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KOTOR 2 - The Outrage

Posted: 2005-03-07 12:44pm
by Steven Snyder
Well well seems our friends at Obsidian didn't bother to remove all the deleted scenes from KOTOR 2 when it came out on PC. This has lead to a firestorm because we now know what Lucasarts forced them to cut from the game to get it out on time.

Linky to
KOTOR2: The Incompletion Controversy
By Craig Dixon

In 2003, Knights of the Old Republic was released to enthralled fans and critics alike. An engrossing story that rivaled that of the movies, impressive, addictive gameplay, and interesting, deep characters helped to make Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic into the 2003 game of the year. Fast forward to December 2004, and the sequel to the 2003 game of the year is already on the shelves, and flying off of them just as quickly. It seemed like a very short time to develop an epic successor to KOTOR. "How can anyone make a game worthy of the KOTOR title under such a deadline?" was the question being asked by fans and professional game critics alike, the task just didn't seem possible. It was indeed too good to be true.

In December 2004, game reviewers at sites such as IGN and Gamespot, brought a sigh of relief to fans of the series around the world when they reported that the game indeed managed to fill the shoes of its older sibling, despite the fact it was developed by Obsidian this time around instead of Bioware. Not only was it given high marks by numerous reviewers, more recently it was awarded "Game of The Year" by RPG Vault and "RPG of the Year" by RPGDot, in addition to similar awards by other groups. Upon initial release the game sales were quite pleasing for LucasArts...of course that was the intention of the December deadline after all. Booming sales, great ratings, awards...the game must be incredible, right? Not quite. Many gamers have since changed their view on the game upon completion.

Upon reaching the later events of KOTOR2, it becomes clearly evident that the game has suffered greatly from its short time in development. It's been uttered on forums around the internet but no major site has been willing to admit it or say it...LucasArts rushed this game onto shelves for holiday sales before it was ready to be released. The latter part of the game is clearly missing cut scenes, certain subplots and many elements of the main plot are left unresolved, gaping plot holes emerge that are never explained, supporting characters of the player character's party completely disappear from the game, never to appear again, with NO explanation as to where they are (evidence of these issues can be found by clicking on the hyperlinks that are provided at the bottom of the page). Bugs have ruined entire files, many gamers have reported constant crashes, having to restart the game entirely, quests that cannot be completed due to bugs, and a generally poor frame rate. The final cut scene, what some people have called a "cliff hanger" is lacking in even the slightest bit of resolve to be considered a cliff hanger.

Let's take a look at "The Empire Strikes Back", which some people have inaccurately compared the game to. "Empire" was a true cliff hanger, it was an example of masterful story telling, and though it was a cliff hanger even it had some resolve, enough to let you comprehend the story. Luke is rescued from his certain doom and is given a new robotic hand, Leia and Luke look out from aboard a Rebel ship into the galaxy knowing they face more challenges. I won't give away any "spoilers" (if it's possible for this non-ending to have any) but the ending would be comparable to ending "Empire" at the moment when Han is frozen. Complete games, books, movies, or any form of medium that is telling a story simply do not end in such a manner! It's preposterous!

In the past few weeks, problems that have arisen as a result of the game's incomplete state have become more and more evident. Numerous audio clips containing lines of cut dialogue have been found within folders on the game discs, events from the games original script that were cut (such as a more fleshed out ending) have also emerged.

One of the strongest pieces of evidence to support the accusations of the game's incompletion is a sub-plot involving G0T0 and Bao-Dur's remote droid. A conflict arises between the two in a video sequence that was left in game and yet a resolution is never shown on-screen.

According to the development team themselves in a recent interview with RPG Vault "...we had this incredible design for a planet of droids. We actually did the first pass on art and built the character models for the location. But we had to look at the schedule and make a big cut after E3. We cut the entire planet. " Not surprisingly, it was a planet you were to visit late in the game‘s progression. What was the reason for cutting it? Time constraints. This comment reveals just how damaging this deadline that LucasArts gave to Obsidian was to the development of a complete game with a fleshed-out story.

Upon finishing the game it becomes apparent that visiting the cut planet was important not only for sub-quests involving HK-47 (subquests that cannot be completed in the released version), but it becomes obvious that the events that were supposed to transpire were central to explaining other events on Malachor V. It was central to explaining the resolution between G0T0 and the remote droid. More importantly, it was a key to explaining the final cut scene which currently makes little to no sense, it gives absolutely no explanation of what has happened to the characters or what is going to happen next...and then...the credits roll.

