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Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Posted: 2005-03-01 02:45am
by Kamakazie Sith
Posted: 2005-03-01 03:31am
by wautd
tried the demo once. I think it had potential... after you beat the high learning curve
Posted: 2005-03-01 04:04pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
It's a very good game, although I didn't play through the last two missions because they're very difficult and I don't have the patience anymore to play through the same mission over and over. There are a few missions before the endgame that are really frustrating, as well. Overall, though, it's excellent.
Posted: 2005-03-01 04:05pm
by weemadando
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the game built using the RTS space engine from the axed IG3?
Posted: 2005-03-01 04:12pm
by Dahak
It's really a nice game.
Sometimes quite challenging. And nice explosions

Posted: 2005-03-01 04:28pm
by White Haven
I still laugh at all the people on the Nexus forums who whine that Big Bang missile-spamming doesn't always work. I went in close and combined-armsed (is that a word?) the bejesus out of them in close quarters.

Next-to-last mission was FUN, a straight-up none-shall-pass-bitch hold the line against an unholy swarm of asswhoop. Specially when the Vardrags show up.

Fun game, not perfect, but I had a helluva good time.
Posted: 2005-03-01 09:48pm
by Jadeite
weemadando wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the game built using the RTS space engine from the axed IG3?
Imperium Galactica III got canceled?
Posted: 2005-03-01 11:09pm
by weemadando
Jadeite wrote:weemadando wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the game built using the RTS space engine from the axed IG3?
Imperium Galactica III got canceled?
I was sure it was canned in early 2003.
Posted: 2005-03-02 10:54am
by White Haven
First, there was Imperium Galactica 3, and it was Good. There was a leaked Matrox tech demo, that was good. Then it died. Then there was Galaxy Andromeda, and it was good, and people said:
People wrote:Wait just a damn minute, this is Imperium Galactica 3!
And it was true, for it was IG3. Then it died. Then there was Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. And it was good, and again the people said:
People wrote:Wait just a damn minute, this is Imperium Galactica 3 and Galaxy Andromeda!
And it was true, for it was Imperium Galactica 3 and Galaxy Andromeda. And Lo! This one made it to release. But before all could be good and right in the world, Nexus was beset by the Ruinous Powers of Vivendi Universal. In their foolishness, the developers allowed Vivendi to manage US distribution for Nexus, and hence what the rest of the planet got in November, the North American Frontier received in February. Thus, did the Lord our Gogamer distribute sweet imported bounty upon the United States, allowing starving gamers to partake in Nexus, while simultaneously delivering The Finger to Vivendi.
And it was good.
Posted: 2005-03-02 08:35pm
by White Haven
Meh. Gamers these days always want their stuff spoon-fed. EMPLOY THE NOGGIN!
Posted: 2005-03-02 09:28pm
by Locutus_8472
Forgive my laziness for expecting the game developers to even give me a inkling of how to play their damn game.
Indeed. It is SOP for game Devs to include
some info. I have never before this seen a game devoid of instruction of any kind, maybe the full US release will include one. *Hopes*
Posted: 2005-03-02 10:32pm
by Stark
I didn't like it.
Posted: 2005-03-02 10:54pm
by White Haven
That's mainly why I was smackin ya, man, I knew it did come with docs.

Posted: 2005-03-03 02:16am
by PeZook
Didn't like it. Looked awesome at first, with it's "low-tech sci-fi" feel, but then it had to go into full cliche mode. I could predict the plot from the third mission onwards, and gameplay itself wasn't entertaining enough to stop me from wincing.
As an added bonus, it was really buggy.
Posted: 2005-03-03 02:40am
by wautd
The single player story is supposed to be excellent iirc
Posted: 2005-03-03 04:49am
by Stark
PeZook is right. With the beginning, and 2001-style long transit times and general low-tech, it was cool. Then it became a walking talking cliche of gayness, and you got to use your 'famous' ship for two whole missions. WOW. It quickly became quite generic, which was disappointing. I wouldn't call the story anything special: indeed I found the characterisation laughable.