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whee, computer crisis

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:47pm
by Enforcer Talen
so my buddy got a new computer, and he let me play with it. my goal was to delete aol and internet exolorrer, replacing with firefox and the asorted spyware mentioned in this forum.

I was doing pretty well, turning things off in task manager, and putting all the files I didnt want in a big 'delete me' folder, but I seemed to have turned off the wrong button.

how do I get the desktop icons and windows xp bar back?

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:53pm
by Batman
You ARE aware that removing IE from Windows is the next best thing to impossible?
Chances are you killed some of the desktop explorer functions that are tied in with IE. If you have the option to undelete, do so. Might help.
Depending on how the system was set up you might try either booting from the OS CD/DVD and trying a repair or using the system restore disc if it was a factory configured system.
More deatails would propably be helpful.

Posted: 2005-03-08 04:58pm
by Enforcer Talen
I havent deleted anything yet, just told task manager to stop running ie. it gave me a blank screen - no desktop icons.

Im trying to figure out how to bring it back.

Posted: 2005-03-08 05:11pm
by Enforcer Talen
restarting it seems to have worked. fucking laptops. ..

Posted: 2005-03-08 05:27pm
by Melchior
"explorer.exe" is one thing (if you close it, you can just run->explorer.exe, to avoid restarting)
"iexplorer.exe" is the browser, but I would advise aganist removing it. Simply ignore it and use Firefox.

Posted: 2005-03-08 05:28pm
by Batman
Enforcer Talen wrote:I havent deleted anything yet, just told task manager to stop running ie. it gave me a blank screen - no desktop icons.
Im trying to figure out how to bring it back.
Er-IE, or explorer.exe? explorer.exe sort of IS the desktop, there's no way in hell you can get rid of that without wrecking Windows that I know of. IE shouldn't be running unless you told the system to in the first place.If it was I suggest to Spybot/HijackThis the system.
Random propably completely idiotic idea-what's your friend's explorer configuration? There is a 'display folders as web folders' or some such option which MAY require IE to be active at all times. Just a thought.
I prefer the classic Win folders myself, but it's not my machine.