A growing number of fans are upset, angry, and concerned. A petition has been posted at demanding that LucasArts and Obsidian take the time and effort needed to re-insert these vital elements back into the game, address other technical bugs, and frame rate issues that plague the game. It is perplexing that the critics have rated the game so highly, one has to wonder how many of them actually completed the game before reviewing it, regardless, their opinions are being increasingly countered by paying customers who are learning that the game is not quite as spectacular as "professional" gaming reviewers have been claiming.

Numerous events, found in the original script can be found in this thread.

Some of the audio tracks cut from the game have leaked onto the internet, they can be found at the Obsidianent Forums.

If you would like to sign the petition, it can be found at PetitionOnline.

This is an important petition to those who feel KOTOR2 was severely damaged by pressure from its deadline. Beyond the purpose of having KOTOR2's story told in its original intended manner, it will send a message to LucasArts that fans feel it is unacceptable to sacrifice the quality of such a potentially fantastic series in order for quicker profit. This petition is for the sake of preserving the value of story telling in the Star Wars universe. To many, the stories Star Wars provides us with are the reason we hold it dear.

We are all aware LucasArts is a business before anything else, but this petition will also send them another message, they will lose fans if they continue their trends of rushing developers and in turn, lose money. Their Christmas deadline was not financially sound in the long-run. A number of people who bought KOTOR2 on launch day without waiting to hear the opinions of others will not be doing so with KOTOR3. I know I won't be. Many people have even claimed to be done supporting LucasArts altogether. If they want our support as customers they need to be willing to release complete products as we are paying full prices.

For additional reading on the issue:
Christopher Buecheler, a member of Gamespy's staff, has expressed his own thoughts on the game, and has expressed his own dissatisfaction with the game's current state of incompletion. He goes against the trend of industry writers who hold the game in high regard. He shares evidence proving that KOTOR2's quality has suffered due to deadline cutting. That editorial can be found at The Resident Cynic: A Rush and A Push.

Craig Dixon
March 4th, 2005

Posted: 2005-03-07 03:18pm
by Ryoga
I'm not at all surprised about the 'professional reviewers not even completing the game' angle. Really, game mags are shit and have been for many, many years....sometimes they don't even bother playing the games at all (Megaman X and his pal Rush...). So, the fact that they could give KOTOR2 high marks in spite of its flaws doesn't surprise me at all.

Posted: 2005-03-07 04:07pm
by Steven Snyder
Ryoga wrote:I'm not at all surprised about the 'professional reviewers not even completing the game' angle. Really, game mags are shit and have been for many, many years....sometimes they don't even bother playing the games at all (Megaman X and his pal Rush...). So, the fact that they could give KOTOR2 high marks in spite of its flaws doesn't surprise me at all.
I could care less about the reviewers, I am steamed at Lucasarts because of all of what was cut from the game. Especially the little section called a cohesive ending...

Instead of everyone coming to terms with what is going down we get an odd stint on Malachor where we really don't know who is alive or dead. We play as Mira or the Wookie for no apparent reason, then play the Remote only to start a plotline with GOTO that never gets resolved, then the exile fights through hordes of Sith until he kill Darth Traya for no apparent reason.

Once you add in what was deleted, then everything makes sense. But until then you are left trying to fill in the pieces yourself while thinking WTF?

This isn't a fucking flaw, this is an incomplete game.

Posted: 2005-03-07 07:13pm
by Big Phil
I'm playing KOTOR again, for about the 10th time, because the lack of a cohesive polot in KOTOR II just annoys me. KOTOR was a great game, KOTOR II is half of a great game.

I suppose we could hope that LucasArts and Obsidian release patches to fix the game and re-insert what was dropped, but that's not likely.

Posted: 2005-03-07 11:13pm
by Vicious
I had a hell of alot of fun during about 3/4ths of the game. Great writing, fun quests and a storyline that made sense was cool. Then I returned to Dantooine to meet the Jedi Masters and... :shock: there's no game. It's just random cutscenes and battles which have no relevance to each other since half the cutscenes are missing. I still enjoyed the 3/4ths that made sense, but the ending cheapened the ride. Sorta like an awesome roller coaster that just flattens out and goes straight for the last quarter. It's fun as hell in the beginning and middle, and just leaves you wondering at the end.

Posted: 2005-03-07 11:21pm
by Vympel
I don't blame the reviewers- I mean really, it's a long game, you play through over half of it, it kicks ass, you give it a good review. The review goes out. You keep playing, the ending sucks balls and makes no sense whatsoever. And the bugs ...

