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What video game have you wasted the most of you life on?
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:08pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Basic question, what game have you squandered the most hours of you life on?
I'm not sure which one takes the lead, but there are three main contenders:
Starcraft Way back when I was fucked with just an iMac to play on this was the first game I encountered with online play, and for nearly a year all I played was Starcraft. Only one game can compete with the hours I speant playing this daily, all my free time was spent on til the wee hours of the morning, and never since(although Diablo II comes close) have I spent so many late nights skipping sleep to play a game.
Pokemon Red Only game to consume me as much as online play with Starcraft did, I played this game religously for about as long as I did Starcraft, only I could take it with me where ever I wanted to, and all my free time was spent on it, riding to and from school, during lunch and in classes if I could get away with it, and at home with the AC adapter, I played through it from begining to start several dozen times, and would I have to choose I game that I am the best at, it would be this.
Super Smash Bros. While I'm sure it doesn't match the hours that Starcraft or Pokemon Red has, it gets an honorable mention for how much I've played this game with my friends, last time I checked the stats on my friends copy of SSB my mind was boggled with how many matches, KOs, and hours played were on that thing.
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:11pm
by Dartzap
Pokemon blue for me, Age of Empires Two, and Super Smash Brothers Melee
Yes, i like to make sure i do everything on a game...
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:15pm
by Faram
Faram the Knight Hero
Level 31 Warrior Age: 28 years, 1 month old
Hit Points: 757(757) Mana: 72(110) Movement: 610(610)
Str: 18 Armor Class: -7
Int: 18
Wis: 18 Hitroll: 16/0
Dex: 18 Damroll: 23/0
Con: 18
Sta: 18 Quest Points: 0
Vitality: 100%
Gold Coins: 962,721 Practice Sessions: 110
You are carrying 34/36 items with a weight of 242/250 stones
Evil exudes from your body
PKs - Total: 4 Avg Points: 100 Deaths: 4
CPKs - Total: 0 Avg Points: 0 Deaths: 0
Monster Kills: 52895 Deaths: 564
Hours Played: 3388 You are standing
Summon: Cl To Am Fo Phase: Anybody
Form: Anybody Rescue: Cl To Fo
Abbrev: On Brief: None
It's a horrible timewaster...
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:41pm
by General Zod
the various final fantasy games.i rememer playing FF7 for nearly two weeks straight, using just about every ounce of freetime i had to finish everything on it. then there was chrono trigger and FF6 . . .
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:43pm
by Alex Moon
Wing Commander: Privateer. That game sucked out my soul for so long.
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:46pm
by Stravo
Civilization II and III took up many hours and especially weekends of my time. Rome Total War was a long period of just playing that game from when I purchased it in December until just recently that I've tapered off.
But Civilization is still king of the roost for the most over all time I spent playing it. I still fire it up every once in awhile and play for hours.
You know its bad when you started playing on a Saturday afternoon and you look up after a particularly brutal offensive against Ghandi and his stinking Indians over the southern half of your super contintent and see sun light peeking out over the horizon as the new day dawns.
And you more turn.
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:52pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Pokemon Silver- Played it about an hour a day when I was in seventh grade, and started playing it again for a while last summer. Probably would have lastd longer if I could find my brother's old copy of the Gold version.
SimCity 4- I don't think I'm actually playing this game anymore, I'm just endlessly placing roads, bulildings, and zones until the city tile is full, and moving on until my vision is complete. It's like cleaning a bathroom with a toothbrush, except I still manage to find enjoyment in it.
Posted: 2005-03-09 03:57pm
by InnocentBystander
Over 100 days logged playing everquest (over 3 years), but I don't feel all of those hours were wasted, I had a good time for the most part.
Starcraft had me on and off for years, hours a day, every day for several years I'm sure.
Posted: 2005-03-09 04:33pm
by Captain Cyran
I put a LOT of time into Rome: Total War. I finally managed to break myself of the addiction about two weeks ago though...
Posted: 2005-03-09 04:33pm
by Dalton
The Zelda games. Finding all those heart pieces is a bitch.
Posted: 2005-03-09 04:34pm
by Xenophobe3691
EverQuest. Easily.
Posted: 2005-03-09 04:34pm
by Captain Cyran
Destructionator XIII wrote: Also, I played Monster Rancher 2 for about 2 months straight.
I fucking HATE Monster Rancher 2. In my opinion the first one was much much better. For one Loyalty wasn't such a fucking bitch, and you didn't have to play stupid games, and you could start out with more than like, 4 different flippin monsters.
Posted: 2005-03-09 04:51pm
by Stormbringer
Stravo wrote:Civilization II and III took up many hours and especially weekends of my time. Rome Total War was a long period of just playing that game from when I purchased it in December until just recently that I've tapered off.
But Civilization is still king of the roost for the most over all time I spent playing it. I still fire it up every once in awhile and play for hours.
Oh god yeah. I've lost so much of my life to that game and the various mods for it. I downloaded Rise and Rule and sweet zombie jesus but my addiction came right back full force.
Stravo wrote:You know its bad when you started playing on a Saturday afternoon and you look up after a particularly brutal offensive against Ghandi and his stinking Indians over the southern half of your super contintent and see sun light peeking out over the horizon as the new day dawns.
And you more turn.
I don't think there is a Civ player out there that doesn't know exactly that feeling.
Posted: 2005-03-09 04:59pm
by Vendetta
Final Fantasy X.
Not just because it took me about 120 hours.
Not just because I gave up twice at the Calm Lands and started again.
