White Haven wrote:IG...eeh...I'm doubtful about that. How do you model the fact that they tend to get a bit crumbly around the mental edges when Chaos glances at them wrong?
Piss-poor morale, probably.
Posted: 2005-02-15 10:49pm
by Rogue 9
I could have told you that.
They have no morale as it is in Dawn of War.
Posted: 2005-02-15 11:16pm
by InnocentBystander
Fun - say, why don't we play Dawn of War evenings anymore?
Posted: 2005-02-15 11:49pm
by White Haven
Innocent: My X-COM addiction.
As for IG, it'd be more appropriate to have a Commisar as a sergeant, and have him start shooting IG troopers when morale fails.
Posted: 2005-02-15 11:49pm
by DPDarkPrimus
InnocentBystander wrote:Fun - say, why don't we play Dawn of War evenings anymore?
Because our firewalls hate us and won't let us play DoW any more.
Posted: 2005-02-16 12:15am
by Temjin
Time to upgrade the ram...
Posted: 2005-02-16 12:21am
by weemadando
I demand a Tyrannid expansion!
Posted: 2005-02-16 12:48am
by Thirdfain
You know what would kick ass? Dark Eldar. They wouldn't need upgrades or Relics to produce more advanced units, rather, they'd need to capture slaves (with some special slave capturing unit) from enemy squads with broken morale. The more slaves they had captured, the wider the range of units they could build would be.
Wouldn't that kick ass?
Posted: 2005-02-16 12:50am
by Rogue 9
White Haven wrote:As for IG, it'd be more appropriate to have a Commisar as a sergeant, and have him start shooting IG troopers when morale fails.
Yeah, but then you no longer have Guardsmen to fight with when their morale recovers.
Posted: 2005-02-16 12:57am
by White Haven
Which is par for the course for the Guard.
Posted: 2005-02-16 12:57am
by Rogue 9
So why the hell would anyone attach Commissars, then?
Posted: 2005-02-16 01:11am
by White Haven
Because otherwise, they break, rout, and if you're fighting Chaos, join the enemy. Your choice.
Posted: 2005-02-16 01:44am
by fgalkin
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2005-02-16 02:35am
by Shinova
I'm a little sad they didn't put in the more exotic races like the Tyranids or the Necrons (I really wanted to see what the Necrons would be like).
Posted: 2005-02-16 02:40am
by Rogue 9
White Haven wrote:Because otherwise, they break, rout, and if you're fighting Chaos, join the enemy. Your choice.
Either way, I'm going to learn to play Guard just for the sweetass tanks.
They don't have mecha units, do they? It pains me to have to rely on Dreadnoughts second tier.
Posted: 2005-02-16 03:07am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Rogue 9 wrote:White Haven wrote:Because otherwise, they break, rout, and if you're fighting Chaos, join the enemy. Your choice.
Either way, I'm going to learn to play Guard just for the sweetass tanks.
They don't have mecha units, do they? It pains me to have to rely on Dreadnoughts second tier.
While the pictured Baneblades are superheavies in the same playing field at the Titans (huge mech things), I'm surprised they even put Baneblades in so I doubt we'll see Titans. The only mech-like vehicle the Guard uses is the Sentinel scout walker, which is, well, a scout and pretty similar to an AT-ST. Expect the Leman Russ MBT to be your bread and butter, the Baneblade is likely a superunit, given its insane armament:
- Forward twin-linked heavy bolters
- Two sponson-mounted twin-linked heavy bolters
- Two turret-mounted lascannons (side turrets)
- Hull-mounted "Demolisher" cannon. Imagine the most destructive weapon in DoW, then add a bit more.
- Turret-mounted Baneblade-optimized battlecannon
- Co-axial autocannon (the Predator's main gun)
Posted: 2005-02-16 03:11am
by Rogue 9
There are three of 'em in that screenshot, though... Figure they're like the Land Raider, take up five vehicle points but don't have a single-unit cap like the other superunits?
Oh, and they'd better up-armor the Leman Russ from Dawn of War. That thing just sucked.
Edit: And I'm failing to see the sponson mounts and the Demolisher in the shot. See everything else, though.
Posted: 2005-02-16 03:29am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Given the Guard ethos of quantity over quality, multiple superunits is unsurprising. The main problem is it doesn't look like the damn thing will
fit on some of the urban maps, even scaled down as it is. The heavy bolter sponsons should be directly underneath the side turrets. The hull-mounted Demolisher is in front and very short.
And yes, I imagine the Leman Russ will get an overhaul, and the battlecannon changed to a more proper direct-fire. Variants will probably also be put in, like the Demolisher (which mounts the cannon of the same name) and Exterminator. Maybe if we're lucky even Vanquishers and Executioners.
(Guard is my main tabletop army and I'm a total treadhead when it comes to them, so I'm a wee bit biased here)
Actual model
Posted: 2005-02-16 03:31am
by XaLEv
Posted: 2005-02-16 03:36am
by wautd
Hmm.. I dunno if i'll buy it. Not that DoW was bad but got tired of it pretty fast (unlike R:TW).