I mean, on the second time around in my Dark Side game my play has been stalled by the infamous Dantooine black-screen bug- I haven't killed Kavar or found Vash yet, but I went to Dantooine first to get the [YOURNAME] crystal and because I couldn't take on Vrook, left for Nar Shadda. I did Nar Shadda, came back to kill Vrook really bloody easily, and I get the damn black-screen bug. I *could* go to Dxun/Onderon/Korriban, but I don't want to. The patch better bloody fix this annoying bug.

At least my reformat got rid of that annoying hard crash for KOTOR 2. I didn't do so for KOTOR or SW Battlefront (or Chronicles of Riddick)- so it's VIA chipsets fault with their shitfuck motherboards, not the developers ...

Posted: 2005-03-08 09:01am
by Steven Snyder
Vympel wrote:I haven't killed Kavar or found Vash yet...
From reading those threads on Obsidian, Vash was 'cut' from the game, which explains her abrupt death.

Posted: 2005-03-08 05:32pm
by Darth Fanboy
Steven Snyder wrote:
Vympel wrote:I haven't killed Kavar or found Vash yet...
From reading those threads on Obsidian, Vash was 'cut' from the game, which explains her abrupt death.
I was disappointed, one fewer Jedi to butcher. Sion was disppointingly easy.

Posted: 2005-03-09 10:48am
by Steven Snyder
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Steven Snyder wrote:
Vympel wrote:I haven't killed Kavar or found Vash yet...
From reading those threads on Obsidian, Vash was 'cut' from the game, which explains her abrupt death.
I was disappointed, one fewer Jedi to butcher. Sion was disppointingly easy.
I like the lost-jedi challenging Kreia thing. It kinda explains where everybody was on Malachor.
Challenging Kreia <Takes place no matter what. Lines involving Mira may not be present, if Mira isn't in the party. Interesting that Bao-Dur may be a Jedi, but he isn't present in any of this. From the note included with the dialogue the party has before they approach Kreia, the party's discussion of planning an attack shouldn't occur. I still include it, because I like it. I had to guess on who said most of it, but it seems about right. Takes place right as the Exile enters the Academy.>

{[Gameplay Programmer: DO NOT SCRIPT THIS. Kreia is sitting in the middle of the Trayus Core, meditating.]}

Mira: {Quietly}I say we fire a rocket at her right now, and blow her screaming, burning body into the heart of this planet.

Atton: It wouldn't work- if there were other distractions, maybe, if she wasn't telepathic, maybe. If you want to kill her like that, you need something else to occupy her attention, otherwise you might just wound her. And then we'd all be in trouble.

Disciple/Handmaiden: This battle will not be decided by weapons.

Visas: You are wrong. Manipulation is Kreia's strength, not battle. We have a chance... we just have to figure out how to make use of it. Let us see what transpires... and plan our attack.{[Gameplay Programmer: Pauses, looks around, realizes that Atton is gone.]}{[Gameplay Programmer: Fight between Atton and Kreia, short, quick, brutal.]}

<Kreia sits back down, if the above occurs. If so, Atton doesn't give his line, nor does she speak to him at the end.>

Mira: {With weapon at the ready}We've come a long way, Kreia... don't bother getting up.

Kreia: {Indulgent, doesn't move}Ah, the huntress. To come alone... you are braver than I thought.

Disciple/Handmaiden: She is not alone. We stand with her. And with her, stand all the Jedi.{Strides in, behind other Jedi, lightsaber raised}

Atton: And now I come in, saying something suitably heroic.

Kreia: {Mild contempt, doesn't even bother getting up}Children with lightsabers... {smiles contemptuously, beat}but not Jedi, I think.

Kreia: {[Gameplay Programmer: Kreia gets up.]}Come close, let me look upon you and see what the exile's teaching has forged.

Kreia: {[Gameplay Programmer: Looks across the "heroes," camera pans across them - just do a series of close ups if we have no animated camera]}An assassin, a slayer of her own kin, a blinded slave... and a fool.{Indulgent}Which of you wishes to try yourselves against me? As you can see, I am unarmed.

Kreia: <turns to Handmaiden, if Exile is male> You, perhaps? Come, child, where you walk, it is not far from battle, slaughter, and the blood of your sisters.

Kreia: <turns to Disciple, if Exile is female> Come, boy, face me now - do not make this one of the many battles you have run from.