Not just those things, but because by the end I realised I was just doing it to slog through and have it over with. Really did feel like I'd wasted my time by the end. (and not just because the end was so bloody disappointing)
Posted: 2005-03-09 05:00pm
by Sporkzen
Ultima Online... Played it for 7 years ... didnt play every day or anything like that but i was one of the best pvpers on the pacific shard for a while
Posted: 2005-03-09 05:28pm
by Darth Fanboy
Civilization II, especially after I learned how to customize the units. Floating DF heads conquered several maps along with my ICBMS (nukes with the range jacked up) . Civ II: Test of Time though I played unadulterated my undead Stygian armies were so much fun to play as, and I can't even begin to describe how much fun it was to play the sci fi version when I first got it.
Every Final Fantasy except for XI (stinking online), Because there are few greater pleasures in life than leveling up waaaaaaay ahead of the curve and killing those final bosses with just a couple turns. (But I still fucking hate Chocobos, if I'd have had more time levelling and less time dealing with those fucking birds......)
Fable. Not A long game but played many times through for the sheer joy of being able to take down pretty much whomever I wanted. Villager insults me? Bash him to death with the greathammer and then cut down every town guard who gets in my way afterwards. Then buying the properties of the deceased. Siding with the bandits, screwing my bitches proper. 5 Wives one in every town. Shifting alignments at will for certain items and things was nice too. wait we're talking video games here.....
SW Galactic Battlegrounds, not the greatest game in the world but when I leanred how to customize scenarios and campaigns I came up with some brutal Empire vs. gungan campaigns that had me feeling giddy. "The Hunt for Jar Jar" a particularly joyful one in which a Blizzard-1 led Imperial Army under the command of Darth Vader hunts that bastard through the swamps of naboo. butchering their way through a villiage or two before finally reaching their quarry, who usually holes himself up in asmall fort I created. I also like challenges such as screating a map where its your fledgling villiage vs. six or seven droidekas, limit the tech level to 2.
SW Rebellion. When I found the Editor for that I gladly removed Niles Ferrier and added in myself as an Imperial Dark Jedi.
Posted: 2005-03-09 06:15pm
by Uraniun235
Total Annihilation probably still holds the record for me even a couple years after I stopped playing regularly.
Posted: 2005-03-09 06:58pm
by consequences
I spent a lot of time on Castlevania Symphony of the Night, just to pick one of mine that's different from those already posted.
Watching your familiar kick the shit out of Dracula all by himself can be fun.
Posted: 2005-03-09 07:12pm
In order of total time devoted:
-Quake: Deathmatch in the computer lab after school. Consider two years straight of this. Every day.
-Morrowind: This one easily gave me two or three hundred hours. That's a satisfying amount for a single-player game.
-Final Fantasy 3/6: I played through it a dozen times on SNES, and another two dozen times via emulator. Each time getting all my guys to level 99.
-Half-Life: Played through, on hard only, at least twenty times. Probably another ten for Opposing Force.,
Posted: 2005-03-09 07:22pm
by 2000AD
The Championship Manager series. These games are so addictive they even tag an Addictiveness Rating onto your saved games.
Posted: 2005-03-09 07:44pm
by Cal Wright
Quake III
Halo 2
Gran Turismo Series
Mario Series
Sonic Series
Main stays right there. I've picked some of those games to pieces at one time.
Posted: 2005-03-09 07:57pm
by Duken
Civilization 1 - 3 have been about 1/2+ of the games i've played timewise.
Posted: 2005-03-09 08:13pm
by Archaic`
Pokémon Series: From Blue to Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, and now (Japanese Editions) Leaf Green and Emerald. If I added up my total playtime, I've got at least three months of play on them, and that's before adding in time spent on Pokémon related websites, playing other Pokémon related games, reading/writing Pokémon related books/fanfics, watching the Pokémon anime, etc, etc, etc.
And yet, I still suck at anything other than the single player experience. ^^;;;
Alpha Centauri: Probably haven't spent as much time on this as I have Pokémon, but it sure feels like it sometimes. Somewhat boring now, as it's just not a challenge outside of PBEM. And even there, I'd be hard pressed to name 10 people in the community who I thought could really give me a challenge, so long as I'm using my beloved University that is anyway.
Posted: 2005-03-09 08:48pm
by DarkSilver
Zelda Series - Just bought the Gamecube, along with the disc which has the 4 Zelda Games (Legend of Zelda, Adventures of Link, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) and Wind Waker. Next step is to get LttP on GBA, and use my GBA player to have al the major console Zelda's...then get the GBA ones. Overall, Zelda series has probably consumed more playtime for me than any other, except Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy III/VI - this one has eaten my soul, shit out it's remains, and consumed it again. Kefka was the most annoying, most twisted villan they ever created......and he gave me hell the entire time I played the game.
Final Fantasy VII - Logged in over 100 hours on this game alone, and still never beat it, Sephiroth whupped my ass time and again. I am trying to find a copy of the game, once more, so I can play it again...and this time beat the sumbitch.
Chronotrigger - 50+ hours, was a fun game. I still play it on emulator now and then.
Starcraft - Loved this game back in the day, and occassionally, I still fire it up to play a round od twenty...
Ultima Online - three long years wasted on the Oceania Shard....and tons of cash in monthly fees...
Posted: 2005-03-09 08:48pm
by mjn6172
Everquest, definately. I started playing around September of 1999, and kept going until around November of 2004. Five solid years of that damned addicting game. Civ 1/2 and Alpha Centauri also get honorable mentions, I don't want to even think about the number of times the Viking Empire has conquered the Earth