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Killing Animated Popups

Posted: 2005-02-15 11:14pm
by Pablo Sanchez
The most annoying pop-ups for me are the bullshit animated windows that appear on IE (yeah, I still use IE, fuck you) and float across the screen, and apparently they defy the built-in popup killer. What free program can I get that will murder these bitches?

Re: Killing Animated Popups

Posted: 2005-02-15 11:16pm
by Chmee
Pablo Sanchez wrote:The most annoying pop-ups for me are the bullshit animated windows that appear on IE (yeah, I still use IE, fuck you) and float across the screen, and apparently they defy the built-in popup killer. What free program can I get that will murder these bitches?
Firefox browser w/Adblock plugin enabled.

Posted: 2005-02-15 11:22pm
by sketerpot
Well, aside from the obvious solution of not using IE, there are several things you could be talking about. Are they actual new windows that pop up? Are they annoying Flash or JavaScript pseudo-windows that position themselves over your browser window?

If you want to filter out stuff like that, you might try the Proxomitron. It's a fairly easy to set up proxy, and it's customizable. is the site. used to be the Proxomitron site and now contains links to some other good programs for the same thing. One of those is probably better, but I haven't used any of them so I can't recommend them with any authority.

Long live Firefox!

Re: Killing Animated Popups

Posted: 2005-02-16 12:22am
by Praxis
Pablo Sanchez wrote:The most annoying pop-ups for me are the bullshit animated windows that appear on IE (yeah, I still use IE, fuck you) and float across the screen, and apparently they defy the built-in popup killer. What free program can I get that will murder these bitches?
Most...resist...saying it...

Free program? FireFox w/adblock, or Safari w/PithHelmet (yeah, go buy a Mac just to get rid of ads ;) ).

Posted: 2005-02-16 01:03am
by Datana
If you decide to use Proxomitron, good filters are essential. You can try looking here for a few premade ones (the JD5000 and Grypen sets are probably the best), or you can make your own.

Posted: 2005-02-16 01:06am
by Pablo Sanchez
I'm using firefox now. Whatever. Fixed.