{[Disciple/Handmaiden attacks, Kreia barely moves, deftly avoiding every blow, then gets bored, and grabs the Handmaiden/Disciple by the throat, or in a Force Crush.]}

<if Exile male, to Handmaiden> Think. Think before you throw away your life for him. Think of everything you will lose by dying.Your lusts unfulfilled. A dance, unfinished. A love, requited. Think before you give it up so quickly.

<if Exile female, to Disciple> Think. Think before you throw away your life for her. Think of everything you will lose by dying. A love, requited. A hope of another life, beyond the shadow of the Jedi. {Beat before last sentence}Think before you give it up so quickly.

<presumably the Disciple/Handmaiden collapses at this point>

Kreia: {[Gameplay Programmer: Kreia turns to Visas.]}And you, blind one, you have hungered to strike me down ever since you saw the bond the exile and I share.

Visas: Can you feel the Force running through me, even past the veil, past your bloodied eyes? You know you cannot win. The Force runs strong within you, Traya, but in the howling of a storm, it is difficult to hear the whisper of the blade. You have forever been the blind one. You were given a gift few are ever given, and yet you let your gift of sight warp you, tw-

Kreia: {[Calm, like a surgeon, Kreia does Force Crush, lifting Visas up.]}You think your existence under your Lord was torture, Miraluka? I will make you see.{[Pause as Visas lies, collapsed.]}

Kreia: {Turns to Mira} And you. You were stronger than I thought - to spare the beast that wished to kill you. I felt it, faintly, even here on Malachor. Come, huntress. You have tracked me so far and killed many beasts to be here. Come, huntress. You have tracked me so far. Cast away your past for this moment. <Presumably, Kreia disables Mira somehow, probably Force Crush>

Kreia: <turns to Atton> And now... at last, the fool. You only delay the inevitable. You have been difficult to sense before... but not now. You can cloak your mind only for so long. It is only a matter of coaxing the right thought to the surface. Your desire to protect the Jedi... and the hope that will kill the guilt inside you.

Kreia: <if Exile is male> He will fall before me, you know. And when I am done with him, I will watch as he murders you with the Force.

Kreia: <if Exile is female> It is only a matter of coaxing the right thought to the surface. Your desire to protect the Jedi... and the hope that she truly cares about you...She will fall before me, you know. And when I am done with her, she will view you with all the contempt I do for a murderer such as you.

<Atton collapses in despair, or Kreia disables him with Force Crush.>

Kreia: <to Sion?> And that is the last of them. Take them. They are strong in the Force... and they will have their uses. I will remain here and await the one who comes.

Posted: 2005-03-11 10:13pm
by Assassin X
The ending made lots of sense..... if you like endings that leave you in a coma from an overload of questions and confusion.

Posted: 2005-03-12 09:19am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Having played through the game, I wouldn't say it didn't make sense... The obvious explanation is that Kreia transported you and "The Huntress"(Mira) out of the ship when no one else could get out(it was stuck) because you had to face your destiny and the huntress had to be killed.

Bao-dur probably sent his droid through one of the cracks in the ship from the, err, poor landing because it was so small.

Sure, a little more would have been nice- an end to the G0-T0 thing, and the HK-50 factory, since the lack of both of these was, I admit, quite irritating since they'd been built up. And an explanation of where the hell the Ebon Hawk came from after it had crashed.

But all in all it made mostly perfect sense to me.

Posted: 2005-03-12 11:23pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
47: Command: You will talk.
50: Defiant Statement: There is nothing you can do to me. Do your worst.
{Being electrocuted}Agonized Exclamation: Ah, my photoreceptors! My photoreceptors!
47: Statement: I shall up the charge to your circuits next time. Now answer the question.
50: {Just electrocuted, a little weak}Posturing Statement: I will never talk.
47: Statement: Then I will have to settle for your screams.
Atton: {Watching HK torture the droid, shaking his head, disturbed}That is one sick droid.
{The HK-50 unit screams in a most comical way}
47: Statement: My prisoner has revealed something of interest. Allow me to share it with you.
Statement: The facility that is creating these cruder, unsophisticated versions of me is located on Telos. I propose we go there and turn it into a smoldering crater.
I wonder if it's too late to replace C3P0 with HK-47.

Posted: 2005-03-13 12:50am
by Assassin X
Actually you brought up a great idea. I wouldnt mind HK47 instead of C3PO. As fun as it was to have the nerdy golden rod id much rather have a pissed off "Meatbag" hating droid in the movie.

