steve jackson illumianti
Posted: 2005-03-12 11:33pm
so, having gotten a few games under my belt, Im tossing out my favorite strategies. feel free to comment or post your own.
gnomes: this is by god my favorite group. simply ridiculous amounts of money. the fastest and easiest strategy is based on seeing an income 5+ out of the first turn. if you get that, you can just turtle your way to victory. the premise is you get this income 5 critter, and all your money, every round, goes into defending it. the math works like this:
game starts. income 12.
turn 1. income 12, spend 5, gain 5+ income guy. 7 money placed on him.
turn 2, 22 income, placed on him. hes now at 29, and with the +10 from being a core group, along with his natural defense, means you need 70 or more cash to take him down. . on turn 2. it gets 44 worse, every turn.
demanding bribes works extremely well. I find asking everyone, every turn, what would they pay me not to get involved works wonders. bidding wars can result, where they try to get me involved/uninvolved. one fun case is being given 10 to help them get something. at this point, I can just say, I back him, and no one else argues. when I have 75 money ready to roll, why not?
if you cant get turtle going on turn 1, getting a few 3-4 income units works just as well. I play just as agressive, and try to win by gaining groups instead of keeping money. by the 3-4 turn, earning 30 is not unusual, and then can pile on any target.
gnomes: this is by god my favorite group. simply ridiculous amounts of money. the fastest and easiest strategy is based on seeing an income 5+ out of the first turn. if you get that, you can just turtle your way to victory. the premise is you get this income 5 critter, and all your money, every round, goes into defending it. the math works like this:
game starts. income 12.
turn 1. income 12, spend 5, gain 5+ income guy. 7 money placed on him.
turn 2, 22 income, placed on him. hes now at 29, and with the +10 from being a core group, along with his natural defense, means you need 70 or more cash to take him down. . on turn 2. it gets 44 worse, every turn.
demanding bribes works extremely well. I find asking everyone, every turn, what would they pay me not to get involved works wonders. bidding wars can result, where they try to get me involved/uninvolved. one fun case is being given 10 to help them get something. at this point, I can just say, I back him, and no one else argues. when I have 75 money ready to roll, why not?
if you cant get turtle going on turn 1, getting a few 3-4 income units works just as well. I play just as agressive, and try to win by gaining groups instead of keeping money. by the 3-4 turn, earning 30 is not unusual, and then can pile on any target.