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All of a sudden, my computer is lagging and is slow...

Posted: 2005-02-20 08:55am
by HemlockGrey
All of a sudden, my computer is acting like shit. Rome: Total War runs at a crawl. Call of Duty lags. I didn't change anything; it's a 1.50Ghz Inspiron 600m with over 17 gigs of free space, a paging file set to 1gig, 384 MB of RAM, and an ADSL wireless connection, yet all of a sudden all my games have been running slow. WTF?

Posted: 2005-02-20 09:52am
by Petrosjko
Virus and spyware sweep on the double. If that comes up negative, I can't really say without knowing more about your system, but any time the system performance dogs out rapidly, that's the first thing you should do.

Posted: 2005-02-20 10:36am
by HemlockGrey
I hit my system with SpyBot, no dice. Know any good virus sweepers?

Posted: 2005-02-20 10:44am
by General Zod
AVG is a fairly good free antivirus utility. alternatively, how often do you defrag your hd? i've found that a really fragmented drive can have an impact on system performance sometimes.

Posted: 2005-02-20 10:49am
by HemlockGrey
Shit man I NEVER defrag I'll have to do try that it sounds like it might help, thanks ya know?

Posted: 2005-02-20 11:17am
by Psycho Smiley
HemlockGrey wrote:Shit man I NEVER defrag I'll have to do try that it sounds like it might help, thanks ya know?
If you've never done it before, don't be surprised if it takes for-fucking-ever. It should be part of your weekly/monthly maintenance schedule.

Posted: 2005-02-20 01:06pm
by White Haven
Spybot, Adaware, get the Spysweeper trial, try the Microsoft Antispyware beta if you're running XP. Set yourself to view hidden folders, then go to:

c:\documents and settings\<your user name>\local settings\temp
c:\documents and settings\<your user name>\local settings\temporary internet files

Delete the contents of both. Then run AVG. Then run HijackThis and post the log in the HijackThis log thread.

*chuckles dryly* I do this shit at work every day. :)