:Re-does C3P0 scenes in head but with HK47: 8)

Posted: 2005-03-15 05:24pm
by Crom
So I have to ask, what happened to everyone at the end of the game? Were they all defeated by Traya, and then imprisoned until the Exile defeated her? Where was Bao-Dur? What happened to G0-T0?

Posted: 2005-03-15 05:26pm
by Vendetta
Unless Lucasarts roll over and release the proper ending, you'll never know.

Posted: 2005-03-15 07:29pm
by Datana
Crom wrote:So I have to ask, what happened to everyone at the end of the game? Were they all defeated by Traya, and then imprisoned until the Exile defeated her? Where was Bao-Dur? What happened to G0-T0?
Here's what we know from the dummied files (naturally, SPOILERS!):

- If you managed to convert most of your party, they'll band together and try to defeat Traya (who could be either Kreia or Atris, depending on alignment and influence) themselves after being convinced that you're dead. The party gets separated on Malachor and have to individually fight their way to the Trayus Core (meeting old enemies along the way like we saw with Mira and Hanharr), where they meet up again to attack Traya. They'll lose and be imprisoned until endgame. If you have lopsided influence, certain members will instead turn on each other in jealous fits (Atton against Disciple, Handmaiden against Visas) and the group will self-implode.

- Atton gets killed by Sion under some circumstances (being a non-Jedi with high influence?). He hangs on long enough to cheer on the Exile one last time if he does.

- Bao-Dur is dead. There isn't enough left in the game's files to tell how it happened, just that he sacrificed himself for some reason or another sometime between the Ravager and arriving on Malachor and left Remote with a final set of instructions (reactivating the Mass Shadow Generator).

- G0-T0 was blasted apart by HK-47. If you did the HK Factory mission, he'll get help from the HK-51 droids you can activate there, and if you didn't, the HK-50s G0-T0 brought with him refuse to attack HK-47 (with the same outcome for G0-T0). On Darkside, it looks like G0-T0 manages to reprogram HK-47 to shoot Remote instead. Either way, HK-47's pivotal to the resolution of the G0-T0-Remote confrontation.

- After the last battle, the Exile decides to head after Revan (whose location you find from Kreia or Atris), and leaves either Visas or Handmaiden behind to either "show others the way" (lightside) or to run Trayus Academy (darkside). If Atton survived, he'll come along as well.

There were numerous other cuts unrelated to the ending -- the HK Factory on Telos, planet M4-78 (and Jedi Master Vash), and a subquest in the Jedi Enclave concerning the source of the laigreks infesting it among many others.

Of course, one of the things that annoys me most is that the game music is in 10 kHz mono (well, actually 22 kHz, but with a filter that cuts off above 10 kHz) -- pathetically poor when compared with KOTOR1's music (which was 44 kHz stereo). The developer journals were constantly bragging about the efforts taken to record and master the music, and it gets pissed away due to what looks like either a lack of space on the disc or a need to accomodate the X-Box's limited memory.

Posted: 2005-03-15 10:07pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
After seeing what was cut, I now agree with you guys. I am pissed.

Posted: 2005-03-15 10:34pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
Bao-Dur is dead. There isn't enough left in the game's files to tell how it happened, just that he sacrificed himself for some reason or another sometime between the Ravager and arriving on Malachor and left Remote with a final set of instructions (reactivating the Mass Shadow Generator).
Well there's really nothing to indicate that Bao-Dur's dead. In the end where Kreia tells you of the fate of your compantions, if that part is in continuation of all the stuff that got cut, than Bao-Dur may still be alive. Maybe he's the one which brought the Ebon Hawk back from the deep. Of course that's assuming that is in continuation of what was cut.

Posted: 2005-03-15 11:20pm
by Datana
SpacedTeddyBear wrote:Well there's really nothing to indicate that Bao-Dur's dead. In the end where Kreia tells you of the fate of your compantions, if that part is in continuation of all the stuff that got cut, than Bao-Dur may still be alive. Maybe he's the one which brought the Ebon Hawk back from the deep. Of course that's assuming that is in continuation of what was cut.
True, but the tone of the message given to Remote, plus one of the few recovered sound files ("Make my sacrifice matter.") makes it more likely than not. In addition, Kreia cannot see Bao-Dur's fate -- this was stressed even earlier on in the game (see her reaction when you try to hear thoughts on the Ebon Hawk), and when you ask her about it in the Core, she changes the subject to Revan after explicitly saying that his fate is unknown to her.